In Memory


Friday, Feb 1, Steve Holton passed away (9:50 PM) while in the ICU of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He had been holding his own after 11 days while there and was talking to a nurse practitioner when she said he just stopped talking, and then became unresponsive. Extensive efforts by the doctors and staff were unable to bring him back. His death was fairly short, and did not appear to cause him major pain. There will be an autopsy, as the medical people do not yet know what precipitated his sudden turn for the worst. He was a scientist and hopefully something useful will be learned from his death. His body will then be cremated and the ashes spread on the river that runs by his home of the last 22 years, as he wanted. We will let you know as further plans develop. While we knew his 12 year battle with his cancer would end eventually, that does not make it less painful. We all lost a brilliant, wonderful, fascinating person in our lives. He loved helping people, and did so much of it. He leaves a large void in many lives, especially mine. Steve’s family and I are grateful for Steve’s life, and mourn his death. With love, Peggy

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02/06/19 09:53 AM #1    

Elvoid Christmas

Unfortunately, another leaf has fallen from the class of 61 tree of life. May he rest in peace!

02/06/19 11:45 AM #2    

Chris Weimar

May you rest in peace Steven. As Elvoid so appropriately commented, another leaf has fallen from the tree.

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