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This page will be updated regularly with current buzz and other important information so check back often.   


This raffle is the one you won’t want to miss! 50% of the "Jackpot" raffle sales will be put into this raffle and the other 50% will be put into the reunion fund. The winner of this raffle will win the “pot”. So if there is $100.00 in "Jackpot" raffle sales then $50.00 of this goes to the winner.  If there is $500.00 in sales then $250.00 goes to the winner. You get the picture. 
Raffle tickets are $1.00* each. If you purchase them prior to September 15th they are $1.00* each or $5.00* for 6 tickets giving you a free ticket which increases your odds of winning. The more tickets that are sold the bigger the jackpot! 
50% of the "jackpot raffle" ticket sales on the evening of the reunion will be placed into the jackpot. The other 50% will be put into the general fund to be used for scholarships and other expenses.
$285 worth of "Jackpot" raffle tickets have been sold.  This means that the current "pot" is at 




This is going to be the big pay off!  Just like the “Jackpot” raffle 50% of the “MEGA Jackpot” raffle sales will be put into the general fund and the other will be put in to the “pot”.  The only difference is that the price of the tickets are $5.00 each.  If you purchase them prior to September 15th they are $5.00 each or $25.00 for 6 tickets giving you a free ticket which increases your odds of winning.  The more tickets that are sold the bigger the jackpot!


The 50% that is put into the general fund will be used for scholarships and other expenses.


$85.00 worth of "MEGA Jackpot" raffle tickets have been sold.  This means that the current "pot" is at $42.50


Winner takes home all of the cash!


The 88th ticket purchased will be free! 

This ticket has been donated by Tracy and Morrie Estrada.

87 tickets may have already been sold and the next ticket purchase could be the winning one!  However, there may have been 187 tickets already sold with the winning ticket to be announced on September 15th.  You just never know.  Either way someone is going to win a free ticket! 






The website has been paid for, created and maintained by Tracy (Smallwood) Estrada.  It will be continued for all to utilize after the reunion and hopefully for years to come.  It will be going through many transformations in the months to come and will be going through growing stages.  It is also a lot of work for one person (who is also planning the 20 year reunion and has a 15 month old ) so please be patient and understanding if you don't get a response to an email right away.


The MHS Class of ’88 20 Year Pre-Reunion Party is Friday, October 17th  at Pardini’s in Fresno, with the Official Reunion being on Saturday, October 18th which is also at Pardini’s, followed by a Tour of The School and a Family Fun Day at Town and Country Park in Madera on Sunday, October 19th 


The actual Reunion is on Saturday, October 18th which includes a full service five courses sit down dinner with wine.  The dress attire is come as you wish.  Please bear in mind when you are choosing your wardrobe that there will be a professional photographer who will be taking a class photo as well as be available for portraits.

Registration is at 6:00 PM and dinner will be served at 7:30 PM.  At this time your “current” photo will be taken, you will be given your dinner tickets, your name tag, and the chance to purchase items such as, additional raffle tickets, portraits from the photographer, additional photo booth strips and other misc. items.  There will also be a silent raffle so please bring your cash, check book and credit cards.

 Raffle tickets can be purchased with cash only.  The silent auction and other items can be purchased with cash or check.  The no-host bar will accept cash, check or credit card.

The RSVP/Reunion Questionnaire deadline has come and gone but this information is still needed in order to get the Memory Book/Class Directory created and printed in time so that each classmate will receive it at the reunion on October 18thPlease fill out the RSVP/Reunion Questionnaire even if you are not going to be able to attend the reunion or any of the other events.  We want to include everyone in the Memory Book/Class Directory and need your participation in order to be able to do this.  If we don’t get the participation there will not be a Memory Book/Class Directory manufactured and given out at the reunion.  Your participation is appreciated!

To purchase your tickets visit the 20 Year Reunion page.  Tickets are only $58.00 each if you purchase your tickets by Monday, September 15th and will include the Memory Book/Class Directory and Keepsake DVD at no additional cost at this price.  Yes that’s right; one ticket gets you into all 3 events AND the directory plus the DVD! 

If you wait to purchase your ticket until after September 15th then the price will go up to $63.00 and the Memory Book/Class Directory will not be included for free and neither will the DVD.  These two items will have to be purchased separately. 

If you wait until after September 29th to purchase your ticket then the price will go up to $68 per ticket and will still not include the book or DVD.  

The final ticket purchase deadline is Monday, October 13th.  All tickets must be purchased by this date.  Unfortunately NO TICKETS will be sold at the doorThis is due to the fact that we have to give Pardini’s the number count in advance as well as pay them in full for all dinners.  We also have to have adequate time to have the right amount of DVD’s and Class Directories created, printed and or produced as well as all the other last minute details that will go into bringing you a first class reunion.

