Mark Overstreet

Profile Updated: September 19, 2020
Residing In: Los Angeles, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Rosa Serrano-Overstreet
Occupation: Teacher, School Counselor, MFT Intern
Children: Carlos Alfonso Overstreet, 1987
Erika Maria Overstreet, 1989
They are the loves of my life.
Military Service:This is the country you served (not the location of where you served). Leave blank if you did not serve in the military. Navy  

Compton College (Cross-Country and Track)A.A.(1972);US Navy (Vietnam);Cal State Long Beach (Track),BS Sociology, Teaching Credential; Cal State L.A. , M.S.,School Counseling Credential(1993); Cal State University L.A., M.S. Marriage/Family/Child Counseling (2004). I attended, UCLA,UC Riverside, Long Beach CC, East L.A. College, Golden West J.C., Orange Coast J.C., San Diego State. We travel (48 states, 13 countries). I've made running a life long habit. I retired in Sept. 2008. I substitute, work on my Marriage and Family Therapy License, and take classes(like the guitar, art), and am working on a degree in Visual Arts. I visit friends and go fishing, rifle target practice, body surf at Seal Beach. 2009-, I substitute and work as an educational consultant part time. Then there's a lot of travels.

School Story:

I had a wonderful time in high school! I've kept in contact with a number of my friends (life long relationships). I was fortunate to have selected friends that helped me succeed (spiritually...)and I hope that I was good for them too. I have many funny and good stories, along with some interesting ones, to tell.

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Mark Overstreet has a birthday today.
Apr 11, 2024 at 1:33 AM
Mark Overstreet has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
May 09, 2023 at 5:32 PM

Tom worked at the Ralph's on Del Amo Blvd. in the early 70's.  I had a girlfriend who lived a block away and I'd see Tom every few weeks.  I enjoyed talking to him about conservation and the environment

I had Tom in classes both at Alondra Jr. High and at Paramount High School.  I had Tom in my P.E. classes in 8th and 9th grades.  That's where I got to befriend him as we wound up on the same team together a bunch of times.

My girlfriend, Cindy , and I thought Tom to be a real gentleman, and he was.

God Bless his soul.


Mark Overstreet has a birthday today.
Apr 11, 2023 at 1:33 AM
Mark Overstreet has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Jan 07, 2023 at 2:34 PM

Mark Overstreet has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Jan 07, 2023 at 2:10 PM

I first met Art in 1965. we ran the 1,320 against each other in the Paramount J.H. vs Alondra track meet.  When we got to Paramount High School we had classes together and got to know each other better.  Art was very well liked and hung out with various groups of guys.  I know that monay of you can remember hanging out with Art.  There's to many name for me to list, but you who he hung out with.  I always thought that he was a bit of a "Maverick" as he didn't have one particular group that he followed.  I can still hear that "Art laugh, more like a chuckle tha last lasted all of his life.  Art participated in some of the school's clubs and took on leadership roles and  was a part of the Student Council.  Art played on a variety of sports teams and was an all around athelte.  Baseball was his favorite sport. 

We' fool around in class, but Art made sure that he got his work done.  Even though he went to parties with us, I don't remember him drinking (alcohol).

He worked at the "Big D's Char Burger" (it's long gone) in Hollydale, while another group of us worked at the Tastee Freeze (it's long gone too). Art would trade us their food for ours. He had a red "57 Chevy" that he "souped up". Steve Tanakawa and Ron Dumphy's cars "shut him down".  I went on a a couple of double dates with him and  Paula, always having a good time.  After graduation we attended Compton J.C>  Art took some business and computer classes. The classes served him well as he became a Certified Public Accountant years later.  In 1959 he and I decided to enlist in the military.  We went to the Marine Corps Recruiting Offin in Compton.  The recruiter was a bit to aggressive in getting us to sign up right then and there, so we decided to wait and think about it some more.  A few weeks later he joined the Army and Randy Roberts talked me into enlisting in the Naval Reserve.

As is the casr with most of us, there was less and less contact with old friends after our military service, college, marriage, having children and careers,,  and many classmates moved. Art married Paula and the had two lovely daughters.  Eventually we did start to communicate again.  He became my "Tax Man" (CPA) until his passing.  He was someone that i knew and someone that I could trust to help me avoid getting taken to the cleaners by the IRS.  Rosa (my wife, Cheryle (Art's wife, Art and myself got together a few times a year. I still, as of this writing, have the plant and pot that they brought to our Christmas party in 1996.  He like to take us to "Captain Kidd's Seafood Restuarant" in Redondo Beach during the Summer monts.  

