Teacher Profiles

     In Memory: 4
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 4

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Robert Adair (English)
Mark Blatchford (Spanish)
Ruth Brown (Reading)
Wayne Bush (Civics)
Lindy Caldwell (Art)
James Crawford (Shop/Football…)   
Norma DeJarnette (English)
Ava Diviney (Business)
Wilhelmina Dorris (Math)
Marynell Driscoll (English)   
Joseph Durham (U. S. History)
Maxine Elliott (English)
Don Geary (Economics)
Pat Gee (Science)
Doug Hall (Gym)
Rich Harbison (Psychology)
Ray Harwell (Shop)
Lucy High
Gloria Hood (English)   
Jo Ann Hood (Band)
Dorothy Hopson (English)
Clair Ivanov (Science)
Jimmy Jamison (Math)
LaMona McCarter (English)
Judith Michie (French)
Cynthia Moss (Business)
Clay Myers (U. S. History)
Alys O'Brien (Venable)   
Eva Pilkinton (Spanish)
Albert Posnack (Health)
Dorothy Safely (Home Economics)
Shelia Schell (Business)
Stanley Shanke (Agriculture)
Vinity Swisher (Science)
Carol Towry (Gym)
William VanderLinden (Art)
Edna Weidemann (English)
Jo Ann Whitley (Math)
Sam Young (Math)

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