Submitted by Barry's sister, Candice Kantor Fisher
Very sad to report that Barry passed away sudently on August 10, 2012 in New York City. He was just beginning to reconnect with high school friends, and was eager to see everyone at the reunion.
Barry was extremely bright and gifted. They wanted him to skip two grades as he was so ahead of his classmates, but I believe after much discussion, my parents said he could only skip one grade. As were many of you, Barry and I were Polio Pioneers. He received the vaccine, and I received the water!
Barry was chosen to be in the High School Bowl program on TV. He also was on a dance show similar to American Bandstand, but in NYC.
He worked with many famous musician, including John Lennon, and counted George Carlin among his friends.
Barry served his country in Vietnam as a Green Beret. I believe the photo bellow is from his days in ROTC at the University of Vermont.