40th Reunion Pics! June 2009


 Reunion Pictures!

If you want me to upload pictures, email me at gfssalumni@gmail.com or let me know you've uploaded pictures to your profile and I'll add your name here.  If they're on a website, send me a link and I'll add the link here!

Sure looked like you were all having a blast!

Reunion Pictures on Profiles of:

Rudi Kiernander
Joanne Tickle
Larry Sullivan
Kathy Pidgeon

Maria Makohin
Cathie Green
Susan Leafhead

Pictures also at:


Gilbert Tang & Mr. Leibold

Gilbert Tang, Mr. DeBruyn & Mr. Leibold

Mr. Hunter, Mr. Burton, Mrs. Danilowitz, Ms Borzak, Gilbert Tang & Mr. Christensen
