James Milton Milton

Profile Updated: August 29, 2018
James Milton
Residing In: Baltimore,, MD USA
Spouse/Partner: Ruth Milton
Homepage: hummy1942@gmail.com
Career history: NWA 5 years TWA 27 years. Cargo charters 17 years
Children: Leslie born 1967 2 boys/1 girl Lives Ellicott City MD, outside Baltimore.
Linda born 1969 3 boys. More… Lives near Kankakee, Ill.
Kevin born 1972 2 boys. Lives in PA. on MD. / PA. border.
Yes! Attending Reunion

I have worked in the airline industry for the last 48 years. It has been good to me and my family. Everyday was alittle different and I really enjoyed all my jobs along the way. (except for baggage lost & found).
I worked 27 years with TWA, mostly in cargo sales and was the Mid- Atlantic cargo sales manager in Washington DC for many years.

I started with Northwest Airlines in 1962 and worked at National Airport in Washington DC until 1966. That was the year of the 42 day, five airlines strike that crippled summer travel. After the strike ended, I saw many more opportunities with Trans World Airlines and joined them in Sept.

The highlight of my 27 years with TWA was in 1987 when the flight attendants went on strike.
Carl Ichan bought TWA and many were advised to get trained to be part time flt. attendants. And it actually happened.. For three months, I worked every TWA international flight across the Atlantic flight I could and it was incredible. I only stopped because they finally trained enough new personel to send us back to our regular jobs. By 1993 Carl had downsized TWA, so I looked for new opportunities in Cargo.
I worked 13 years for DAS Air Cargo as regional cargo sales manager. DAS flew 707 & DC-10 freighters to over 20 cities in Africa. Old airplanes never die, but they sure need a lot more maintenance.
I worked 5 years for Diplomat Cargo in Annapolis but retired a the end of 2011 but enjoy keeping in contact with old accounts.

Raised our family in Laurel Maryland 44 years, but now live at Augsburg Lutheran Village in west Baltimore since May 2015. Our new address is 6825 Campfield Road Apt 6A Baltimore, MD 21207 Home phone is 443 213 5466 but best number is my cell phone, - 443 838 3248.

My wife was a R.N. and worked the midnight shift in the E.R. near Baltimore. Ruth is a great nurse and helped me so much when I had lymphoma cancer in 1978. It is now 40 years since the chemo.. Thank the Lord.
Ruth was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2011. On good days and with friends and family she is quite mobile and I do my best to be a good care giver on the other days.
We don't fly together anymore but are taking day trips to Pa., Md. and Virginia as often as we can.
Sorry I will not be able to attend the 2018 golf and lunch outing.
Go CAPS..we still love our hockey & Finally a Stanley Cup.
Best wishes Jim and Ruth

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Aug 15, 2024 at 3:33 AM
Aug 15, 2023 at 7:43 AM

Happy Birthday Jim....Wed hope your doin well !

Aug 15, 2023 at 3:33 AM
James Milton Milton posted a message. New comment added.
Apr 13, 2023 at 10:12 AM

Posted on: Apr 09, 2023 at 7:33 PM

My wife Ruth became sick with pneumonia on Dec 15 and coupled with her Parkinson's disease she went to be with the Lord on Dec 17 2023. We were living at the Village of Augsburg near Baltimore and I will continue to stay here in Independant Living. We were
married for over 58 years Our three children are a great help to me along with the 8
grandchildren.. Best wishes to all the Teddies from 1960. Jim Milton

Aug 15, 2022 at 7:34 AM

Have a great day Jim.....That cake looks good too !

Aug 15, 2022 at 3:33 AM
James Milton Milton added a comment on his Profile.
May 08, 2022 at 12:55 PM
Aug 15, 2021 at 6:26 PM

Happy Birthday James !

Aug 15, 2021 at 3:33 AM
James Milton Milton posted a message. New comment added.
Feb 02, 2021 at 2:18 AM

Posted on: Jan 11, 2021 at 11:36 PM

Hi John, Just saw your birthday greeting to Pete who lives about 12 miles from here on the west side of Baltimore. Then enjoyed reading your life experiences. Had hoped to
attend the 60th to see many from years ago. Read your daughter works at Johns Hopkins Univ and lives near Union Bridge. We have lived in Maryland & Virginia since leavng Minn.
in 1962. I worked 48 years with the airlines, NWA, TWA and DAS Air Cargo who flew cargo freighters into Africa. Ruth and I have been married 56 years and live in a senior
community. Ruth was an ER nurse for over thirty years. To think you are still teaching p/t
after your spectacular career. We remember our trip to Mt Washington and saw the beauty of both states. Often we flew to BOS and followed the lighthouses and coast up to Canada. I remember your home on Edmund Blvd when I delivered the Star and Tribune.. Nice that
treasures from your father were still there when you visited.the old professor.
Both of us have tested positive for Covid on Nov 30. Our health is FINE, we have no temps and have now been out of quarantine for almost a month. Thank the Lord. Get the pfizer vaccine on Jan 18th.
If you visit your daughter , I would be.happy to see or hear from you. Call 443 213 5466. Best wishes for the new year 2021.

