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02/16/19 11:58 AM #165    


Pam Murphy (Wiggins) (1971)

English: 101

The definition of a Prom is: a Formal Dance held by a High School at the end of an academic year, typically in their senior year...(for some us that was 50 years ago!!!)

The definition of an Adult Gala: a social occassion with special entertainments or performances... of which we are providing ( elegantly casual no black tie)

04/29/19 05:44 PM #166    


Billy Villano


June 1, 2019 at Glenforest Secondary School starting at noon and ending around 10 PM.  The cost for this event is FREE!!!  There will be NO Admission or registration fees.  The only purchases, if you choose, will be for food, drinks, swag and anything you may bid on during the 'Silent Auction'.   Pizza $5, Sandwiches $5, Beer $5, Wine $5.   T Shirts will be on sale for $20, hoodies for $45 and Water Bottles for $15.  All can be purchased on the day or you can go to the Glenforest Website and purchase with Cash On Line.

During the day we will have Opening Ceremonies, Music, Open Mic, Cash Bar, Prizes, Silent Auction and a pickup Basketball Games.

Come walk the halls, visit with your classmates and relive those glory days at Glenforest.  Feel free to join Facebook Site Glenforest 50th Reunion - Together Again.

Looking forward to seeing you all at Glenforest on June 1st.

04/30/19 07:00 AM #167    

Janet Black (Niskanen) (1973)

I think that people have to remember that the school originally said the reunion was a go and then renaged and said it could not happen.

That is when the Gala came into effect. Then the school said yes it could happen. At one time  the school planned events were to end at 5  when the Gala started, I remember they even said free drinks. I am one that bought a Gala ticket as I wanted something to commemorate 50 years, now that the school is having something I will go during the afternoon, and will be sad to miss those not attending the Gala but  are at the school after 5.

05/14/19 10:45 PM #168    


Pam Murphy (Wiggins) (1971)

Several Gala ticket holders have expressed their genuine concerns regarding the unfortunate circumstances in the planning of Glenforest's 50th due to the school's on & off again availability. The overlapping of evening events has left them confused & still very disappointed to know Alumni will be divided for the evening portion. Our team has discussed their concerns at great length with empathy as we too were disappointed that a mutual compromise in the scheduling of events could not be brought to fruition. 

Therefore, we have unanimously decided to rearrange our Gala itinerary to provide the following optional solution to continue chatting, reconnect with your past school chums, meet face to face with your new FaceBook friends & REUNITE Glenforest's Alumni all in 1 room!!!

We would like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to join us for a Deluxe Cash Bar, free Tea, Coffee, water & cold nonalcoholic beverages as well as our Gala Silent Auction after 9:00 pm to dance to a professional DJ if the music motivates you!!!
Date: Saturday, June 1, 2019
Venue: Le Treport, 1075 Queensway East, Mississauga, L4Y 4C8
Cover Charge: prepaid $20 per person via on-line banking to 
Dress Code: please no jeans

05/15/19 08:14 AM #169    

Paul Gordon (1976)

At the 40th Reunion there was a DJ in the large gym and it was empty.  Everyone was outside talking becasue the DJ was to loud to talk to each other and catch up.  



05/15/19 08:27 AM #170    


Ron Carruthers (1976)

In response to Pam Murphy (Wiggins) 1971 post of 05/14/19 #172 the last comment added was PLEASE NO JEANS... I left GFSS in June 1972 because my parents had this bright idea to move us back to Prince Edward Island (in hindsight bad move) & the "no jeans" comment made me laugh. The denim jeans years was a real problem for teachers at GFSS during tenure 1969-1972. I mean nobody wore or possessed "NEW" jeans. The style was the rattiest, torn, repatched jeans you could ever imagine. Jeans that were literally falling apart at the seams. But the denimized students had to take a stand for what they believed "their rights" were. As silly as this may seem today, this would have been one of the first "life lessons" for some students (& some very quiet shy students) speaking up, stepping forward & voicing concern against authority & the establishment. Over my years I have come to realize that many essiential school lessons were learned not from textbooks nor measured by tests results but by an everyday participation in "school life". Thank-you GFSS, all schools & all teachers for those life lessons.... Congratulations GFSS on your 50th year anniversary.  (Ron)