Art was a generous person and donated many organizations.  he donated to my son's Boy Scout Troop and joined us for our son's Eagle Scout Banquet.  He was an avid baseball fan and had lots of baseball memorabilia in his office at home.  He showed me a special baseball book that Richard Martinez had given him years ago. He and Richard went to school together since kindergarten at Las Cerritos Elem. Art and I liked Elvis Presley. One day Cheryle had put on a tape of "Don't Be Cruel" and it tourned out that it was Art singing the song. It fooled me.  Then there was the time that I was at his office going over my taxes. I called him "Tudy". He slowly looked up at me and said, "You don't have to call me Tudy."  I asked him how he got that nickname. He said that, if he remembered correctly, that the song "Tutti Fruitti" was popular in the 60's and for some reason Steven Tanakawa called him "Tudy."  The nickname stuck.

I have been blessed to have had art in my life. The memories that I have will always be a part of me.  I miss his Art laugh (chuckle), his art boyish-sheepish look, and our personal talks about our lives.  I have many more stories about Art and I'm sure many of you do too.

Please share your stories with us, good meories last a lifetime.


Mark Overstreet has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Jan 07, 2023 at 2:10 PM

I first met Art in 1965. we ran the 1,320 against each other in the Paramount J.H. vs Alondra track meet.  When we got to Paramount High School we had classes together and got to know each other better.  Art was very well liked and hung out with various groups of guys.  I know that monay of you can remember hanging out with Art.  There's to many name for me to list, but you who he hung out with.  I always thought that he was a bit of a "Maverick" as he didn't have one particular group that he followed.  I can still hear that "Art laugh, more like a chuckle tha last lasted all of his life.  Art participated in some of the school's clubs and took on leadership roles and  was a part of the Student Council.  Art played on a variety of sports teams and was an all around athelte.  Baseball was his favorite sport. 

We' fool around in class, but Art made sure that he got his work done.  Even though he went to parties with us, I don't remember him drinking (alcohol).

He worked at the "Big D's Char Burger" (it's long gone) in Hollydale, while another group of us worked at the Tastee Freeze (it's long gone too). Art would trade us their food for ours. He had a red "57 Chevy" that he "souped up". Steve Tanakawa and Ron Dumphy's cars "shut him down".  I went on a a couple of double dates with him and  Paula, always having a good time.  After graduation we attended Compton J.C>  Art took some business and computer classes. The classes served him well as he became a Certified Public Accountant years later.  In 1959 he and I decided to enlist in the military.  We went to the Marine Corps Recruiting Offin in Compton.  The recruiter was a bit to aggressive in getting us to sign up right then and there, so we decided to wait and think about it some more.  A few weeks later he joined the Army and Randy Roberts talked me into enlisting in the Naval Reserve.

As is the casr with most of us, there was less and less contact with old friends after our military service, college, marriage, having children and careers,,  and many classmates moved. Art married Paula and the had two lovely daughters.  Eventually we did start to communicate again.  He became my "Tax Man" (CPA) until his passing.  He was someone that i knew and someone that I could trust to help me avoid getting taken to the cleaners by the IRS.  Rosa (my wife, Cheryle (Art's wife, Art and myself got together a few times a year. I still, as of this writing, have the plant and pot that they brought to our Christmas party in 1996.  He like to take us to "Captain Kidd's Seafood Restuarant" in Redondo Beach during the Summer monts.  

Art was a generous person and donated many organizations.  he donated to my son's Boy Scout Troop and joined us for our son's Eagle Scout Banquet.  He was an avid baseball fan and had lots of baseball memorabilia in his office at home.  He showed me a special baseball book that Richard Martinez had given him years ago. He and Richard went to school together since kindergarten at Las Cerritos Elem.  In the 60's his family moved to the new housing area of Paramount only a few blocks away from Alondra J.H School.  He showed me some old photos of him with Don Hodges, Havey Rose and others on a baseball team that his dad coached. Art and I liked Elvis Presley. One day Cheryle had put on a tape of "Don't Be Cruel" and it tourned out that it was Art singing the song. It fooled me.  Then there was the time that I was at his office going over my taxes. I called him "Tudy". He slowly looked up at me and said, "You don't have to call me Tudy."  I asked him how he got that nickname. He said that, if he remembered correctly, that the song "Tutti Fruitti" was popular in the 60's and for some reason Steven Tanakawa called him "Tudy."  The nickname stuck.