The 88th person to pay for their ticket will receive that ticket for FREE! This ticket may have already been purchased or it may just very well be the next one in line.  You just never know.  The winner of this winning ticket will be announced after the close of the ticket deadline on September 15th.
The Reunion pre-party is on Friday, October 17th at Pardini’s in Fresno.  It just so happens that it is in the Tuscan room which is a bar/lounge but please do not let this dissuade you from coming as it will not be the typical bar scene because it is an exclusive private party just for our class and will not be open to the public.  Our classmates, “The Guy-otes”, Greg Minier, James Reynolds, Clay Sorenson and Joe Mendoza have graciously and generously donated their time to be the live band for us on this evening.  Greg Minier however does have a band of his own “Mr. Rude” so if he happens to get a booking for that evening that booking will get precedence.  We hope that he will be able to perform for us but if not he knows that we will understand that his livelihood comes first.
The tour of the school is on Sunday, October 19th from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.  One of the maintenance staff has been hired to come in on his day off to give us a private tour so it is important that if you are going to take the tour that you arrive on time.  If you do decide to come please make sure you bring your family.  Walking onto campus after all these years is sure to bring back some memories.  I know that it did for me.  The school has changed a great deal over the past 20 years.  I was just on campus this week and was amazed at the changes and even needed a map to be able to find my way to Mr. Hinton’s class which is now where the buses used to drive through!  Too bad they don’t still sell those cookies…
If you will need accommodations for the reunion the Piccadilly Inn is located right next door to Pardini’s. A special discounted rate of $95.00 per room has been negotiated for our class. The normal room rate is $139.00 per night. Several rooms have been blocked out just for our class.  Please make your reservations by 09/18/08 or the rooms will be released to the public. There are a limited amount of rooms available. If you plan on drinking at the reunion I highly recommend that you book a room.  If you are unsure you can always make a reservation now and then decide to cancel it later since the cancellation policy is only 48 hours.  This would ensure your discounted rate and room availability.
If you have photos of yourself or your classmates from high school, middle school, after school, the 10 year reunion, elementary school, etc. please send them in.  We also need a current photo of you.  These are needed for the DVD that will be played at the reunion as well as a copy that will be given to each classmate.  Please email them to reunion@maderahighclassof88.com (in good quality jpg format) Please identify the persons in each photo.  The more photos that are submitted the better the DVD will be.  If you do not have access to a scanner you can mail the photos in and they will be returned to you at the reunion.  If you are not attending the reunion they will be mailed back to you.  Please mail to:
Madera High Class of ‘88
PO Box 599
Madera, CA 93639
We also need persons who are willing to scan photos from our yearbooks.  We need all of the senior photos re-scanned in a good quality as well as any photos that are of our classmates also scanned in good quality.  If you have a yearbook and can volunteer for this please email me at reunion@maderahighclassof88com   The photos are needed as soon as possible for the DVD.
There will be three different kinds’ raffles.  There will be 1 raffle on the evening of the pre-reunion party on Friday, October 17th, with the drawing being done at a randomly selected time.  There will be 1 “Jackpot Raffle” On the evening of the Reunion on Saturday, October 18th Tickets are $1.00 each or $5.00 for 6 and 1 newly added “MEGA Jackpot Raffle”with tickets that are $5.00 each or $25.00 for 6.  The drawings for these raffle being done at randomly selected times.  There is the potential for the winners of these “Jackpot" Raffles to win hundreds of dollars.  There will be several other raffles and drawings throughout this evening.  There will be a prize drawing on Sunday, October 19th at the Family Day in the Park.  You must be present to win any raffles and or drawings.
You decide if and how much you can help the cause. I know you don't want to settle for just an OKAY reunion ... we want to have a FANTASTIC reunion!  WE NEED YOUR HELP!  Our fundraising goal is $2,500 minimum--I'd LOVE to raise $5,000 so that we can give out a scholarship-- and I know we have the ability to do it!  To date, we've received $1040.00.  (thanks to the generosity of ten of our classmates--two of which gave $200 or more) and the 50% of our share of the raffle ticket sales which amounts to $207.00.


Please visit the Donation/Scholarship and the Fundraiser pages if you would like to help the class.


There will be a silent auction at the Reunion on Saturday, October 18th.  The way it works is that tables will be set up with various items for auction.  You will be able to bid on these items by writing your bid down on the paper in front of each item.  At the close of auction the person who has the highest bid on each item wins that item.

Proceeds from the silent auction will go to the scholarship fund for a Madera High School student. 


There will be a table (or two, depending on how many teachers decide to attend) that will be reserved for our teachers.  The teachers have been invited to attend the dinner portion of the reunion.  You are more than welcome to get up and give a speech during dinner if there is a teacher that you would like to thank or show appreciation for.  There is also the option of sponsoring a teacher’s dinner which is $40.00.  Please see the Donation/Sponsorship page for complete details.
Teachers have also been added to the website as guest members.  This will allow them to make a profile and interact with the classmates.  It limits them from being able to participate in features of the website such as polls and surveys.  I am working on updating the profiles with their pictures so you can remember who they are but the reunion is taking priority right now so please be patient and I promise I will get those up as soon as possible. 

Some of the surveys will be just to add some fun and interaction to the website.  Some will be to get opinions as to what you want at the reunion.  Please help make the reunion what you want by participating in the surveys and giving your opinions.  After all the reunion is for YOU and should be what you the Class of '88 wants as a whole and not that of one person.  Click on the individual survey and make your selection.  Please feel free to participate in and answer the surveys freely.  Your individual answers cannot be seen by the other classmates.  Please keep your answers clean and try to remember this is a public site.  You can always go back at any time and change an answer if you need to.

If you have a suggestion for a survey please send an email.



 Any classmate can make an announcement to the class.  If you have an announcement that you would like to make to the class please just hit the “Post Announcement” button on the left hand side of the website under your Member Functions.  After the announcement is approved it will be posted to the home page of the website.  I will then send your announcement out in an email to the entire class through the website email.  


Ad in The Madera Tribune

Posters At Local Businesses In Madera



These are websites you might find of interest 

 Madera High Class Of '88 MySpace Page

Madera High Class of '88 Facebook Page
Madera High School Website

