Dr. Al Johnson, 60, of Lee's Summit, MO passed away on August 18, 2010 at Hospice House in Kansas City. Al was born on August 31, 1949 in Shreveport, LA to Albert and Hazel Johnson. His father, Albert E. Johnson, preceded him in death. Al had a wonderful and remarkable life. He was a 1967 graduate of Lee's Summit High School. He attended Baker University and received an AB in Psychology in 1971. During this time he was selected for special study at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. From the University of Missouri in Kansas City he received an MA in Counseling & Guidance in 1971 and an MA in Anthropology in 1978. He completed his PhD in Education at the University of Kansas in 1980. Prior to his retirement Al was Vice- President of Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities in Redmond, WA. Before that he was Dean of Graduate Studies for Rivier College, in New Hampshire, Dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Great Falls in Montana and Associate Dean of the Law School, University of Kansas for 14 years. He also held professorships in Anthropology, Education, Research and Statistics. He was a forensic consultant for the Montana FBI. Al was published in professional journals including The Journal of Colleges and Universities; Pre-Law Advisor's Council; Research in Higher Education; Juvenile Justice Digest; Journal of Anthropological Studies; Animal Law and American Indian Culture. He authored 40 articles on classical music and classical artists for the "Swarthout Society" Journal of Concert Music Series at KU. He was a member of the American Association of Higher Education, American Counseling Association, Association of Institutional Research, American Association of Anthropologists, Phi Delta Kappa, Delta Epsilon Sigma and Kappa Sigma. He had a lovely tenor voice and played piano and violin. He loved history, writing, and the arts. His extraordinary love for animals fueled his passion for animal rights. He loved being outdoors. He was a wonderfully cultured, intelligent, student of the world and a warm human being. He quietly touched many lives and will be remembered forever. Al is survived by his mother Hazel C. Johnson of Lee's Summit, MO; a brother, David C. Johnson (Marilyn) of Kansas City, a sister Patricia Anne Tucker (Robert) of Lee's Summit; a brother Thomas R. Johnson (Cyndee) of Tulsa Oklahoma; four nephews – Andrew Johnson, David E. Johnson, Peter D. Tucker and Jonathan M. Tucker. Two nieces, Taylor Johnson and Kaycee Johnson, and one grandnephew Erik Tucker. His many friends and colleagues are saddened by his passing. The family wishes to gratefully acknowledge the staff of Hospice House of Kansas City, MO for their enormous support, generosity and loving care of Al. A private memorial service will be held at St. Anne's Episcopal Church. The family suggests donations to The Humane Society, Washington, DC, Best Friends, Kanab, Utah or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Norfolk, VA. Dr. Albert E. Johnson Jr. "Will miss you Johnny Boy"
David Balke
I was sorry to hear of Al's death. He had e-mailed me a few times after the last reunion and was always interested to hear of our classmates. I never saw AL much in college even though our school was small and you couldn't miss seeing people. For some reason, our paths didn't cross for years.
I also want to thank Mike Matheny for informing us all and Bill James for providing this forum for us.
Mike Gaffney
From Mike Gaffney:
In our Freshman year, Al taught me to love classical music, especially violin concertos! I have enjoyed the classical music Al taught me to appreciate to this day. I have CDs of classical music in my car because of Al. He was a kind soul and I remember him fondly.