Mini Reunions

"The Spirit of '66 Continues to Celebrate"  

Since our 50th Reunion in October 2016, impromptu "mini reunions" are popping up across the country as classmates continue to gather for renewing friendships and sharing memories.  We encourage you to post photos in this gallery whenever you get together with other Class of '66'ers!

If you would like assistance adding your photos, email them with their description (place, date, names, etc) to Bruce Corner at or Sandy Hall at and we'll be happy to post them!

Carl 'CB' Bronfman
2 Photos  9/21/21
Alan 'Al' Ganek
3 Photos  3/7/19
William 'Witt' Wittkop
2 Photos  8/18/18
Andrew 'Nap' Naporano
2 Photos  8/6/18
Bruce Corner
4 Photos  5/20/18
Renee Laniado Guilmette
6 Photos  5/8/17