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In Memory

Robert Sheridan

Robert Sheridan

Bob Sheridan and Jenny (Thiermann ’70) were my special “off-campus friends,” as they lived in an apartment above Bud's Bar and Grill downtown and I was in dorms my sophomore and junior years. We would cross paths in Tappan or at the student union, and they may have been Harkness members as I was. Bob was such a caring, loving guy under what might have seemed to some to be a rougher image. We shared many a story and remark and joke and somehow a strong bond that I know he felt, too. And Jenny was always there ... smiling and nodding and wishing folks well. Just before my senior year, Bob and Jenny turned the keys to their beloved upstairs, off-campus apartment over to me and Will Jordan, and I shared it during all of 1970-1971. Jenny, please contact me at scottking49@yahoo.com. I would love to have a copy of Bob’s CD. I'll never forget kind, smart Bob Sheridan.

Scott Johnson remembering Bob Sheridan ’70

Hi Jenny, and other long-lost friends of that era. I lost contact with Bob around 1990, and have avoided the Obie alumni orbit generally (never graduated, actually). I was saddened to learn a few years ago that he had died so young. I remember well the spirit if not the details of our times together — including his commitment to the theater. I recall watching his audition for or performance of a Horowitz play — maybe “The Indian Wants the Bronx” or “The Line.” But nothing as much as our struggle together on Oct. 27, 1967. It was a good fight. Here’s my favorite photo, the two of us arms locked.

Keep Hope Alive.
Eric Frumin, Brooklyn, NY

Eric Frumin remembering Bob Sheridan ’70

It was a beautiful friendship. I can’t exactly recall how or when we met. I knew that he was very involved in the campus anti-war movement and, like myself, from Chicago. I guess initially we moved in different circles but eventually over time those circles overlapped. By the time we graduated we had become true friends and bonded over our passion for jazz and blues music. In the early seventies I visited him and his beloved Jenny at their “Cloud Mountain” in California. For several years afterward we had somehow lost contact. But one morning in the early eighties while I was walking to work I heard someone call out my name. Of course it was Bob; he had returned to Chicago. Over the next thirty years we would get together and “hang” to go hear music. I’ll always treasure the time and memories of him and thank Oberlin for bringing us together.

Arthur Wheatley remembering Bob Sheridan ’70

Robert, aka Bob or Bobby back then, became a friend for life from freshman year on. He was always up for an adventure, such as loading four of us (Robin and Gretchen, Bob and Jenny, the love of his life) and a cat in his tiny yellow Triumph and taking it for a spin to Chance Creek, bottoming out several times along the way, to his great amusement. He was a songwriter and playwright, having penned a musical about Lenny Bruce that, unfortunately, never was performed at Oberlin due to the Kent State tragedy. He was the best man at our wedding in December 1968 at Fairchild Chapel. Not too long before he died in Glenview, Illinois, he completed a long-held goal of recording an album of original tunes. Its title is “Late in the Day,” and Robert sings and plays guitar, as well as being the producer and composer. If you want a CD, let Jenny know. We miss him dearly.

Robin Nicholoff & Gretchen Rivard Nicholoff remembering Robert Michael Sheridan ’70


Deceased 2013