Kathleen Wolff Reding

Profile Updated: July 15, 2009
Residing In: Battle Creek, NE USA
Spouse/Partner: Daniel Reding
Occupation: Assistant Food Service Manager, First Choice
Children: Danielle 27 and spouse Wade
Andrea 24 (Nebraska Army National Guard)
Mitchell 21

Okay this is how it really was, married almost 20 years, worked really, really hard and finally cracked. Did the whole single thing, it was fun, for awhile, till I met my hubby, who, I believe has been my soul mate all the time. Sweet, loving and gentle!! Life is good now, we live on an acreage outside of BC (12 acreas) and love it here!! I have a great life!! Sorry I was so short and too the point before!! Have two grand kids now!! Beautiful girls that get in touch with their STEP aunts and it is nice!! Life is good and life goes on!! That is one thing we need to always remember!! Life goes on!!!

So okay adding a few more details, now that I think about it, worked at the Regional Center for awhile, then the new Vets home for 15 years! Loved the old folks, but kinda depressing!! Then moved over to the college and I love the kids, course I have my favorites, which are usually the underdogs, they just trust me, that is good!!!

Sadness in our lives this year in March, lost a nephew to suicide, very hard thing to deal with, if you knew the kid, you would never think it!!! But we are dealing and we are going on, moving forward, with great faith and hope and love!!!

See you all in a few weeks!!!

Thanks to all that have contacted me!! It has been great!!

School Story:

I don't have alot of school stories, I hung out mostly with my Cousin Cheryl and my older sister Cindy! Loved FFA, with MR. Allen!! That was fun, and the dances, those were fun! Why is everybody so hard on Mr. Cross, he taught me a lot, course he asked me if I was related too so and so and rolled his eyes and I said yea, what about it???? I think he liked me ever since!!! LOL those were the days and my personality has not changed too much, still speak my mind, sometimes being head strong is good, sometimes not so much!! LOL

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:33 PM
My niece Mallory, older sis Mickie, myself and my middle daughter Annie!! December, 2008!
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:33 PM
Annie and Me July 2009
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:33 PM
My kids June 2nd, 2007. Mitchell (the baby) Danielle (the oldest) Andrea (the middle) Danielle's wedding, one down, two too go!!
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:33 PM
Mitchell's graduation!!! A little more relaxing then the first pic!!!