Glenforest Secondary School
Opened 1969
40th Reunion Pics! June 2009
Reunion Pictures!
If you want me to upload pictures, email me at or let me know you've uploaded pictures to your profile and I'll add your name here. If they're on a website, send me a link and I'll add the link here!
Sure looked like you were all having a blast!
Reunion Pictures on Profiles of:
Rudi Kiernander
Joanne Tickle
Larry Sullivan
Kathy Pidgeon
Maria Makohin
Cathie Green
Susan Leafhead
Pictures also at:
Gilbert Tang & Mr. Leibold
Gilbert Tang, Mr. DeBruyn & Mr. Leibold
Mr. Hunter, Mr. Burton, Mrs. Danilowitz, Ms Borzak, Gilbert Tang & Mr. Christensen
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