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•   Deborah M. Reid (Cryer)  7/6
•   Diana Zawrotniak (Rounds)  7/4
•   Tom Cheche  7/4
•   Jolane Powell (Filkin)  3/17
•   Julia Van Doren (Kistler)  2/8
•   Gerald Myslinski (Myslinski)  1/30
•   Neil Weiner (Weiner)  10/2
•   Jill Florence Claypool (Prickitt)  8/22
•   Irene Egnatzky (Kester)  7/31
•   Shari Frankel (Gelber)  3/2
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1 lives in Alabama
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43 location unknown
57 are deceased


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Metuchen High School
Class Of 1965



               Class of 1965, 1966, 1964, 1963, 1962  Reunion

We had a great time at the Reunion on October 4 and October 5, 2019

Hope all enjoyed themselves.
Military Recognition

The Metuchen High School librarian, Patricia Glave, has taken over the 'Wall of Honor' project from a recently retired teacher.  The idea is to have any alumni who have served or is serving in the military submit an 8 x 10 standard military portrait which will be placed in a frame with an engraved name plate and dates of military service.  The photos will be hung on the walls of the library.  There are several there now.  The contact information for those who are interested or have questions:
Patricia Glava-Librarian:
Also let me know so I can put something on the website in regards to their service. 
DVD of 2015 Class Reunion   It's Great!
Ken Kiesser had taken movie pictures of the 2015 Class Reunion.  He was nice enough to send me the master copy.  Are you  interested in ordering a copy.? The DVD would be $20.00 and I'd mail it to you.  It's a DVD and can be played on your computer or your TV. Please email me at if you are interested or  send $20 to
Connie Hope, 14517 Eagle Ridge Drive, Fort Myers, FL  33912
I hope everyone is well.  Please stay well as we will have another reunion party in 2020.  That's not far away!
Did everyone one enjoy the last reunion?  Should the next reunion be the same format?
Connie has a new cookbook published.  Soups and Stews...Comfort by the Spoonful  Let me know if you might be interested in purchasing a copy for $20.  I have copies in my garage.



Some interesting NEWS:

Terry Herman Hauptman has written a poetry book entitled 'On Hearing Thunder" with beautiful color plates of her paintings.  Check out her website at and a video you can google at Terry Hauptman Burlington City Arts.  Check it out on Amazon.


Connie Thornall Hope has written a new cookbook, Soups and Stews...Comfort by the Spoonful".  It is available now.  Please email her at for a copy.  Cost is $20.00 and $5.00 postage totaling $25.00. 

She has also written her first cookbook  "In the Entree".  It's about the side dishes of life.   And then she has written a novel, "The Bonnie Neuk Tea Room: Friends and Uninvited Guests (Ghosts)".  Check out the website at where you can buy a copy.  It takes place in Metuchen using her grandmother's tea room as the center idea. 




Your Reunion Committee


We wanted to let everyone know that we as the Class of 1965 have purchased a Brick for the MHS Booster Club Buy-A-Brick Campaign to support the MHS Athletic Program.  The brick paver will be displayed at the MHS Stadium in Honor of the Class of 1965.  When I was at the stadium I took a photo of the brick.



We've learned, laughed, and faced many challenges together.  Let's not let those endearing memories or friendships fade.  I hope all of you have rekindled old friendships and maybe found a few new ones at our 50th Reunion.  Hope everyone had a great time!


Some sad news.  James Bitler passed away on October 21, 2015.  He lived in Metuchen.


There are five things that you cannot recover in life: 

(1) The Stone...after it's thrown 
(2) The Word...after it's said, 
(3) The Occasion...after it's missed, and 
(4) The Time...after it's gone. 
(5) A person...after they die 




"I find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see."
--John Burroughs


This site isn't about waistlines, hairlines or credit lines...

It's about lifelines.

It's about reconnecting with our friends from some of the best years of our lives!



Check this site out, it is really great and expresses my feelings
about my hometown of Metuchen.

A blind person asked St Anthony: "Can there be anything worse than losing your eye sight?"

He replied: "Yes, losing your vision."



If you want to order a CD from the reunion, please email me right away and send $20.00 to Connie Hope, 14517 Eagle Ridge Dr, Ft Myers, FL  33912.  I should have them ready around Oct 20th or so..

If anyone would like to purchase an old yearbook (many years involved) give Bob Bisogno from Metuchen a call, he has many yearbooks.  His number is  732-548-7647.



“Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.” 


Terry Herman Hauphman and  Connie Thornall Hope at the Book Signing in Metuchen at the BIL house on September 19, 2015




More photo to come

The price of the Metuchen Mug is  $15.00 plus $5.00 postage, $20.00.  If you are interested in purchasing one, please let me know.  We have 25  left from the Reunion Weekend.


Tom Chech   Exit 10--a sporting life just off the New Jersey Turnpike is about Metuchen in the 60's.  It is available at

Connie Hope  In the Entree.  It's all about side dishes.  It is for sale for $15.00 at either her email at or on her website at

Constance Alexander, Class of ’64
dreamfish. Winner of New Women’s Voices Series, chapbook of poems,
including “In My School,” about being an MHS cheerleader. $14

Letters From Downunder. Praised by noted playwright and poet, Ed Bok
Lee, as a “seductive, subterranean journey.” $14

Who Needs June Cleaver? Essay collection/memoir from award-winning
newspaper columns and NPR commentaries. Contains memories of growing up
in Metuchen, including ballroom dancing lessons at the YMCA. $10

Kilroy Was Here. Kentucky state historian James Klotter describes this
account of WWII from the memories of children who grew up in that era as
“a warm and witty work.”  $10

All books available through or contact Go to for
additional information about plays by the author.
If you've written something and would like it listed here, let me know.


Myspace Fun Flash Comments





The Duchess Diner has re-opened.  The phone number is  732-548-5393.  I understand many of you visited the Duchess while in New Jersey for the reunion.  I bet that was a lot of fun.






Connie Thornall Hope, Lynn MacWilliam Zakupowsky and Renee Paszkewicz Smoliga are working hard for you.

The Class of 1965 is trying to locate all of its classmates. Please help me find as many classmates as we can and have a 45th class reunion in 2010. Let me know where you are and how to get in touch with you and any other classmates you know a location for. Even if you know the state that they might be in or their last name.  Any thing can help.  Searching is really get difficult.  Thanks  Contact Connie  Thornall Hope at  14517 Eagle Ridge Drive, Ft Myers, FL 33912  239-225-6609 or

Just got word from Richard Seldow that Karl Dowhie has recently passed away.  He is in the class of 1964.  I don't have any details.  Just wanted to let people know.

If you have information that you'd like to see printed on the site.  Just email Connie Hope either on the site or at and we'll put it on.  Has something happened in Metuchen that we would be interested in or someone did something special.  Let me know.

Hi everyone,
I'm sorry that I wasn't able to make it to the reunion. It sounds as though you all had a great time. Wish I could have been there. However
I have some sad news to pass along. Olivier passed away suddenly on Christmas Eve from cardiac arrest. Many of you may have remembered him
as the "Frenchman" and being on the football team when we were freshman at MHS. He was certainly one of a kind. He lived his life to the fullest and enjoyed himself every step along the way.
Some of you have older brothers and sisters who knew him so I thought this would be the best venue to let you all know.
Best regards to all,
Nancy Parchois


Paul Battaglia  7/28
Douglas Mawbey  8/1
James B. Rossner  8/1
Jerry Lee Meyers  8/15
Harold J. Stephens  8/18