In Memory

Exia Hammel

From: Scott Abell []
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 10:23 AM
Subject: RE: [LCHS70] Those of us who have passed on....

Dona... Exia was murdered in SF many years ago...

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06/04/14 08:43 PM #4    

Zita Ingham

I don't know what happened, and I've searched on the internet with no luck. We were good friends at Ocean Crest, where she taught me to draw Princesses! and Horses!  And we enjoyed having our weird names. Her middle name was Eulalia, I think. When I came back to La Canada in the 11th grade, I was so glad to see her, but we didn't keep in touch after high school.

No meditation group in my small town, but I make do with yoga and traveling to retreats occasionally. I do remember Kathy being vegetarian--so strange at the time--and her telling about holding a serious funeral for her guinea pig? or some small pet, which was also very interesting to me. My memories of high school are scanty, but Mr. Ponicsan was an influence at the time, and I do remember Claudia and Kathy, and lots of others. 

06/06/14 09:27 AM #5    

Karl Durand

Hi Zita,

Thank you for starting this conversation.  Reading these has brought back memories from long ago.  Exia was my first girl friend, first kiss and first heartbreak when we were at FIS.  We were all of 12 or 13 years old. Always a special person. I believe she went off to the University of Oklahoma but I lost touch after high school.

Current internet info lists her date of death as May 12, 1981, but no details.  Does anybody know her little sister?  D'Lorah?  She might have a presence in social media and maybe could provide more info. Is there a web site for the class below us?  1971 might have info on the sister.

06/09/14 06:00 PM #6    

Kathy Evenson (Burnett)

Hi sad to hear that Exia was your first love.  As I said, I saw Exia in the early to mid 70's.  She was working at the Copper Penny (I think that's what it was) on Figueroa and 26th near downtown, just off the Pasadena Freeway.  I surprised to see her there and asked her why she was working in such a place.  She told me she had no choice, and that her family had fallen upon hard times.

I wish i had known to call either you or or Zita and that you both would have been looking for her and tried to rescue her.  I know it was before 1981 that i saw her there, because the friend I was with, relocated to Italy in 1981.  He became very successful there shortly after his relocation, "the greatest blues singer in Italy" according to Billboard.  Art is one of my Facebook friends and I could message him to see whether or not he remembers the incident, and whether or not he saw her again after that, or knows what happened to her.

I will message him, and I hope he answers me back.  I'm sure he will if he remembers.

06/10/14 07:45 AM #7    

Kathy Evenson (Burnett)

Hi Zita and Karl...No...Arthur Miles just answered my message about Exia....He said he was sorry and that he couldn't remember meeting her. 

06/10/14 04:21 PM #8    

Tom MacConnell

I remember hearing that Exia had committed suicide and I was totally shocked.  I am sure that was back in the seventies as it seemed not long after we had graduated.  I don't remember where I heard that, but I can distinctly remember being totally surprised as she always seemed so happy and upbeat.

Tom MacConnell


06/10/14 06:05 PM #9    

Sheila Schmucker (Coles)

A quick search of death records show that Exia died May 1, 1981 at the age of 29.  It didn't specify how she died.

06/12/14 11:42 AM #10    

Kathy Evenson (Burnett)

@Tom...horrible.  I wish I could have helped her, but chances are my life was topsy turvy too.

12/08/15 10:01 AM #11    

Liz Merritt (Lord)

I was just on here looking at people's profiles when I saw the post about Exia.  I ran into her Delorah at a doctors office she was working as a secretary there.  From what I remember I don't believe Exia killed herself, her sister said she was found I believe (now this has been about 34 years ago) in a parking lot and they thought she had actually been I don't think it was suicide.  Hope this helps tragic ending to a wonderful funny woman, always a smile and I can hear her laugh even to this day....we were lab partners when we had to dissect that darn cat and we just tormented each other trying to dissect the poor kitty.  RIP Exia.

12/09/15 03:59 PM #12    

Gary States

I lived in Hawaii in 1981.  I remember my mother telling me she read in a local newspaper that Exia was murdered.  I do not remember hearing of suicide.  But this account is beyond 3rd hand.

Back then I think you could get a Glendale insert in the delivery of the Los Angeles Times or some paper that competed somewhat with the Valley Sun

10/02/24 05:35 PM #13    

Scott Wartenberg

Two published sources state that Exia died on May 12, 1981 in Los Angeles, with no other details mentioned. I wish I'd kept in touch with Exia beyond high school.  She had a lovely smile and was always friendly to me.


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