If you want to register, do this:

  • Classmates:  Click "Classmate Profiles" if you were a student.  Click the year you graduated, click your name, enter your email address to send yourself an invitation, follow the prompts, fill out the profile. If you don't have time, just list your name, address, phone, and email, save the basic information, then come back when you have more time to fill out the rest of the profile information and check out the site. 

If your name is not listed, send an email with which YEAR you should be added and give me your FULL NAME as it was when in school.  Send your information by clicking "Contact Us" at the top.

  • Teachers:  Click "Teachers & Staff" if you were a teacher or staff member.  Click your name.  My apology to teachers and staff as all names and photos are not on the site, yet.  If your name is not listed, send an email with your name and let me know when you taught at OPHS and I'll add you immediately.  Send your information by clicking "Contact Us" on the left side of the navigation bar.

  • Guest Members:  To request a Guest Membership, click "Contact Us" at the top and give me your FULL name and state your request to be added as a Guest Member.  I'll get back to you.

  • Send all emails to:  Click "Contact Us" link listed on the Navigation Column on the left side of this website.

  • This website was created at website and is maintained by your site administrator, Sheri Ergle Chase, '77. It is completely free.  You will never be asked to pay to make a profile or to be able to access other alumni profiles as long as you are registered on this site. If you want to donate something that would be appreciated and very nice, but it's not a requirement.  
  • Class Reunion Coordinators:   When it comes to Reunion time, your Class Coordinator can contact the Site Administrator and any Alumni's names from your year collected on this site will be presented to them in a usable database format so they can create  mailing labels.
  • We can also advertise your Reunion on this site!
  • You control who sees 'what' as far as your information is concerned. Your profile is visible to anyone.  If you choose to have ONLY logged in classmates have the ability to view your page, check the box "Profile Visibility" on the bottom of your page.  Remember when you do this, friends and family will not be able to see it.  This is entirely your choice.
  • You will be able to contact other registered Alumni. The password protected pages are secure from being searched from 'Google search',  web crawlers, bots,  web spiders from gathering your information.

Other info...

  • PASSWORDS: If you forgot your password, click on "Forgot Your Password" in the Login Box and it will be mailed to you. Or go to the  Member Functions Navigation Box on the left and make a new one.
  • MESSAGES from ClassmatesOn each profile page, there is a "Send a Private Message" Box. Write your note and hit 'send'. You will be notified by email when you have a response, according to your settings, that is. So, please take the time to notice all of the settings.
  • ANNOUNCEMENT BOXThe Announcement Box is for announcements of personal events, good news ( or not so good), etc.  When you post an announcement, it will come to the site administration.  Please feel free to share anything you feel noteworthy...we want to know!  For comments and lengthier types of communications, we have the User Forums.  

PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER:  All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) entered into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed to anyone other than a Reunion Coordinator to contact you about a reunion for your grad year or alumni covering your year group.  Your contact information is private: your street address, e-mail address, and phone number cannot be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your Profile. When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city and state and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your Profile. Unless you explicitly grant your permission, your email address is not visible, although an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your Profile page. Your information WILL NOT BE GIVEN OR SOLD ANYONE ELSE or used by anyone on this site for personal or professional gain. 

Orange Park High School Class of 1977 35th Reunion, OPHS, 70’s Alumni Reunion for Band & Chorus, OPHS Band Director Jolan Smith, Choral Director Noah Srygly, David McGuffin, OPHS 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979