Henry Sibley Senior High School
Welcome to the Class of '76 website!
Stay Connected:
If you are new to this site, begin by clicking the 'First Time Visitors' button as there is much information regarding set up/privacy notifications, etc. Next, click 'Classmate Profile' to set up your profile. It's pretty simple and quick to use and in just a few minutes you'll be connecting with fellow classmates.
Feel free to contact us with questions. Click 'Contact Us' and your message will be answered as quickly as possible!
Warmest Regards,
The Class of '76 Reunion Team:
Brett Scribner, Guy Palmateer, Diane (Burns) Dau, Julie (Peterson) Stanz, Sue (Cook) Barry, Joan (Ramsay) Kappes, Brian Rydzeski, Deb Maeurer
Many thanks to ClassCreator.com for creating this fabulous website! With it, we can each set up a profile, share photos,'find people', communicate with each other privately or publicly via 'Announcements', see who's coming to the reunion and much, much more! Take a look around the site - you'll see just how fun and helpful it is for keeping connected with classmates - before and after the reunion!