I am sad to report that Don Shrader passed away yesterday, September 27th, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. His funeral service has been set for Friday, October 2nd at Noon in Edmond, Oklahoma. If anyone would like to send condolences to the his children that live in Edmond, you can send them to Don's church: St. Mary's Episcopal Church, c/o The Rev. Dr. Mark D. Story, 325 East 1st Street, Edmond, OK. The church's phone number is 405-341-3855.
Linda Spaur Rowe
Bill James
Lees Summit JournalTuesday, Sep. 29, 2009
Don Shrader, Jr., 60, of Edmund, Okla. passed away Sunday, Sept. 27, 2009 at the University of Oklahoma Medical Center.
Don grew up at Lake Lotawana and graduated from Lee's Summit High School and the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
He was preceded in death by his father, Don Shrader, Sr. and is survived by three children; Austin, Michael and Melanie; five grandchildren; his mother, Jean Shrader of Lake Lotawana; brother Dr. Steve Shrader of Sayer, Okla.; and his sister, Becky Halphin of Blue Springs.
Cremation. Memorial Service is at noon on Oct. 2 at St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 325 E. First Street, Edmund, Okla.
Bill James
The Edmond SunSeptember 29, 2009
EDMOND — Funeral services for Don Shrader Jr., 60, of Edmond are scheduled for noon Friday at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church.
Shrader was born May 16, 1949, in Nebraska. He died Sunday, Oct. 27, 2009, in Oklahoma City.
Shrader was in telecommunication sales, an Eagle Scout, in Mensa and a member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church.
He was preceded in death by his father, Don Shrader Sr.
Survivors include his mother, Jean Shrader in Lake Lotawana, Mo.; his sister, Betty Halphin in Blue Springs, Mo.; his brother, Steve Shrader of Sayre; his two sons, Austin Shrader and Michael Shrader, both of Edmond; his daughter, Melanie Padilla of Bixby; and five grandchildren.
Jim Connor
I was talking with our classmate Alan Gailey on May 19, 2010 about an upcoming vacation we are planning to Washington DC, when he mentioned Don's passing. I was floored. Don, Danny Strausbaugh and I were tri-captains of the woeful 1967 version of the Lee's Summit Tigers football team. Danny was the one with "the looks", Don was the "cocky" one, and I was the one who couldn't catch the ball. After graduation from LSHS, I went to UMKC. Al Gailey transferred to UMKC from Warrensburg his sophomore or junior year, and Don transferred to UMKC as well. All three of us ended up in the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. We varied in our levels of participation in the fraternity, but the fact we were in it together kept us in touch as we finished our college careers. So, I had Don in my life, off and on, for almost seven years. During our high school years, Don would have some of us out to Lake Lotawana to water ski. I never had more fun being awful at something as I did trying to slalom. Two skis were for "lilies", a popular derogatory label of the day. Don's insistence that I not be a "lily" resulted in me swallowing a good portion of the lake, massive head trauma and a near loss of my swim costume. I'm not 100% sure, but we might have "experimented" with a beer or two as well.
Don was not my closest friend from the class of 1967, but he was one of the guys I always looked up to. When he was on the football field, I always felt like maybe we wouldn't get completely annihilated, because Don hated getting kicked around, and he always kicked back.
God bless him in his new home.
By the way, sincere thanks to Bill James for building and managing this site. We should appreciate what a treasure and resource Bill has provided to the Class of 67.
Mike Hillyard
I never realized Don was one of the Tri captains of our infamous team! I always thought it was Terry Miller. Don and I usesd to drag race his 58 ford and my 58 chevy, on Lansford road, after football practice. Destination: Lake Lotawana. Don's mother was my Cub Scout mother. We went up through scouting together. Don was a great friend growing up. If you remember my 1959 Ford Galexy convertable, alias "The Tank". Well, Don was driving fast, north on Hwy 71 By pass, to get his free root beer at A&W. ( We must have won a game!!) I was turning into the Apco station,when he plowed into the back of the "Tank". Now you know why I had a padlock of my driver door and the convertable top went down when you hit a bump. Don and the rest of us Senoirs of '67 team were mean, lean. and a great example of how to play the game. Hell, the sophmores we teached, practiced with vigor and mentored, became State Champions, thier Senior year! I'm proud to be a part of LSHS heritage.
Jim Connor
To Mike Hilyard: Mike, you may very well be right. Terry Miller might have been a captain, and apologies to Terry if I had forgotten. Fourty five years after the fact have certainly dulled my memory. At any rate, Don was a special guy to me. I will remember him for his sense of humor, his fight, and his cockiness. A good guy indeed.