April Parker

Profile Updated: May 26, 2014
April Parker
Where do you live now? Corpus Christi, TX USA
Homepage: parkerapril15@yahoo.com
Married? To who? When? How long? In a relationship with Hollis Williams.....for 3 years
Where do you work? What do you do? AdvoCare
Kids? How many? How old? Boys or girls? I have 3 gorgeous boys. Holden 23, Spencer 21, and Ian 17.
Yes! Attending Reunion
Cell Phone:




School Story:

There are WAY 2 MANY 2 mention. I hung out with so many nuts and I have always been a tad crazy myself, or so I've been told. Had a blast though.

Do you still see/talk to/hang out with any classmates? Who?

I dont see 2 many people but I talk 2 Laura Millsap almost daily, Molly Graham, Kim Osborn, Richard Lawler, thats about it. how PATHETIC!!!!!

What did you do right after high school?

Went to O.C. then off to S.W.T.....HUGE mistake. The rest is a blur until I had some great kids who keep me grounded.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I still love to act, read, sing, and throw baby stomp fits when I don't get my way.

Name 3 interesting facts about you.

I have done about 40 plays and a few crappy bit parts in movies.I have been told by several writing professors that I am Sylvia Plath reincarnated. (YIKES!!! She killed herself by sticking her head in an oven.)

Any grey hair?


Best memory of Odessa High School

Cruisin the drag, Sr. talent show, sneaking out to hang out with the "cool bad boys" Dennis, Tim G., Bill, Ricky, Curt etc. Gettin into all kinds of trouble with Devra. Cheering at football games. Hangin out with my bff Kelly. Taco Villa and Country burger. The duck pond. Lots & lots of other memories.

What elementary and Jr. High did you go to?

Cameron Elementary and Crockett Jr. High

What organizations/classes were you a member of? (band, choir, annual, rodeo, etc.)

Theatre girl, cheerleader, Jr. class President....now that's funny!! Homecoming Queen nominee...dang you Fawn Cox.


I have such great memories of high school. I hung out with an amazing cast of characters and I got to feel that incredible feeling of being crazy in love. Thanks Dennis.

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May 26, 2014 at 4:33 PM
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May 26, 2014 at 4:32 PM

I can't figure out how to change where I live.....NOT in Oklahoma. ....I live on Padre Island. :-)