In Memory

Carmen Calderon (Souza)

Carmen Calderon (Souza)

Carmen Calderon (Souza)

Last Updated:    April 15, 2010

Residing In:    1321 Chelsea Way
Hayward, CA 94544 USA

Telephone:    510-732-1906

Spouse/Partner:    David Souza

Children:    Michael David, 1968
Anthony Victor, 1969
Christine Marie, 1971
Grandchildren: Amanda, Rebeccah, Megan, Hunter, Siena, Venice and Michael Jr. (twins)

Birthday:    May 30, 1942


Last Updated:    April 15, 2010

Residing In:    1321 Chelsea Way
Hayward, CA 94544 USA

Telephone:    510-732-1906

Spouse/Partner:    David Souza

Children:    Michael David, 1968
Anthony Victor, 1969
Christine Marie, 1971
Grandchildren: Amanda, Rebeccah, Megan, Hunter, Siena, Venice and Michael Jr. (twins)

Birthday:    May 30, 1942


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09/03/10 06:01 AM #1    

Anne Fahey (Sheaff)

Carmen and I met our freshman year sitting across from one another in class.  Seating was arranged alphabetically, and her "C" and my "F" forged a friendship that lasted 54 years until her death on September 2, 2010. 

Lunch together in the cafeteria; hanging around with Mary Jo Mahoney, Pat Freitas, and Judy Gardenhire; living vicariously as a cheerleader through her talents; sharing business classes our junior and senior years; and taking a two-week cruise to Waikiki with her, Mary Jo, and Lauri Hutchinson a year after we graduated.  We married within a year of each other and had our first-born sons two months apart.  Geographical distance separated us, but we managed to reconnect through Christmas cards, BOD reunions, and occasional telephone calls.  As in true friendships, we were always able to pick up where we left off.

With children grown and more time available, we were able to see and talk to each other often in the last ten years.  She and husband David hosted us at their condo in Cancun and their second home in Scottsdale, Arizona.  We spent a memorable weekend together in Cambria.  Most recently when we were their guests in Hayward, Carmen and David took us to Mass at the new Oakland cathedral where I felt so at home surrounded by many familiar and beloved sights.

When news first arrived of our 50-year reunion, Carmen and I made plans to attend together as we had at three previous reunions.  When I agreed to be on the Greeting Committee, I volunteered Carmen immediately, informing her later.  We were both anxiously looking forward to seeing our old friends together.

Just slightly over two months ago, Carmen called me to tell me that medical tests revealed she had stage IV pancreatic cancer.  She was given six months to a year to live.  She began chemo treatments, but felt so miserable from them that she stopped after her third one.  She was forthright about her prognosis with herself, family, and friends.  I put her on every prayer list I could find, hoping for a miraculous cure.  Alas, the Lord had other plans.  We E-mailed regularly until she began to deteriorate quickly in the last couple of weeks.  David and her family were at her side during that time.

Goodbye, dear friend.  I will miss sharing our memories, laughing at our teenage antics, and spending time with you and David.  May we meet again one day in Paradise!








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