Chris was one of the sweetest gals I knew. She was quiet and unassuming, but a quality person. Her folks and mine were good friends and they were so kind to often invite our family to their 80 acre ranch down in Julian, ajoining a very large cattle ranch. "Aunt" Lois, Chris's mom, made the best burritos and was so kind and friendly. It was a place where a boy could explore and learn about all sorts of cool stuff. We shot .22's, went for hikes, visited Baja, fished in the creek and exploded a boulder on the long rural road leading to their ranch with dynamite with her dad. I have clear memories of drinking so much raw apple cider that I had a stomach ache for the rest of the day. I remember reading The Green Berets book in a hamick they had on the side of the ranch-house and wanting to be a commando one day. This was long before the SEALs and Green Berets were glorified in print and in Hollywood. Chris and I used to have great talks about all sorts of things. She was gifted in crafts, read a whole book a day, was very intelligent and a kind person. She was like that friend you never consider going on a date with, but would feel comfortable talking about anything and everything. We lost touch after graduation, but I will always have fond memories of Chris and her family.
I did not know Chris until our senior year. We became friends, and over time we became very
good friends. Chris loved to laugh & silly me, I loved to make her laugh. We hung out after graduation. It was great to spend time on the ranch in Julian. Horse rides, skeet shooting , and just the beauty.
I don't remember burritos, but her mom made a great salsa.
I drove Chris from Julian to college in San Diego.We lost touch after I joined the navy. During the refuge movement out of Vietnam, I was able to contact the White's to see if Tien had gotten out, and she did.
The last time I saw Chris was in 1981, just before I moved to WA.
Her size scared me, but unfortunately, I did not say anything.
Like Craig, I myself got to know Chris and being part of her family in our senior year. In school, Chris was my best friend. In life, she was my beloved sister. I saw the same genuine good quality in Chris that Scott and many others did. Thanks to Chris, I had a wonderful and memorable senior year. I went back to Vietnam after graduation, but often kept in touch with Chris and her family. When I returned to the US in 1975, Chris and I met up and continued our friendship as if I had never been away! We were roommates in LA for awhile after she graduated with the Masters Degree in Library Science from Oregon. Our friendship lasted over 30 years. Chris and her family were very generous. They loved to share the good time their Julian ranch had to offer. The ranch is still there. However, it's not the same without Chris and her parents... I often think of Chris and miss her very much!
It is so good to reconnect via this site. Craig, I haven't seen you since Walla Walla! What an amazing coincidence that was! Tien, you are as sweet as Chris was! I hope to see you again some time soon. The Vietnamese will always be special to me. In the Navy, I was involved in rescue missions of Vietnamese "boat people" from the vietcong and pirates. I'm so glad I got to know you, Tien!
Chris had that little laugh and giggle that was endearing and she was one smart gal. Tien, I know she loved you and saw you as her sister. You mentioned that the ranch is stil there. Is it still in the family? Is Wayne running the ranch now?
After my tour in the Navy, Chris's dad asked me to join his company and eventually consider running it for him, as Wayne didn't seem interested at that time. I had other goals, but it would have been fun to be more connected with the Whites as they each were amuzing and interesting in their own way!
Craig and Scott, just want you to know that I hold a very special place in my heart for VN vets having sat down with many over the years and their families. I was a Team Leader for many years at a Vet Center we opened in the early eighties. There are no words in the English nor any other langueage on this planet which can approximate a description of the dark side of man's violence upon one another. No one can truely know what we ask of those who serve nor the depth of gratitude we owe them. Thank you so very much for serving your country from a person who got a glimpse. Knowing Chris, she wouldn't mind me writing this to pay honor to her good friends.
Thank you for your kind words and for being involved as a Team Leader. Chris, was a quality gal and was so supportive and kind and intelligent. Sometimes greatness isn't measured in outward appearance, how we score on a test or who we hang with, but in the character of our heart. In that, Chris was a one-in-a-million! She is missed.
I knew chris from her Rancho Riveri/ CTMS days , I had gone to the gift shop to get some candied nuts or something and during the conversation,realized we had gone to the same school...we had an interest in the same kind of music , so she introduced me to the CTMS people ..I was a volenteer for the next 6-7 years ( instrument consignment booth ). we didnt know each other in school , but got to know her through our shared interest , argued politics over a bottle of wine , the importance of one group or another .
Scott Wartenberg
Chris was one of the sweetest gals I knew. She was quiet and unassuming, but a quality person. Her folks and mine were good friends and they were so kind to often invite our family to their 80 acre ranch down in Julian, ajoining a very large cattle ranch. "Aunt" Lois, Chris's mom, made the best burritos and was so kind and friendly. It was a place where a boy could explore and learn about all sorts of cool stuff. We shot .22's, went for hikes, visited Baja, fished in the creek and exploded a boulder on the long rural road leading to their ranch with dynamite with her dad. I have clear memories of drinking so much raw apple cider that I had a stomach ache for the rest of the day. I remember reading The Green Berets book in a hamick they had on the side of the ranch-house and wanting to be a commando one day. This was long before the SEALs and Green Berets were glorified in print and in Hollywood. Chris and I used to have great talks about all sorts of things. She was gifted in crafts, read a whole book a day, was very intelligent and a kind person. She was like that friend you never consider going on a date with, but would feel comfortable talking about anything and everything. We lost touch after graduation, but I will always have fond memories of Chris and her family.
