In Memory

Jeffrey Hale

Jeffrey Hale

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04/07/09 11:48 PM #1    

Joe Volpe

Jeff and I were good friends in art class. He was a very gifted artist, and I was jealous of his abilities beause I couldn't draw a lick.
He went to Tech to get his Architects degree, which is the field I went into, also. He was such a fine artist, I often wonder how great an architect he might have become.

04/14/09 08:54 AM #2    

Dan Linebarger

I first met Jeff when we were in Elementary school. I was impressed with him because at lunch, he could eat with either his left or right hand!
As a 6 year old, I'd never seen anything like that.

He eventualy moved to the west side of town and next door to Allen Morris, another good friend.

I can't remember the exact year Jeff died, I think it was 1978 or 1979. I cried when I learned of his death. He had so much going for him and was taken way too soon.

05/11/09 09:42 AM #3    

Teresa Coppedge (Almand)

Jeff was my best and only "guy" friend! We loved hanging out and being goofy together! He was such a "hoot" and so outgoing and talented. I remember so much laughing and silly times! I met him through the swim team and then he started dating my best friend, Jani, we were the "three musketeers"! Even on my wedding day he ws there to help me make it down the aisle! Ha! He has been missed throughtout all these years!

05/19/09 09:37 PM #4    

Bruce Keith

Jeff was a good friend and a great person. One of my best fiends in the very, very early days.

04/19/20 12:58 PM #5    

Teresa Coppedge (Almand)


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