Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.   Some of these classmates listed actually attended previous reunions, and thus have stayed in touch after High School, but are now lost again.  If you know of any classmate's email, or address, you can enter them in yourself or send a note to the Contact Us admins to add them in for you.  Thanks for your help here.

Robert Adams
Lupita Aguirre
Sean Allison
Gretchen Baker
Todd R. Bankhead
Julie H. Banks
Tina Behm
Kent Michael Benedict
Carla Bierman
Jeffery N. Blake
Frederick Bodman
Tresa Bogardo
Brent Bowen
Lyle Brewer
Bill Briggs
Brian Broders
Mathew LeRoy Brown
Wendy Brown
Brian Burke
Paula Burnett
Nicole M. Burr
Phayvanh N. Cam
Steve W. Canady
Michael Archer Cassell
Bill Causse
Rosalinda Chaires
Michael Lee Chapman
David Chase
Jeffery Conard
Tracy Connor
Christopher D. Cunningham
David Davison
Shalyn Denney
Karen Deters
Marissa Dib
Brad Dipple
Laura Doering
Greg Doyle
Stephanie Renae Dykes
Steven K. Eckhardt
Kerrie Edwards
Corena Eichelberger
Michelle L. Elliott
Todd L. Estabrook
Greg K. Euler
Jason Darin Figg
John H. Fletcher
Lauri Ford
Trinh Fridrych
Jeanie Kay Fry
Minerva Godoy
Yoko Gomi
Kimberly Hart
Lisa Haskins
Zella Haskins
Heather M. Hayes
Michael Hayes
Shane Heither
Tammy Hemmenway
Travis J. Heuer
Tonya Hill
Terry Hocke
Alan Holcomb
Stacy R. Honts
Samuel Houseman
Karen Hutmacher
Heather A. Hutton
Kandy Iserhott
Tina L. Ison
Catherine L. Jamison
Tara Job
Randy R. Kemper
Kara Kirkland
Kathleen M. Klebe
Everett R. Knight
Mark Knight
Wesley Krueger
Nikki J. Lane
Trina Marie Lane
Andrew D. Leech
Mark Lind
Kimberly M. Lindle
Randy Lippelgoes
Nicholas Manjoine
Donald Martin
Harry Michael Martin
Ron Martin
Sara D. McKean
Vernon L. McKim
Heth O. McKinney
Karen Mills
Tonia Mondt
Randall Moreno
Christine Mortenson
Carmen M. Nesbit
Evan M. Nitz
Elizabeth Marie Noll
Jacob Ojile
Raquel Olivarez
George O'neal
Jennifer Pace
Tonya Patterson
Mario A. Jr. Perales
Julie Ann Peterson
Victoria Petty
Brad Qualls
Rebeca Ramos
Elvira Reyes
Warren Ribbink
Angelia Rickey
Betty Rickey
Rusty Ridenour
Nathan J. Rinnert
David J. Roberson
Charlie Robinson
Eric Ross
Kerrie Kathleen Schenkel
Linda Schmarje
Ron C. Schreurs
Greg Schroeder
Heather Scott
Bret S. Sharp
Sandra Simmons
John C. Sindt
Kami Slack
Shelly Snyer
Lisa Kay Sterner
Fleurette E. Stromer
Karla Swandke
Michelle Ellzabeth Thornton
Eric Tomkins
Joseph Valdez
Sharlyn Vanest
Nora Varela
Diane Marie Varner
Doug Varner
Melissa Viner
Tricia Weaver
Heidi Whitlock
Jody Whitlock
Nicole Wilkinson
Lance B. Williams
Angie Wingerter
Tabitha Wright
Nancy Yahn
Sheila Ann Zaehringer

Guest Members

Shelly Church (Grunder)
