Leticia Armendariz

Profile Updated: May 8, 2019
Leticia Armendariz
Where do you live now? El Paso, TX USA
Married? To who? When? How long? Married to Eleazar Vizcaino
Where do you work? What do you do? El Paso County, Grant Writer
Kids? How many? How old? Boys or girls? I have two Boys, Esteban age 32 and Andrew 30; both live in Albuquerque, NM.
Yes! Attending Reunion
Why or Why not????

Wow.... thirty years; i don't feel a day older than in 1984!! LOL. Have a great time all of you that do attend.



School Story:

I was only at Odessa High School for my Junior and Senior years. I was attending Ector High School when the district decided to close down the school and split the boundary lines of the city to determine where kids would attend school. I fell on the west side of the boundary and had to attend school at OHS. The majority of my friends were on the opposite side of the line and had to attend school at PHS. So these two years were very lonely for me at such a crucial time to separate myself from my closest friends. But I can say that the students who were currently attending OHS did make the best to invite us in to their school.

Do you still see/talk to/hang out with any classmates? Who?

In 2013 I finally broke down and joined FB and since then I have been able to reconnect with a few classmates and Friends from Odessa.

What did you do right after high school?

I got married a year after high school to my high school sweetheart that also graduated from OHS in 1984. We had our two boys but unfortunately our marriage did not last and we parted ways only six years into our marriage.

What do you do now?

I work for El Paso County in El Paso, Texas. I am the grant writer for the County. I basically look for monies for different programs; mostly for drug rehabiliation, within the County.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to work out; watch sports and go dancing.

Name 3 interesting facts about you.

I have a double major in Accounting and Business.

Any grey hair?


What elementary and Jr. High did you go to?

I attended Rusk Elementary; which by the way has been demolished. I attended Jr. High at Blacksear. Both of these schools are on the southside of Odessa. And if i remember correctly, Blacksheer has been renamed?

What organizations/classes were you a member of? (band, choir, annual, rodeo, etc.)

I was a member of the band.

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