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01/10/21 11:38 AM #215    

Peter John Allen (1972)

Does anyone have any details at all on Mr. AUSTIN'S passing or of any memorial service, etc.

01/10/21 12:09 PM #216    

Margaret Vann (Matheson) (1975)

So sorry to hear of Mr. Austin's passing.  Sports and band were the 2 things that made school fun to attend and Mr. Austin was a big part of that.  I have bumped into him several times over the years, at our shared dentist, at a concert where he sung in the choir,.....I found his obituary at

There is a guest book there if anyone wishes to leave some comments.  I am sure the family would appreciate it.  To date, there is only my comment, I guess since it is so recent.  Take care all and stay safe in these unprecedented times.  As my kids tell me, be careful Mom, you are in the old and vulnerable age group (funny I can't remember getting there.....)

01/10/21 02:04 PM #217    

Deb Geisel (O'Blenis) (1973)

Thank you for that info Marg Vann. Mr. Austin was connected to our family in several ways. He was at Gordon Grayson S.S. first, where my husband knew him.  Then he was at Glenforest while I was there.  When my two oldest were at Cardinal Leger C.S. S. in Brampton, he was there.  My two younger ones went to Robert F. Hall C.S.S. in Caledon East (I also worked there for two years) and I noticed his picture on the wall as the first principal of that school.  He sure got around and had influence on many students.  I agree with Marg to, if you can, post your comments on his obituary site.  I am sure his family would love to hear all of your amazing tributes.

01/10/21 08:26 PM #218    

Kevin Aver (1975)

So sad to hear of Mr. Austin's passing. I was very fortunate to have had him as both a phys. ed. teacher as well as my basketball coach for three years. Like with "Hutch" he would do all the care and prevention requirements that were needed to keep you on the court. He would often assess your play after every game and wouldn't b.s. your performance. He'd let you know if you were good or bad. He was very fair and loved what he did in helping us grow up as we became young adults. I've thought of him often over the years hoping he was still with us.

Rest in peace peace Vince and thank you for all you did for me in those formative years.

01/11/21 02:11 PM #219    

Ann Vasilash

Deepest sympathy to Penny and all Jon's family in their huge loss. Many wonderful memories of the small and tightly knit staff who opened GSS in 1969. Jon was a special member of it as he went to great lenths to provide as full a Phys. Ed. experience as there could be at a school on opening, He was a big influence on a great many students with his encouragement and caring support and a valued member of staff. We all knew how important Jon's family was to him and think of them at this time. RIP Jon. 

01/11/21 04:05 PM #220    


Jacqueline Menezes (1980)


Jon Austin’s obituary:

We are sad to announce that on January 7, 2021, at the age of 80, Jon Austin (Mississauga, Ontario) passed away. Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family.

Unexpectedly, on Thursday, January 7, 2021, at the Trillium Health Centre- Mississauga, at the age of 80. Beloved husband of Penny for 57 years. Loving father of Sean, Stephen, Lori, and David (Kainani Dana). Adored Grandfather of Emma, Aisling and Piper. Dear brother of Ted (late Pat).

A private family service will be held.

If desired, donations may be made to the Alzheimer’s Society.

A funeral service will be held on Tuesday, January 12th 2021 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the St. Ignatius Loyola Church (2300 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, Mississauga, ON L5L3T6).

If desired, donations may be made to the Alzheimer's Society.


