In Memory

Lorraine Volpe

Lorraine Volpe

Very sad to report that Lorraine passed away January 9, 2014, after a long and courageous battle with leukemia.

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01/11/14 11:54 AM #5    

Lew Barrett (Barrett)

So sad to hear this.  Lorraine was a constant in many of my classes and a fine and beautiful young woman.  I had hoped to see her at the reunion but now understand why she couldn't attend.  Peace and comfort to all her friends and loved ones. 

01/11/14 12:44 PM #6    

Fran Hemendinger (Costigan)

I am sorry to hear that Lorraine has passed. I do remember her as a friendly, lovely young woman.


01/11/14 01:24 PM #7    

Judd Hulbert

I am so sorry to hear about the death of Lorraine Volpe. She and I were in a lot of classes together and I always found her very friendly and happy. It was always a pleasure to be with her.

01/11/14 03:36 PM #8    

Chip Hawkins (OHS '61)

Her battle with leukemia lasted 2 years, so I am sure we can all agree she will welcome the respite from pain and suffering. Sometimes death comes as a blessing for the suffering and the grief we share is for our loss. Rest in God's peace Lorraine and comfort her family in this time.

01/11/14 05:12 PM #9    

Web Admin Terry Kaylin (Smith)

Lorraine and I shared some fun times in Mrs. Pollard's art class. We were both crazy about Pappagallo shoes, and had them in a bunch of colors, so it was always a hoot to see if we came in with the same color. Simpler times...

I remember her with much fondness...a beautiful person, inside and out.  


01/12/14 10:27 AM #10    

Deb Vosk (Roberge)

I'm so deeply sorry to hear this sad  With me  "Vosk" and she "Volpe" we were side by side quite a bit. I remember her as being a kind and sweet soft spoken gal.  Troubled to know she had such a difficult time, really sad. Stay well friends and take as good care of yourselves as you possibily can.  Love to all heart Deb (i)

01/13/14 08:33 AM #11    

Arlene Goldstein (Trigg)

I'm very so sorry to hear that Lorraine has passed away and had suffered for so long with her illness. I remember her as a sweet and sexy sailor. May peace be with her family and friends.


01/27/14 10:50 AM #12    

Fred Gross (Lorraine Volpe's Son)

Thanks for all the nice comments for my Mom. She lived a full and active life. She would want to be remembered for her smiles and happy times. Im sure she would have attended her 50th is she were able.

I created a webpage to post her pictures and remember the good times.

01/28/14 12:03 PM #13    

Arlene Goldstein (Trigg)

Thanks for sharing.....


03/05/16 11:41 PM #14    

Arnold Levine

I  am so saddened to learn of  Lorraine's death. We never had a single class together. . However, we lvd in the same end of town and walked home from OHS at least 3 times a week. She was a friendly and kind spirit.May she rest in peace.

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