James Milton Milton posted a message. New comment added.
Aug 25, 2020 at 10:32 AM

Posted on: Aug 23, 2020 at 7:19 PM

Christmas 2018

Aug 15, 2020 at 7:48 AM

Happy 39th James ! See you in "21"

Aug 15, 2020 at 3:33 AM
Feb 25, 2019 at 10:27 PM

We keep in contact with Nancy and grieved with her over Martha's brain cancer. We live on west side of Baltimore in a Lutheran senior Independant living setting. Still in contact with
J Lockcuff and R. Bubb See Jim once in a while and his turn to come north from Pa.. Bubb is near Dulles airport in northern Virginia. Ruth has had parkinson's for 8 years and
still gets around but hard to get up and down. I retired from the airlines after 49 years mostly with NWA and TWA . Still remember Estes Park. What is your news Jim .

Aug 15, 2016 at 3:33 AM
James Milton Milton posted a message. New comment added.
Aug 13, 2016 at 11:56 AM

Posted on: Aug 13, 2016 at 8:31 AM

Hi Pat Was glad to see you at the reunion but missed so many others that night. Still living in Baltimore area but get to Minn.every year to see my sister in Two Harbors. Saw Jim Backlin a few times but not many others from school.
Was told that Howe school is open again. I remember the Rose Bowl in 1962 that had Sandy Stevens from nearby Pa as it's quarterback. Glad you have had 32 GOOD years with Marti. Ruth and i are close to 52. She has had Parkinson's for over 5 years and is still mobile but easily fatigued. She worked ER for over 35 years at St Agnes in Balt., so you two would have a lot to talk about. Not able to travel very much now, even with passes...
One very good memory: water skiing with you one Saturday in the 50's..
Stay well ... God bless.... Jim

James Milton Milton added a comment on his Profile.
Aug 13, 2016 at 7:27 AM
Aug 15, 2015 at 3:34 AM
May 23, 2014 at 9:03 AM

HI Sharon,
Its Memorial Day weekend , but we're not driving anywhere, but at least one family will be with us on Saturday as its Grandchildrens day at the Alta apartment where we live now.. Just received a message from Leo and did alittle update but not much had changed.
We flew to Tampa about a month ago and then drove to Sarasota for Ruth's 53'rd nurses reunion. We had a great time and she did very well in getting around and we both need south breezes and warm temps. It was the first time she has flown since her Parkinson's was discovered and as long as it's non stop it works. Ruth is slowing down and mornings are seldom active but we stay busy in the afternoons and are up until midnight. This was a cold and long winter here and your shawl was used constantly. We both thank you so much for something that is so perfect to take away the chill.
You must have had one of your worst winters and you seem to be pretty isolated outside your nearest town. Hope you stayed warm and your animals kept you good company. Maybe even a bear or even a wolf might have been near you during the worst of winter.
I have seen James Backlin twice in the last 6 months as he lives about 40 miles away and takes his car in for service near Ellicott City. Peter Christenson lives very near us but I really never knew him and have not reached out to him. But he plays in a concert group and hope I can see him playing there soon.
I will be flying to MPLS next month and will drive to Duluth to see my sister. She has had two stokes and I cannot carry on a conversation with her but want to see her for an evening and morning while I stay near the left bridge. Her health is very good and he even looks good (for 79 years old) but miss our conversations. The phone calls are always just me talking.
Ruth's health is changing, but so far she is able to walk with me and we even go to the exercise room where she pedals for 10 minutes. She insists in walking up one flight of steps quite abit and I follow along behind in case the 19 steps tire her. She always makes it and sometimes easier than me.
I am still selling air frt charters but on a very limited basis and only on commission. I don't see accounts very often as a stay nearer to Ruth now...although I did go golfing with our grandson yesterday for 18 holes. And we play table tennis often.
Hope you are well and enjoying all your friends. Know you stay busy helping others and you must be a great encouragement to many in your church and community.
Ruth and I send our best wishes to you for the holiday and the summer. Has the ice melted yet????????????? Bad joke but I did hear that Duluth got 19 inches of snow May 1st//.,..
I responded to the questionnaire about the 55 anniversary but doubt I'll be attending this one........... .