Leonia High School
Class Of 1960
Louise Sherman
Louise's Latest Interactions
I am so very sorry to receive this news. Though we’ve been in our seventies for years now, I somehow thought we’d have many more years to get together and reminisce as well as have more good times together. Vicki was my best friend for years! Practically from the time her family moved to Leonia (in elementary school?) and all through high school. Her father took me out to Chinese restaurants with her - my family never ate at restaurants so it was a rare and exciting experience. I remember her mother so vividly. I remember talking with Vicki about her feelings about being adopted. She and I became “blood sisters” something we must have learned about in a movie or book we read. We shared the unforgettable experience of finding a maggot Infested dead rat on an afternoon in the park by the Hudson River where her father had taken us. We both lost our fathers when we were in High School. We talked about the boys on whom we had crushes. We both did some acting though she did much more and was much better. I can still see her singing “I don’t want to talk small talk” in a presentation I was somehow involved in. At graduation she and I were part of a small group that sang some songs. During college, I spent a day at Bellevue and went to some classes with her. I still remember a lecture about Tuberculosis there. I know through her marriage and family she had a wonderful life professionally and personally and had so much fulfillment in being a mother and grandmother. Her family’s loss is incalculable but for me, part of my youth is now gone. I am so very sorry. Louise (Sussy) Sherman