05/16/19 02:09 PM #171    

Brian Kolman (1992)

Ticket sales not going so well and now trying to siphon people off from the real reunion? (Which will go til at least 11pm btw) Or did the board also unanimously agree to ignore the fire code after 9pm

05/17/19 07:15 AM #172    

Karl J. R. Gleason (1980)

Hey Brian as an Assistant to the Fire Marshal, I am courious as to your post.  The Ontario Fire Code O.Reg. 213/07 makes no reference to time as you have indicated.  Would you be able to expand on that, I would like to know the reference.

05/17/19 11:19 AM #173    

Janet Black (Niskanen) (1973)

Brian Kolman, The Gala is sold out. They are not looking to add sales. I believe their intention is to invite people who may wish to visit with friends attending the Gala. As of Jan 1, 2019 the Gala was the ONLY event planned. The school event was added after the school decided they could have it around the construction. The school originally said their event would end when the Gala started. The people who planned the Gala were originally working with the school last fall to hold the reunion at the school. When the school said due to construction they could not hold a reunion, the Gala organizers ran out and booked a hall so that something could be planned to commemorate the 50th! 

05/17/19 12:38 PM #174    


Andrew Adamczak (1974)

I have been reading and seeing all the negativity regarding the upcoming reunion.                                        Firstly Hats off the the organizers,  You have gone out of your way and put in countless hours to bring this Reunion to fruition.  You have all worked hard at this event and have had constants barriers jump in front of you.  Thank you for all you have done.                                                                                                         Secondly to those that have nothing better to do than complain about the organization of the event,  None of you have stepped forward to assist in the organization, yet you are the cronic complainers,   To all that have complained and found fault, you should be thankful to those that have worked hard and have taken the time from their faimlies to make this opportunity available to us.  The events happening in 2 venues may not be ideal, however we now have an opportunity to get together and meet up with old friends at either , of both of the venues,  those that are attending I am sure will find a way to meet up with people and make the best of the available situation.                                                                                                                                         Thanks again to all the organizers for giving us this chance.




05/18/19 07:26 AM #175    

Karl J. R. Gleason (1980)

Andrew very well said.

05/18/19 11:12 PM #176    

Brian Kolman (1992)

Karl- Le Treport advertises a max capacity of 500; which Ontario Fire code regulation allows someone to activate the sprinkler if it gets overcrowded ?

Janet - I'm aware of the whole convoluted chronology..but if yr telling me its already sold out then how can they add a single person now ? I guess it'll be no problem when the rest of the school shows up at 9pm for $20 to an already packed venue ? (Sounds like the kind of 'school' party we had at someone's house (RK!) for football Rookie nite in 91 with people ending up in the pool)

OR maybe it's not as sold out as yr saying ? OR do the dinner guests now have to leave by 9pm to make room and that's what Pam means when she says they had to rearrange the whole gala reunion ? Do you know what shes talking about "rearrange" cuz it looks like they just added a 20$ option without much more

Pam - If I'm wearing Jeans to the school function do I have to go home and change first? Or should I wear my casually elegant black tie attire to the school ? Asking for Ron !

Please dont take my comments as being negative; I should add my time at Glenforest was a real positive turning point for me and I'm looking forward to June 1st;

But only at a school like Glenforest have I ever heard of having 2 reunion parties in direct competition with each other, such that this type of debate even arises. Seriously hilarious, Together Again indeed.

When the school became available, the bad idea that was Le Treport should have vanished. Orderly refunds. The venue had plenty of time to fill the date, just like they did with the original Friday nite reservation (remember that?)

