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The message forum is an ongoing dialogue between classmates. There are no items, topics, subtopics, etc.

Forums work when people participate - so don't be bashful! Click the "Post Response" button to add your entry to the forum.  Lets get talking before the party starts in September

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08/18/15 12:23 AM #1    


Jackie LeDuc (Garbe)

Have you booked your hotel reservation yet?  or your flight?  (Hotel room-block is being released in 2 days!)

08/18/15 12:10 PM #2    

Cindy Silverman (Williams)

Is it too late to buy a ticket? I just opened the page to see what the cut off date was and saw that you only had till the 15th to give a number to Wyndham. If I can buy a ticket, how do I do so? I already booked a flight. I don't need a hotel room, I am staying with my Sister.


08/18/15 12:33 PM #3    


Jackie LeDuc (Garbe)

 No Cindy, it's not too late to buy a ticket. Tickets will be sold but must be paid for by September 15. Go to the RSVP page and select number of tickets and reserve/pay there. Let us know if you have any issues  


08/24/15 02:15 AM #4    


Jackie LeDuc (Garbe)

We're going to have a bit of fun here.  Yearbook photos are going to be added to everyone's profile and we hope you don't mind.  Yes, we all looked that way 40 years ago!  Don't remember what someone looks like?  Check out their yearbook photo.  We'll start with registered classmates and work through the rest.  Please be patient as this will be a work in progress.  Hope you enjoy them.

08/24/15 11:57 AM #5    

Sue Maskaleris

Thanks for all the time-consuming work adding our pics! Kudos to Jackie and the crew!


08/25/15 08:08 PM #6    

Sharon Patricia Mullock (Taylor)

Is there anyway you can make the two photos of the past reunions larger so we can see the names and faces? Thanks!!

08/25/15 08:43 PM #7    


Jackie LeDuc (Garbe)

Sharon....I will touch base with Amy, our website guru maximus!  She will probably see this too.  We shall see what we can do and thanks for asking!


08/27/15 05:13 PM #8    

Sharon Patricia Mullock (Taylor)

Thanks so much! Since I haven't attended any, and will miss this one, I'd love to be able see their faces.


09/13/15 08:28 PM #9    


Jackie LeDuc (Garbe)

Does anyone who is staying at the Wyndham want to carpool to the HS tour on Saturday morning?  Please post your intentions here and we can finalize a time later this week.  I am thinking we should meet around 10 a.m. to give us enough time to get to Millburn, find parking and meet in the HS lobby before 11 a.m.  Thoughts anyone?

09/15/15 02:08 AM #10    

Sharon Patricia Mullock (Taylor)

Thanks, Jackie, for the enlarged group photo. I was able to enlarge it even further to view! See you a few days!

09/15/15 04:07 PM #11    

Sharon Patricia Mullock (Taylor)

Jackie, I love the additional pictures, but I'm not in the one that shows my name.

09/15/15 10:00 PM #12    


Jackie LeDuc (Garbe)

Sharon, I'm sure that's you...front row, second from left...next to Judy Vohden.  If not, who else could it be?


09/16/15 06:32 PM #13    

Sharon Patricia Mullock (Taylor)

Haven't a clue who it could have been, but I never posed for any group shots, didn't own a top like that.

09/17/15 06:26 PM #14    

Sue Maskaleris

Oh, yes you did! We all know that was you! Just kidding! Have no idea who Jackie means.

08/16/23 11:37 PM #15    

John McGlaughlin (Class Of '76)

Late Happy Birthday,
But at least I made it with 30 minutes to spare. Now officially a senior, I feel healthy, just aches and pains and trouble getting off floor. Trying to find a doctor is proving to be difficult, especially since I am well past due anual exams. Hope all is well with you Gabe and kids.
Peace and Love,

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