In Memory

Daniel McLaughlin

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08/05/09 06:20 PM #1    

Roberta Cowan (Millert)

Daniel died in Sept of 1972 due to a motorcylce accident in Bufflo. He was returning back to college.

08/09/09 03:59 PM #2    

George VonPless

I remember Dan, from the wrestling team, and will never forget the time he took some figuritive advice , from the coach, literally, and, after beating a guy from B'ville, looked him in theye, during the traditional end-of-match handshake, and said "I beat you mister". The referee was stunned and asked coach Roch about what Dan said, at which time, the coach had to fess up about his pre-match pep talk.

05/09/10 12:24 PM #3    

Alice Zaleon

I also went to the University of Buffalo and learned of Daniel's accident shortly after it happened.  We had been in French class together in high school, and I remember him as such a nice, kind person.  I've thought of him many times over the years, feeling sadness for his family and what might have been.

03/23/12 10:25 AM #4    

Mark Boynton

Memories of Danny come up  when I think of when we worked together at McDonalds in North Syracuse,boy did we have pickle fights! I used to drop him off at his house at 2am after closing.I remember him asking me to leave quietly so I didn't wake up his Mom.  I always floored my yellow Dodge R/T,left strips of rubber in front of his house and it sounded like the engine was trying to suck the hood down through the intake,you know the norm for  a teenager of that erra . I remember the carport on the side of his house collapsed,but that might have been after his family moved. A great guy,still missed,still remembered.

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