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Percentage of Joined HHS 65' Classmates: 50.8%

A:   124   Joined
B:   120   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Arizona
3 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
2 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Iowa
3 live in Kansas
3 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
2 live in Missouri
4 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
64 live in Oklahoma
1 lives in Pennsylvania
20 live in Texas
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Chile
1 lives in Sweden
120 location unknown
62 are deceased



•   Rick Lee  9/20
•   Karl Semtner  9/20
•   Ann Binder (Schechter)  9/21
•   Mary Sue Smith (Hicks)  9/22
•   Peyton Osborne  9/23
•   Steve Trice  9/23
•   Don Coulson  9/28
•   Jim Truss  9/28
•   Jerry Hall  9/29
•   Bob Bennett  10/1
•   Anna Källkvist  10/4
•   Patti Simonson (Teague)  10/7
•   Eowana Peters (Jordan)  10/10
•   Mike Prykryl  10/14


•   Pat Padgett  9/16
•   Thad Evans  9/3
•   Court Lisle  8/31
•   Janena McClure (Golightly)  8/22
•   Gary Bell  8/18
•   Terry Leftwich (Dolese)  8/7
•   Howard Burnett  8/6
•   Ann Binder (Schechter)  7/19
•   Dan Greaves  7/2
•   Mike Spivey  4/22
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We're the best there is alive -- we're the Class of '65!


Class Motto

The great thing in this world is, not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.


This site is a place to connect with other members of the Oklahoma City Harding High School Class of '65, to share memories, and to remember those who are no longer with us.

It should be much easier to view than the old website, and allows for a good deal of individual member input and interaction with other class members.


Photos from our 50-year class reunion are at the link on the left-hand side.

Click on Grade Schools for grade school "class photos ".


For those on Facebook, "Class Connection" (on this page) will help you to interact with your class via Facebook. All privacy and security settings are honored by the app. Class Connection feeds no private data to Facebook whatsoever. 

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