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In Memory

Alphonzia Wellington

Alphonzia Wellington

Al Wellington was a stand-up guy. I can’t think of anyone from my Oberlin years that I admire more. He was a helping spirit and a good though sometimes a bit gruff friend to everyone he contacted. When he refereed our intramural bball games, he’d tease and joke with me on the court, “Hey, Johnson pass the ball, quit hogging it!” I can still hear his voice. And I, among his and the 1969-1970 Oberlin College bball Ohio Conference Championship Team fans, followed Al and his team faithfully from game to game throughout the season and through the final tournament. Al was the Team Captain. And later he returned to work with students and administration to try to help both sides understand and work with the other. Bravo! Al Wellington was a stand-up guy. R.I.P. Mr. Al Wellington!

Scott Johnson remembering Al Wellington ’70

Deceased 2012