When I tried to ask questions or offer help to the reunion committee when it seemed nobody had a direct link with the administration or clue why certain things were happening, they (and me) got deleted. Maybe I talk too much, or maybe the answers would have been embarrassing to some & it's easier to ignore than deal with problems. My sole focus was encouraging a reunion deserving of a school's bicentennial, not simply filling an undersized venue with 500 random people who went to Glenforest in the last 50 years and calling it a smashing success because it sold out. Yes I cant believe that was our 'no school plan A' either

That being said, I have nothing but respect & admiration for the efforts of the Villano & Allen team & eternally grateful for their efforts in bringing an event of a magnitude that is fitting for the occasion, and the school for not going ahead with a full tear down renovation at exactly the 50 year mark.

Why it all had to unfold this way will perhaps never be revealed or understood, all I can say is that's the Glenforest I know

To all those unlucky ones without a golden ticket and must go to the actual in school reunion (which as far as I can tell will be most of you) I hope to see you there.

05/20/19 08:43 AM #177    


Billy Villano

Brian thank you for your kind words.  The Glenforest 50th Reunion - Together Again Committee, are working with Glenforest's Prinicpal, Administration and Staff with the one main purpose: For all the alumni to come and have a great time.  See you there.

05/20/19 07:32 PM #178    

Peter John Allen (1972)

The room I booked is only for 300 not 500

05/21/19 06:44 AM #179    

Karl J. R. Gleason (1980)

Thanks Brian,

Yes you are correct the occupancy is calculated based on a few different factors but regardless, the maximum occupancy must be predominantly posted and not exceeded.  The venue would be responsible for monitoring tp prevent the occupancy being exceeded.   As for the sprinkler comment, you have been watching to many movies,  that is no where near being correct and in fact a violation and tampering with a life safety system.

05/21/19 11:02 AM #180    


Pam Murphy (Wiggins) (1971)

“AWW YEAH”... we had a very successful meeting at Le Tréport on Saturday with the Manager & we have some great news to share... the hall we have booked at the actually holds minimum 225 to 360 max... we don’t have to give them our numbers until the end of the month so tickets are back on sale!!! This will be your last chance to purchase a Gala Dinner ticket for $90 per person or a discounted table for 10 at $800 or just pay a cover charge of $20 to join us to REUNITE with your friends to socialize after a full day of events!!! Payments can be made online banking to it is just that simple... Dinner tickets will NOT be sold at the door!!! For your convenience there is an ATM in the lobby... Hope to see you there!!!

05/22/19 02:24 PM #181    


Billy Villano


NO Entry Fee / NO Registration Fee

Prior to the event you can go to the Glenforest Website

and use CASH ON LINE to purchase the following:

Pizza, Sandwiches, Beer and Wine $5.00 each

Hoodies $45.00 / T Shirts $20.00 / Water Bottles $15.00

During the Reunion On June 1st there are three methods of payment:

Cash, Cheque or Cash On Line

Food, Drinks, Hoodies, T Shirts, Water Bottles

Note:  Alumni can use the computers and Printer

in the Library to use Cash On Line.

At any time when using Cash On Line you must print an invoice

and present it on the day as your proof of purchase.

Also,  any one winning a bid in the Silent Auction

can only pay by Cash or Cheque

05/27/19 06:46 PM #182    

Elaine Saunders (Smyth) (1979)

Hello All, I had hoped to attend the reunion but, unfortunately, I am unable.  I married Peter Smyth (1978).  I graduated in 1979 but neither of us seem to be listed.  It would have been great to see you all.  My contact information is if anyone wishes to reach out.  I've already connected with a few of you which has been fantastic. I'm still living in Mississauga!!   Wishing you all the best.  Sincerely, Elaine Smyth (Saunders).

