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•   Ryan Burkhart (2005)  4/29
•   Chasity Stedman  5/30
•   Jennifer Fraze (Jeffers)  12/7
•   Stephanie Whitten (Conn)  8/4
•   Jill Pitcock (Miller) (2001)  7/9
•   Greg "Squeak" Loveless (1997)  3/31
•   Stephanie Taylor  1/26
•   Jack Wheatley (2001)  1/12
•   Katie Kennard (Carnahan)  1/12
•   Charity Truelove (Karcz) (1999)  1/5
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arkansas
1 lives in Colorado
2 live in Georgia
5 live in Illinois
51 live in Indiana
1 lives in Kansas
15 live in Kentucky
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in North Carolina
5 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in China
1 lives in Ecuador
216 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Oakland City University Classes Of 1990 - 2002 web site. The reunion is set for June 27, 2009 at the Executive Inn , Evansville, IN.  email me with any questions. There are still a lot of people I don' t have contact information for, so if you don't see their names here, let me know!!


I would like to second what Kim said! I had a great time and it was so FUN to catch up! Those of you that did not come definately missed out. We had a blast. THANKS FOR COMING! It was great to see everyone.


A BIG thank you to everyone who came out for the reunion and had a great time!  I can't say thanks enough for those who pitched in extra to help with the cost.  I REALLY REALLY appreciate it!!!  It was so much fun getting together with everyone!! Hopefully it won't be another 10 years before we do it again. It's hard to explain the bond you create with your Oakland City University family, but it is amazing! We are able to pick right back up where we were and have that same love for each other. 


Thanks again for a great night!  I love you all!! 


Hey everyone!  If you don't see your friends on here, enter their email address in the box marked missing classmates at the bottom right of this page.  It'll send them an email linking them to the site.  :) And remember, if you don't see your name on here, make sure you tell me what year you graduated so I can put that in.  Thanks!!

