Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Sue E. Adams (Chapin)
Gloria J. Alberts (Snider)
Tim L. Andrews
James L. Archer
James R. Ashton
Paul I. Bailey
Joyce Bankston (Mines)
Ronald L. Blake
Joe Bridges
James C. Briggs
James R. Brown
Robert Brown
William Brown
Katherine C. Burns (Trunnell)
Ralph E. Butturuff
Judy Y. Campbell
Steven R. Campbell
Stephen J. Carl
Charles Carlisle
Marsha J. Caywood (Buchanan)
Lynitta Kay Coats (Wagner)
Karen J. Cole
Joyce Collins (Barker)
David G. Copus
Ellen Corey (Mitchell)
Michael L. Cossel
Diann L. Coulter (Wilson)
Sandra J. Coulter (Tousley)
Shirley J. Craver
Ronald L. Crider
Janice K. Davenport (Kile)
Phyllis Davidson (Hart)
Ronald L. Dawson
Sally S. Decker (Stelzer)
James W. Dick
James Donald
David Dush
Dennis Ebbeskotte
Betty S. Ellison (Raines)
Darwin Esmonde
Jean A. Evans (Derbyshire)
Melissa P. Fetters (Putt)
Dora J. Fields (Robinson)
Howard W. Fisher
Raymond G. Foley
Gary Fosnaugh
Bonnie J. Fox (Journell)
Douglass P. Foxx
Gregg Foxx
Joan Franklin
David Kyle Fulleton
Sharon L. Gambee (Kleiner)
Patricia Ann Gladen (Bulls)
Ruth Anne Gleaves (Dutton)
Linda J. Golliher (Wreede)
Patsy Gooding (Herzog)
Barbara Gottfried (Symonds)
Milton Grant
Susan K. Griffith (Langbehn)
Patricia L. Grigsby (Mizrahi)
Linda D. Hall (Somers)
John Harrod
Kathie L. Hay (White)
Robin J. Hayes (Anthony)
Frederick R. Hensley
Carol S. Hollar (Neumeier)
Thomas E. Hollenbacher
Lounetta Howell (Moss)
James Michael Huffer
Jane Hunsaker (O'Conner)
Roy C. HUNT, Jr.
Thomas Huntley
Warren W. Iiames
Michiko Inayoshi (Kato)
Gloria D. Jackson (Alexander)
Douglas L. Johnson
Sherrie L. Johnson (Franklin)
William L. Johnson
James M. Johnston
William N. Kelsey
Edward Lee Kimbrough
Ronald C. Kirk
Charlotte M. Kurtz (Smith)
Joseph H. J. Larue
William D. Locke
Dallas Marshall
Gloria J. Martin (King)
Dolores E. McBride (McReynolds)
Dana L. McVicker (Roose)
Linda W. Mickle (Fleming/White)
Judy Miller (Reiff)
Bessie M. Mills (Smith)
Herbert E. MONROE, Jr.
C. Dale Montgomery (Morgret)
William L. MOPPIN, Jr.
Dexter A. Mosel
Ronald A. Mouton
Gwenn Moxley
Judy A. Muston (Scheele)
Paul R. Newland
D. Elaine Niles (McReynolds)
Annette O'Melia (Griffith)
Sherlene Patrick (Thompson)
John Paul
Thornton A. Perry
Nancy J. Phalen (Prater)
Judith Phillips
Joann Pikal (Witt)
William E. Pitts
Richard Pohlabel
Samella Proby (McDonald)
H. Edward RANDALL, Jr.
Paul E. Rehn
Virginia K. Ridenour
Judith M. Riggs
Brenda Roberts
Susan Diane Roberts (Stickley)
Todd J. Roberts
Dolores Rotroff (Landis)
Sharon Ryan (Kirkpatrick)
Janet W. Schoonover (Thrush)
Gerald M. Schroeder
Larry A. Seay
Gretchen Seitz (Detrick)
N. Sue Shafer (Ludwig)
Rozella Smith (Smith)
Thomas Woods Smith
Rick A. Somers
Karen Spyker (Lunden)
Shirley A. Stauffer (Diller)
James E. Sterling
James B. Stewart
James Striff
Marilyn K. Stumbaugh (May)
Regis P. SULLIVAN, Jr.
Darrell L. Taflinger
Brenda B. Thomas (Kimbrough)
Linda Tousley (Camper)
Norma J. Towsey (Johnson)
Gerald Truman
Joyce M. Upshaw (McNeal)
Goldie Vanover (Griffith)
Susan Vanpelt (Schmutz)
Larry Watson
Milton L. Webb
Paul C. Weidig
Judy Wendel (Albright)
John Widmark
Barbara Widner (O'Neal)
G. W. Williams
Jeanne S. Williams (Alguire)
Karen Wita (Maier)
Sandra Wray (Inskeep)
Niles A. Youngquist

Guest Members

Barb Calhoun (HetrickGuest)