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07/13/10 10:56 AM #4    

Ron Owens

Is anyone going to the MHS All-Class Reunion this weekend? 

07/14/10 12:57 PM #5    

Mary Lewis (Cameron)

Five Things I learned Since High School (hard to just narrow it to five)

1.  People have different traditions, customs and ways of looking at the world and everything in  it - we don't have to agree but we must respect the differences.

2.  Use all the crayons in the box and color outside the lines sometimes.

3.  Tell your friends and relatives how you feel about them beofe it is too late.

4.  Always, always, always keep learning.

5.  Whenever possible - have fun. 

Mary Lewis Camerom

02/28/11 10:16 AM #6    


Stephen Holzel

the glass is half full

less is more

sandpoint moments are great

You have to earn happiness The name of my canoe is do-be. I believe you have to do things in life and be good. I have attempted to canoe from duluth MN to Jackinsonville FL. Done half of the trip so far.



08/09/11 04:38 PM #7    

Susie Riter (Schweppe)

 Hi Michael ...

Thanks to you (and many others!) for making all of this happen.  Do you have an "itinerary" of everything that's happening, when and where?  Inquiring minds (of reunion attendees) want to know!  Thanks, Susie Schweppe

09/15/11 07:10 PM #8    


Heidrun Dehne (Varadhachary)

1.  Moderation in everything

2.  Patience is a virtue

3.  Ecological awareness

4.  Be compassionate in ALL situations

5.  Happiness cannot be found in material things

Heidrun Dehne Varadhachary

10/12/11 09:15 AM #9    


Juanita Kay Eldridge


Hi Guys,   

Thanks to all for this effort.                                                                       Montclair is so far and deep in my History that returning is a process I'm not sure could happen for me if not for this "full circle" activity.                                                                                                              In the past two months I have had to visit Home several times and it was an awesome experience, yes I'm talking about Montclair.                                                                                                     Such memories,  I found that I just wanted to walk the paths and streets of my old neighborhood, go in and out of the old stores,  recalling former thoughts, smells,  sounds  and perhaps get a glimpse of Althea Gibson on the Nishuane courts, ice skate on a lake that one can no longer skate on and so on.                                                                                                                 We are very fortunate individuals coming from this town; few other places can match her.

Now, I know this event has been long and at times complicated so; I just want to say thank you to all evolved.

Kay Eldridge.

10/19/11 01:07 PM #10    


Joseph Attamante

I had so much fun reminiscing with those I knew, and some I didn't, when we were young! 

We've seen so much in the last 50 years: the first TV's; Sputnik; walking on the moon; the Cold War; Vietnam War; the fall of the Berlin War followed by the dissolution of the Soviet Union; VCR's; the advent and ubiquity of computers; radio's transition from news, friendly informative talk or top 40 to(with some exceptions) partisan political shock jocks; cable TV;  feminism, the civil rights and environmental movements and legislation--just for starters!

But above all, most of us have been blessed with health, intelligence, strength of character, concern for others and the common good. 

Thank you to our wonderful committee who put on a first-class event, and to all my special classmates who made it memorable!

I vote that we continue to reunite and not let this bittersweet fun end at 50! 

Joe Attamante



10/20/11 08:19 PM #11    


Elaine Johnson (Fiveland)

Those of us on the committee had the fun of planning the reunion.  But it would have been a flop if the rest of you hadn't decided to come!!  We're so glad you did!  I know the accolades have been coming in and we appreciate them so much.  Maybe it won't be five years before we get together again, but we will surely start planning for "the next one," whenever it is.  A suggestion was made to pass on....How about we have "elevator music" the next time so we don't have to strain to hear/talk to each other? Our ears are not getting younger even if our spirits remain young!!

A highlight life event happened last weekend.  Enjoy the memories!

10/20/11 08:22 PM #12    


Barbara Hesterfer (Reidinger)

I live in Connecticut and get down to NJ infrequesntly in recent years, but last Saturday night, while driving up Bloomfield Avenue, then later down, on my way to my sister-in-law's in Glen Ridge, I was amazed at the changes along the avenue. So many lovely restaurants, and other venues, attracting folks to partake of - It's nice to see that, since we don't very often, what with mega malls, etc. that take us away from our own home towns.. Looks like Montclair has a lot to offer, right in our own back yards, so do enjoy as much as you can!..I also was very impressed at the beauty of the Montclair Art Museum.. What a fabulous place to have our reunion!. In all the years I lived in Montclair (from 1949-1970, I had never been to the museum..

Be well and happy, everyone!  Hope to see all again soon..

Barb (Hesterfer) Reidinger

10/22/11 03:44 PM #13    


Elaine Johnson (Fiveland)

50 years later Montclair (5-0) again triumphs over East Orange (6-0) 35-7 today in a game like we haven't seen here in years.  I live right by the field and there were so many cars parked around I couldn't get out of the driveway.  That's a rarity for football in the later years.   GO MOUNTIES!!  Good to see the interest is up again.  State champs perhaps???

10/24/11 09:10 AM #14    


Jackie Petrulio (Adams)

Many thanks to all involved for organizing such a wonderful reunion.  Even my husband Dave who is not from MHS had fun!  Seeing old friends and meeting new ones was truly a joy. 