01/12/21 04:16 PM #221    


Leslie Eagleson (Dunning) (1972)

Hello All,

I recall Mr. Austin fondly.  I reached out to Ms, Coad to let her know the news.  She asked me to post this on her behalf:

Dear Penny,  50 plus years ago Jon and I spent a lot of time together planning for the opening of Glenforest and making sure the phys. ed depts.  were great to go. What great memories of laughing and planning ahead with great enthusiasm and excitement.  What colours should we choose for our school colours? How many of this to order? We were like kids in a candy shop. And oh, what fun. We were a good team and so enjoyed working together. My thoughts are with you at this sad time.  The Jon I knew would want you to be strong.  We have lost a great educator and role model.  RIP old friend, Sincerely, Suzanne Coad


01/12/21 07:59 PM #222    

Deb Geisel (O'Blenis) (1973)

Thank you for those memories everyone.  Leslie Eagleson... how are you?  Next time you reach out to Sue Coad, please give her my regards.  She was a huge influence on me at Glenforest and I have always wanted to thank her hugely for all of her love and guidance. 

01/13/21 11:47 AM #223    

Holly Dillabough (Shepherd) (1972)

Hi Leslie.  It is with sadness that I read of Mr. Austins' passing.  He was much respected by his fellow faculty members, and his students.  May he Rest in Peace.  Also Leslie, I, like Deb Geisel(O'Blenis) would very much appreciate you passing my regards on to Miss Coad.  She was such a tremendous support for me on so many occasions.  I too, owe her so much.  Thanks so much Leslie. With regards, Holly


01/13/21 05:45 PM #224    

Cheryl Mangolt (Preston) (1972)


It is great to see the many names from the past.   I too would like to pass on my regards to Ms Coad.   She was a huge infleunce in my high school years and so appreciate the support that she and all the phys ed staff gave to me.  High School would have been pretty boring without the phys ed opportunities and team sports.  

Leslie, I always wondered who selected the Glenforest colours!  I seem to recall a vote by the student body but don't recall the other choices - do you?



01/13/21 11:06 PM #225    


Leslie Eagleson (Dunning) (1972)

Hello Deb, Holly and Cheryl - lots of good memories from high school, especially from sports and band.  Wonderful to see the familiar names on the message forum acknowledging Mr. Austin.  I will pass along your greetings to Ms. Coad.  I know they will mean a lot to her.  Our teachers can have such a positive influence on us and it is good to be able to let them know.  Best to all for a safe, healthy and happy 2021!

P.S.  On the colours - from Ms. C's message, it sounds like she and Mr. A chose them!

01/14/21 06:14 AM #226    


Janet Lord (Wilson) (1976)

Please pass my regards to Ms Coad as well.  I too have fond memories of her and how she supported and influenced me.

01/14/21 09:49 AM #227    

Holly Dillabough (Shepherd) (1972)

Morning all...I am still baffled as to why they changed the school colours.  Personally, I don't think that should have been allowed.  Once the colours are decided on, they remain that way forever.  Just sayin'


01/15/21 07:30 AM #228    

Mara DiTomasso (Dahonick) (1972)

Colours - the students chose the colours or were given a voice.  We were assembled in the cafeteria at Applewood and we were given choices of the colours available.  The only other colour I remember was purple and Mayfield took that.

01/15/21 01:22 PM #229    


Jennifer-Lynda Gill (Chamberlain) (1998)

Holly Dillabough (Shepherd)  -- I think the colours changed right before my cohort started at GFSS. I remember in jr high they were brown and gold and then when I started at GFSS they were navy and gold.  I think the school and the students at the time decided they didn't want brown and gold ad their colours and voted for a change. 

01/17/21 01:31 PM #230    


Jim Wicks (1974)

I was sorry to hear the news of Mr. Austin's passing. My memories of Mr. Austin are intertwined with the first 5 years of GlenForest. First, sharing facilities at Applewood while our school was being built and then at GlenForest after we moved in. Looking back, those first five years formed an important foundation for the school and for the student body. And when I think of those years I think of so many great teachers. Guiding lights all who helped us on our way. And Mr. Austin was one. RIP sir. And thank you. 

