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In Memory

Vera Carter (Mitchell)

Vera Carter (Mitchell)

I welcome this opportunity to say a few words in celebration of the life of Vera Carter Mitchell, who passed in 2012. Vera received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science in 1970.

She was a founding member of the Oberlin College Alliance of Black Culture (OCABC) and Afro-House. She was known to pull all-nighters—no, not solely for studying but often to listen and provide counseling for classmates working through the stresses of college life. It is no surprise then that in her profession as a librarian at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, she counseled and assisted scholars in their research. She was honored by the University as a recipient of the Chancellor’s Distinguished Staff Award. Vera volunteered with organizations including Habitat for Humanity and A Woman’s Fund (a local shelter for women and children). The many students who achieved undergraduate, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees represent a piece of Vera’s legacy, as do those who moved forward in life after living in a shelter.

Her talented and spiritual daughter and son, and their children, are living embodiments of her legacy. Vera's advocacy, her friendship, her spirit—are missed.

Cynthia Gibbs Wilson remembering Vera Carter Mitchell ’70