In Memory

Kenneth D. Nielson

Kenneth D. Nielson

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10/20/09 09:06 PM #1    

Mark Overstreet

I remember "big" Ken. In the Summer of 1965 we took a P.E. fitness class together at Alondra Jr. High. After working out Ken and I would run 50 yard dashes on the track. He was doing pretty good and looked forward to being some sports teams in high school. He had a kind heart, wasn't mean or a bully. We didn't hang around together in high school. I felt let down when I would see him drunk etc. in our senior year. I'll remember him as a "gentle" person. Mark Overstreet

05/18/10 10:56 PM #2    

Patricia Hamilton (Denham)

Me too Mark I will remember Ken as a very gentle person with a great sense of humor.  I remember one time in our English class the teacher left the room for whatever reason and he took the fire extinquisher and sprayed the black board.  We all thought it was hysterical.  No one every told that crazy teacher (don't remember her name) who had done it.  That was in our sophomore year.  I remained friends with Ken until we graduated then I lost touch with him.

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