Kindest regards, Jim Wicks




01/18/21 11:16 AM #231    


Nita Juneja (1976)

Leslie Eagleson (Dunning), please pass my regards and gratitude to Suzanne Coad. Phys Ed was a thoroughly unpleasant class for me throughout school, given the way it was typically taught in in public schools at that time - for a small, Indian immigrant kid who wasn't immersed in sports from day one, but who wanted to learn, participate, and be included (remember letting kids choose their teams one by one, always great for smashing egos to a pulp). I love all kinds of active pastimes but most of my school experiences were miserable, humiliating and not conducive to learning or participating.The one exception was Ms. Coad who really taught me that everyone can learn a sport/activity and can get to the point of doing well enough to really enjoy it. Not only was she an exceptional teacher and caring individual, she was truly a maverick for her time. I am so thankful to her.

01/19/21 06:09 AM #232    


Leslie Eagleson (Dunning) (1972)

Thank you, Nita.  We were fortunate at the time in our small school to have such a comprehensive Phys. Ed program and many opportunities to try new sports.  Ms. Coad encouraged individual activities, as well as team sports, which led many of us to enjoy a number of activities as adults.  I recall outings to curling and golf facilities and may not have attempted those sports as an adult without that early exposure in school.  Ms. Coad will greatly appreciate your message.

01/20/21 02:09 PM #233    


Betty-Anne Bougher (Cousins) (1971)

Sorry to hear about Jon Austin's passing.  I remember him coming from Gordon Graydon to GFSS.   Nice to see some familiar GFSS classmates names from the past.  Ms. Coad was also a memoriable teacher of my high school days as my classroom teacher/coach at Applewood for Grades 10 & 11 (1967-69).  Then we all moved to GFSS where she was my Phys. Ed. teacher/coach for GFSS's first Grade 12 & 13 (1969-71).  After graduating with Business and Education degrees, I  became a high school Business teacher and have now been retired for 9 years after being Head of Business Studies at Port Perry High School.  It being a small world, at PPHS I taught with Jan Bates (Phys. Ed.) who was also on our GFSS Basketball/Volleyball teams.  Jan later became my principal and went on to be a Board Administrator.  Also Tracy Church and I reconnected in Florida about 5 years ago.  Tracy was a student at GFSS during those first years and came back to teach Business Studies at GFSS until retirement.  Leslie, say hello to Ms. Coad and I remember her fondly.  Hope to see GFSS classmates at the 55th reunion. Betty-Anne Bougher (Cousins)

04/14/21 10:34 AM #234    

Andreas Engel (1972)

Just passing through for a quickie visit.  Take care, everybody!

06/04/22 02:06 PM #235    

Stephen A Scott (1980)

Can anyone from the very early 70's substantiate the rumour that Bob Marley played at Glenforest?


Stephen A Scott (1980)

06/05/22 07:59 AM #236    


Ronald McCleary

I am very sorry to hear about the passing of Jon Austin. The Phys-Ed department was a great place to hang out with Paul, Kish and Jon. As I looked through the names of former students responding to Jon's passing  its as if time has stood still as I remember each and everyone of you.just as you were some 50 years ago.  Glenforest must have been a wonderful, magical place for all of us-----Ron

06/06/22 12:38 PM #237    

Joanne Ranucci (Wiseberg) (1975)

Hello Everyone, Joanne Wiseberg (Ranucci) is looking for contact information for Susan Coad. Can anyone help? My mobile number: 657 224 0990 Email:   Thank you.






02/13/23 10:52 AM #238    

Tedd Traynor (1975)

Hi everyone wanted to reach out to all my old school friends. Looking back they certainly were wonderful challenging times. I m proud of our school the times we lived. Yet life now is very comfortable, texting email many old friends has been very rewarding.I will certainly not forget you look forward in hearing from you , hopefully we will see some of you at the next reunion. Tedd Traynor 1975

12/16/24 10:08 PM #239    

Elaine Saunders (Smyth) (1979)

Peter Smyth graduated in 1978.  We met at Glenforest and married  in 1981.  We were married for 43 years.  Thought some of his old friends might like to know that he died on September 14, 2024.   

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