05/28/19 10:21 AM #183    


Glen Forest (1981)

Hi Elaine & Others,

Elaine, you now have a profile on this site or you would not be able to post.  If your husband wants a page, he should request a profile as you did.  All alumni are welcome on this page.  Once you are registered, you can send private messages to anyone else on this page.  Enjoy!

Barbara - Site Admin

05/29/19 12:12 PM #184    


Pam Murphy (Wiggins) (1971)


Daytime Events -organized by Dave Johnston, Billy Villano, Peter Allen & others
12:30 Auditorium doors open to the music from the GFSS Jazz Band.
1:00 Opening Ceremonies in the Auditorium with speeches from Dignitaries
2:00 Bar opens (Wine or Beer) / Food on sale (Pizza or Sandwiches)
4:00. Silent Auction ends
5:00 to 10:00 Pub Night (CASH BAR) with an Open Mic & Karaoke  
9:00 join the Gala to for a $20 cover charge to reunite with your friends for a (CASH BAR) with a professional DJ and dance if the mood strikes you!!!

Gala Dinner Itinerary -organized by Kathy Kunder, Cathy Heeney, Amos Vang & me
5:30 Doors and Deluxe (CASH BAR) to the sounds of a DJ...please note **DINNER TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR** There are a few dinner tickets available at $90 per person prepaid via etransfer via online banking at until May 30th
6:30 Welcome by a Professional Alumni Emcee
7:00 Extraordinarily unique Entertainment that you wont want to miss!!!
7:40 Buffet with Gluten Free and Vegetarian options
8:15 Gala Cupcakes and Gala Cookies with Fruit Trays served with Tea & Coffee 
8:30 Online interactive Trivia you can play on your phone right at your table with your friends
9:00 Alumni are welcome to join the Gala for a $20 cover charge to reunite with your friends for a (CASH BAR) to the sounds of a professional DJ and dance with your friends if the mood strikes you!!! 
1:00 am we have to say our goodbyes until we meet again

PLEASE DO NOT DRINK & DRIVE WE WANT EVERYONE TO GET HOME SAFELY!!!! Make other arrangements if necessary by Taxi, Uber, Lift, Carpool or use a Designated Driver...


06/02/19 01:35 PM #185    


Billy Villano










06/03/19 01:15 PM #186    


Pam Murphy (Wiggins) (1971)

Dear Mr Dave Johnston...What a phenomenal day you, your Co-pilots and students put on at the school during the day to Celebrate Glenforest's 50th Anniversary!!! You and the school's students did everyone proud  to be past and current Alumni. You were an integral part of rejuvenating our old souls...
On behalf of the Gala Team we would like to commend you on a job well done bringing some of our original plans to fruition beyond all that we had imagined possible!!!
Sending you best wishes as you embark on the next journey of your life.

06/03/19 02:28 PM #187    


Pam Murphy (Wiggins) (1971)

I would like to personally thank Barbara Prokopiw Manchur for diligently working behind the scenes on the task of ensuring that the digital Yearbooks were downloaded and available for those of us who wanted one in time for the 50Th Celebration events!!!

On behalf of the Gala team we would like to thank you for your unwavering support and all of the helpful advice you have given us along the way since way back in Feb 2018!!! 

06/03/19 03:19 PM #188    


Glen Forest (1981)

Thanks Pam!  I am currently trying to figure out if I can continue to sell the pdf versions through this site.  I will post again if it works out.  Glad both events were a smashing success!!!  Post pics here too by clicking on the 50th Anniversary tab on the left. Then click on Add / Edit. Not everyone is on Facebook.  All alumni are welcome to have a profile here too! Under the tab "How to use this site" you will see instructions to join!

06/03/19 05:38 PM #189    

Margaret Vann (Matheson) (1975)

I just wanted to say Thank you and congratulations to all that worked so hard to make the Glenforest 50th Reunion such a wonderful event, both at the school and offsite venues.  It was a great day to reconnect and bring back some wonderful memories!  Take care everyone!  

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