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•   William McMullin (McMullin) (1975)  9/11
•   Robert Ted Hackett (1976)  9/10
•   Billie Jane Loftis (1974)  6/26
•   Chris Ames (Ames) (1976)  6/22
•   John Richard Masciarelli (Masciarelli) (1975)  5/27
•   Diane Clunan (Rector) (1981)  5/18
•   Judith Ann Blackmer (Lowe) (1976)  4/26
•   Jennifer Phillips (1980)  4/18
•   Karen Tudor (Patterson) (1977)  2/27
•   Joseph Thomas Marlin, Jr. (1969)  11/6
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

5 live in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
5 live in California
2 live in Colorado
9 live in Florida
12 live in Georgia
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
7 live in Kentucky
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in Nebraska
1 lives in Nevada
2 live in New Jersey
3 live in North Carolina
2 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
237 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Utah
5 live in Virginia
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Greece
2,493 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the
Bellevue Owls Alumni Association
Classes 1931 thru 1981

This site is free to use and is maintained by the Bellevue Owls Alumni Association Leadership Team.  Our domain name is - please share it with other alumni.  This site will be our main All Class Alumni database of contact information, whether contacted via email or mailing address. If this is your first time to visit the site, please click the "First Time Here?" link to the left to get started.


  • You must be logged in to view certain pages of the site (the exception is the Owl Profiles page because this would prevent new alumni from joining). Our announcements, reunion information, etc. will only be visible to classmates who are logged in.
  • Remember though that you have control of how private you keep your profile.  You have the option of giving only logged in alumni the ability to view your profile; or, you may make it open to anyone who comes across this site.
  • If you have questions or forget your password, just go to the "Contact Us" link and send us a message.
  • Once logged in, be sure and visit additional links on the left and across the top for information on our homecoming, the new high school, class and all class reunions, etc.
  • If you would like to help with finding "Missing Owls", just go to the "Contact Us" link and let us know.
  • Enjoy! 

~ Your Bellevue Owls Alumni Association Leadership Team