Craig Lowe
I did not know Chris until our senior year. We became friends, and over time we became very
good friends. Chris loved to laugh & silly me, I loved to make her laugh. We hung out after graduation. It was great to spend time on the ranch in Julian. Horse rides, skeet shooting , and just the beauty.
I don't remember burritos, but her mom made a great salsa.
I drove Chris from Julian to college in San Diego.We lost touch after I joined the navy. During the refuge movement out of Vietnam, I was able to contact the White's to see if Tien had gotten out, and she did.
The last time I saw Chris was in 1981, just before I moved to WA.
Her size scared me, but unfortunately, I did not say anything.
Craig Lowe
Tien Ngo (Landstrom)
Like Craig, I myself got to know Chris and being part of her family in our senior year. In school, Chris was my best friend. In life, she was my beloved sister. I saw the same genuine good quality in Chris that Scott and many others did. Thanks to Chris, I had a wonderful and memorable senior year. I went back to Vietnam after graduation, but often kept in touch with Chris and her family. When I returned to the US in 1975, Chris and I met up and continued our friendship as if I had never been away! We were roommates in LA for awhile after she graduated with the Masters Degree in Library Science from Oregon. Our friendship lasted over 30 years. Chris and her family were very generous. They loved to share the good time their Julian ranch had to offer. The ranch is still there. However, it's not the same without Chris and her parents... I often think of Chris and miss her very much!
Tien (Ngo) Landstrom
Scott Wartenberg
Craig and Tien,
It is so good to reconnect via this site. Craig, I haven't seen you since Walla Walla! What an amazing coincidence that was! Tien, you are as sweet as Chris was! I hope to see you again some time soon. The Vietnamese will always be special to me. In the Navy, I was involved in rescue missions of Vietnamese "boat people" from the vietcong and pirates. I'm so glad I got to know you, Tien!
Chris had that little laugh and giggle that was endearing and she was one smart gal. Tien, I know she loved you and saw you as her sister. You mentioned that the ranch is stil there. Is it still in the family? Is Wayne running the ranch now?
After my tour in the Navy, Chris's dad asked me to join his company and eventually consider running it for him, as Wayne didn't seem interested at that time. I had other goals, but it would have been fun to be more connected with the Whites as they each were amuzing and interesting in their own way!
Craig Lowe
Hi Scott,
Did you forget the MWH flying circus?
I know this is not the right forum. but Scott were you involved with OP Frequent wind?
I was on duty at NAS Cubi Pt. when we started to fly the refuges to Clark AFB.
Then more came to Cubi P.T. I saw so many sad and confused face's getting off the C130's, it was a hard thing to see.
I was also on duty when USAF started to fly them to the US, That was a good feeling.
On a lighter note maybe? I was on duty the night the S.S. Mayaguez was seized. 5-12-1975.
That was not a fun night. The next 2 nights were even worse. Receiving calls from the
J.C.of S. I knew they didn't want to talk to me.
Scott Wartenberg
Cubi Pt, Iran, Pakistan, Oman, Diego Garcia plus many others '77-'81. Email me...would enjoy reconnecting.
Jill Fleming (Grant)
Craig and Scott, just want you to know that I hold a very special place in my heart for VN vets having sat down with many over the years and their families. I was a Team Leader for many years at a Vet Center we opened in the early eighties. There are no words in the English nor any other langueage on this planet which can approximate a description of the dark side of man's violence upon one another. No one can truely know what we ask of those who serve nor the depth of gratitude we owe them. Thank you so very much for serving your country from a person who got a glimpse. Knowing Chris, she wouldn't mind me writing this to pay honor to her good friends.
Scott Wartenberg
Thank you for your kind words and for being involved as a Team Leader. Chris, was a quality gal and was so supportive and kind and intelligent. Sometimes greatness isn't measured in outward appearance, how we score on a test or who we hang with, but in the character of our heart. In that, Chris was a one-in-a-million! She is missed.
Rick Hanson
I knew chris from her Rancho Riveri/ CTMS days , I had gone to the gift shop to get some candied nuts or something and during the conversation,realized we had gone to the same school...we had an interest in the same kind of music , so she introduced me to the CTMS people ..I was a volenteer for the next 6-7 years ( instrument consignment booth ). we didnt know each other in school , but got to know her through our shared interest , argued politics over a bottle of wine , the importance of one group or another .