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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 54.7%

A:   146   Joined
B:   121   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Jon Canida  3/6
•   Jack Beavers  1/12
•   Linda Burg (Eubank)  10/2
•   Anita Hatton (Roberts)  8/10
•   Pamela Witty (Jackson)  4/27
•   Diana Sullivan (Cole)  4/8
•   Suzanna Komlosi (Ungru)  1/31
•   Diana Ison (Dryden)  1/21
•   K. Elaine Perkinson (Hoffman)  8/2
•   Terry Fisher  6/11
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•   Gilberta Eden (Theonnes)  10/27
•   Peggy Rowlett (Robbins)  10/29
•   LeeAnn Wykoff (Overbey)  10/30
•   Ruth Harr (Brown)  11/1
•   Lee Wingham (Roszczynski)  11/6
•   David Lyons  11/7
•   Charles David Potter  11/7
•   Anthony Hall  11/9
•   Richard Lodge  11/10
•   Mike Hall  11/12
•   Danny Robbins  11/15
•   Patrick Dryden  11/22
•   Linda Hereford (Templeton)  11/22


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50th Reunion - 2021

Did the best we could on the zig-zaggy rows, but here is our attempt of names. Apologies ahead of time if there are typos, tried to watch for auto corrects.

Kneeling Row 1: Pat Dryden, Judy Champion Rusk, LeTiscia Adler Wilson, Gina Cahall Ochs, Marilyn Morgan Hay

Row 2: Yvonne Rodgers Vanosdol, Larry Westburg, Karen Foley Rowlett, Mary Jo McClelland, Mary Alcorn Caughran, Pam Roberts Smith, Diana Ison Dryden, Margie Denning Sparks, Janet Straub Greenwood, Pondra Waddle Ayler, Sheila Humphrey Crum, Debi McAlister Myers, Amber Burchfield Miller, Rita Martin Hayden, Terry Giltner, Cathy Bruther Youngblood, Mary Hedgepath Goodin, Linda Hubbard Hall, Diane Harsin Monroe, Don Bickers, Mike Woodfill, Patter McLaughlin, Perry Cosby, Kenny Miller, David Herring, Karen Atkinson Ricketts, Jane Mustain Snell

Row 3: Myron Jackson, Tony Thompson, Miles Pritchard, Doug Harrell, Jane Staub Casey, Sam Cole, Don Clapham, Danny Robbins, Sherry Anderson, Sue Watson Dopsovic, Mike Modisett, Don Hunton, Marc Modisett, Pam Long Young, Ed Osbourn, John Cox, Becky Rogers Smitha, Linda Riley, Pam Schanding Holt-Richmer, Linda Conley Emerson

Row 4: George Hand, David Stutler, Mike Hammond, Angela Stephan Russell, Larry Burns, Elaine Wentworth Robison, John Woods, Dave Potter, Bill Bradley, Bruce Crum, Bill Davee, Frank Paul, Herman Keeton

****Classmates who attended the reunion Saturday, but were not in the picture: Teri Potter Bentz, Paul Gourley, Lee Ann Wycoff Overbey,

Terry Abbot, Peggy Rowlett Robbins, Lee Wingham Roszczynski, Debbie Grimsley Krillenberger, Pam Heath Foster, Mike and Becky Hall

Reunion 2012



Reunion 2016

Site Created: 11/9/2011
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Donnie Clapham sent me a couple of songs from one of our High School Bands. The name of the band was Heavy Water and featured Steve Lewis on bass, Dennis O'Neal on drums, and from the Class of 71 - Patter McLaughlin on guitar. There was a second guitar - anyone remember who he is so I can give him credits???? Heavy Water cut a 45 and these are side A and side B............Thanks for sharing Donnie.



Now the songs are full length and features 2 bands - Heavy Water and the Romans!!





There are so many words running through my head as I reflect on the Class of "71" (41) reunion. I am not sure any of them can truly describe what we experienced. All I can say is that it was wonderful to see so many old friends and renew acquaintances through reminiscing about our HS years as well as by sharing how our lives have played out over the past 40 years. Another thing that happened to me, and I am sure to many of you as well, was a chance to spend some time visiting with people I really never got to know at MCHS. Imagine that, making new friends at a reunion. The cliques were gone and we were all ONE for a couple of very "SPECIAL" days. After 40+ years this IS "The Way We Are."

Pat Dryden

What a great weekend. Normally asleep by 9:00 on Friday night. Had a great time at the fountain then on to the Broadway until 11ish.Some of us have to work and are running on borrowed time by the weekends,
It was just very fun and relaxing.I am a quiet standback sort of person but met and talked to lots of people. Saturday afternoon and evening flowed so well. Good food, good music and good Corn Hole!! Hope we didn't bore too many people with our currect school woes.But Mr. Pat has all the facts.So proud of Pat for working with this committee since he is retired just looking for things to do. It would be great to start some mini groups to keep commumication flowing - but not cliques!! Thanks again to all for a great awesome time.
Diane Ison Dryden - 3rd Grade E.O. Muncie - Come visit any time!

I agree with Diana Ison's comments - She should be proud of Pat's contribution to planning the reunion - he jumped in with both feet. When we was at the microphone Saturday - I regret we didn't bring the whole committee up to take their bows because they earned it. Ther were there meeting after meeting and worked together like a well oiled machine. Anytime we had something that needed attention, we never lacked a volunteer. The committee was comprised of Debbie Hereford, Donnie Clapham, George Hand, Karen Foley, Kathy Tucker, LeTiscia Adler, Margie Denning, Pat Dryden, Terry Giltner, and myself.

Diana's other comment about getting together once in a while has been on my mind also - maybe Regatta weekend - maybe a trip to Patoka Lake next summer. Nothing like last week - just an email to everyone letting them know where to meet and then do it!

Once more thanks to the committee and everyone who attended - Don