Jackie Petrulio Adams

05/17/12 11:01 AM #15    


Carolina Bartholomew (Medina)


Invitation to my Art Show at The Tenth Muse Gallery, Maplewood Village
May 2012 through July 2012
Call for times:
973 313 2722
Bountiful Gifts

Hello Friends--

Hope all is well with everybody.
I am having a new ART show---my first since Agora in NYC in November---at "The Tenth Muse Gallery" in Maplewood Village, 170 Maplewood Ave.
This will be my first ALL GICLEE SHOW and there are some truly marvelous pieces, both large and small.
"The Tenth Muse Gallery" is primarily a terrific jewelry shop, with lots of other good things.
I want to thank those who helped me prepare for this show:
-- Marti Koestler from The Frame Shop, 295 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell, for her excellent framing work.
-- Peter Jacobs (, for his very fine photography and giclee processing.
-- Krista Hyer for connecting me with the gallery.
-- Christine O'Gara, smart and faithful assisstant.
Please read on -- Carolina Medina  
The Tenth Muse Gallery

MON. - WED. 10 AM - 6 PM * THURS . - SAT. 10 AM - 8:30 PM


See you at The New Tenth Muse.
Mary Ann Spencer
The Tenth Muse Gallery        





12/28/16 08:58 AM #16    

Maria de Vasconcellos

​I want to thank those classmates who diligently update and keep us informed on our classmates.  The saddest part is "In Memory" where we see how many of our class are no longer with us.  Thank you Again.....Maria de Vasconcellos

12/29/16 10:57 AM #17    

Dorine Pelham (Gibbs)

I am so happy to get these emails. I have not made the reunions but I hope to. My sister Dolores pelam Clark has and she keeps me informed. From Dorine Pelham Gibbs

08/20/18 07:50 PM #18    

Kent Mitchell (Mitchell)

alwaysHi, All,  This is not a response to the discussion.  From a tech illiterate, Kent Mitchell, this is a response to Gary Testa's passing. Like Gary, I loved Woodman Field. I romped with Gary in the field across from Gary's house on Essex Avenue from the time I was six. What I always liked best, competitor though he was, was that Gary was as gentle in high school as he was when he was six.  My regards and sympathies go out to his family. I will always think of Gary with admiration and pleasure.    Kent Mitchell










04/12/21 01:06 PM #19    

Rev. Mitchell Clark

Five things I've learned, tough to narrow down.. But:
1. Long term friends are rare, cherish them.
2. Health until 40 was taken for granted;
not so much since.
3. Patience is often in short supply; well
worth exercising.
4. Grandkids are a treasure, worth investing
values and fun.
5. I value my faith, initiated in 1960 while
in Montclair: God is good all the time.

06/28/21 11:19 AM #20    

Maria de Vasconcellos

It seems this site has not been often used but I want to use it to thank

Mike Sternbach for his dedication to keeping it updated even with

bad new.  We have lost so many of our classmates it makes me very sad !


06/29/21 08:31 AM #21    


Wayne Hansen

The sad and sobering reality. When Michael Sternbach and I started to create a class website in 2006, we found that approximately 20 percent of our classmates had already passed away. That was 15 years ago. So many more now, 60 years since our graduation. So cherish those family members and friends that are still with us. And cherish those memories of friends and activities from long ago. Wayne Hansen.

06/29/21 05:17 PM #22    


John Pace

 It is really so sad when a classmate has passed on, try to keep in touch with other classmates, even if it is wishing a Happy Birthday or a Memory you have shared. It is so important to stay in touch. MHS 1961 John. 

Ps Thank you Michael and Wayne. 






06/30/21 11:49 AM #23    


Ginny Carollo (Rubin)

Thanks for this Forum Michael and Wayne.

This  hangs on my wall from a speech by Frank Oppenheimer:

"I recommmend that you be willing to become deeply involved in lots and lots of things and that you let yourself, perhaps even force youself, to do things that you think are important and that you can take seriously. I make this recommendation to you because I believe that if you do, then even in the face of considerable adversity you will feel, as I do now, grateful for having lived."

Let me know when you are in the San Francisco area!

Ginny (Carollo) Rubin

07/03/21 02:35 PM #24    


Victoria Zobian (Woodrow)

Hi Ginny! I live in Half Moon Bay..saw your notice and remembered that you were such a nice person! My email is if you're rolling thru HMB sometime!

10/02/21 10:16 PM #25    

Carol Twiner (Cameron)

Hi Michael, I recently heard of the passing of a classmate of ours, Bruce Findiller. Funeral to be held at the Norman Dean Funeral Home in Denville, N. J. Obit is listed on their website. Hoping you are well and happy! Fondly, Carol

10/05/21 08:01 AM #26    

Michael Sternbach

'61's '61st

Dear Fellow 61’ers – Since the COVID Pandemic challenged any reunion plans this year, how would you feel about a 61st reunion for our Class of 61 in 2022?  It could be really nice!  

Please respond to MichaelSternbach (

Thanks! Hope it works out!

Ron Owens



10/07/21 05:23 AM #27    


Robert Duncan

Yes it would be great and I will do my best to attend good Lord willing.  I will great to see our classmates 

once again.   Bob Duncan

04/28/24 12:47 PM #28    


Jackie Petrulio (Adams)

Carol wsa always fun to hang out with in highschool with a cheerful, vivacious personality.

My condolences to her family and friends.

Jackie Petrulio Adams 

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