I have been blessed to have had art in my life. The memories that I have will always be a part of me.  I miss his Art laugh (chuckle), his art boyish-sheepish look, and our personal talks about our lives.  I have many more stories about Art and I'm sure many of you do too.

Please share your stories with us, good meories last a lifetime.


Jun 12, 2022 at 9:42 AM

Hey Tom, Glad to see you joined this website! See you sometime soon..

Mark Overstreet has a birthday today.
Apr 11, 2022 at 1:33 AM
Mark Overstreet has left an In Memory comment for Dan Ezzell.
Feb 26, 2022 at 8:41 PM

I didn't know Danny until the Summer of 1967 when I got a job at the Tastee Freeze.  We were co-workers for the next two years.  Danny was always upbeat and positive.  He was very proud to be on the Paramount High School football team.  Since Randy Roberts, Steve Minnium (Danny's brother-in-law), and Danny were on the football team, and Steve Wysong had senority, I had to work Friday nights.  We went to some parties together. One was at Pirates Cove in Palos Verde. Danny, Gary Buice and I went in my car.  

I had not see Danny since 1973. I did communicate with him via facebook.  It was good to see and talk to him at our last class Reunion.  

Mark Overstreet has a birthday today.
Apr 11, 2021 at 1:33 AM
Mark Overstreet has left an In Memory comment for Steve Minium.
Jan 08, 2021 at 7:44 PM

I have much to say about my old friend Steve. The times we spent working at the Tastee Freeze was more pleasure than work. He had a wonderful way of making us laugh. The Tastee was the place to hang out at and to find out where the parties were happening. There was a whole group of classmates (and a few from Pius X) who hung around together at times.  He bought a "ham radio" for his car and what fun time we had with that.  His handle "radio name" was Onion Ring because he worked at the Tastee Freeze and we served onion rings.   I had to take his Friday night shifts because he and Randy Roberts were on the football team, and Steve Wysong had seniority over me.  Then, Saturdays I'd listen to Steve tell us about the game the night before.  He was very proud to have been on the team two years. As a junior, he was the back-up center for Gary Shepard who was all CIF( a fantastic honor).  Steve said that he couldn't believe how neurvous he got running out onto the field at the start of the game (just make sure you get the ball into the hands of quarterback Steve Bell and then block some 250 pound tackle!).  

For those of you who were on teams, clubs, groups with Steve, I've included group photos and hope that they will bring back memories of your times together.  He was a well rounded person with many talents and prided himself on doing his best. 

Steve invited me over for dinner a few times and his parents were very gracious people. They let some of "boys" play cards at the house until the early morning.  Then there was the double dating with Steve and Renee in Steve's Chevy (I forgot what year). We took a day drive along Hwy 101. Then there was church. Steve dressed up to impress Renee (and it all worked as they were married for 49 years). He bought us some cigars one night but I just never caught the hang of them (made me nauseated). Renee and Steve took me the Chris and Pitts after church (I still got there). I remember that he liked Buffalo Springfield and bought the tape and played it over and over (I liked them too, so that was fine with me).  He wore suit jackets when many of us thought that it was only for grown men (maybe he was ahead of us on that). After he married Renee they would invite me and others over and we'd have a glass of wine, talk and play board  games.  He got a job at one of the televison studios and was a "runner" for the news media. He rode a motor cycle and would pick up the film from a sene and take it to the studio for editing (not like today with wireless). He took me to the studio one day and got me in as a guest. Steve was the type of guy that people would have thought that he was the news anchor.  We'll if you know his professional history, he was the man in charge years later.  

When I got back from my militay service much had changed. Most old friends were busy with work and families and many had moved away.  We were out of touch for years, but reconnected and had some very nice communications over the years.  I read through them last night. I'd like to write him one more time...

 Most of all, Steve was a friend. We talked about life and what we wanted to do in the future.  He had  good value, good judgement, was trustworthy and honest.  Characteristics that influenced me and helped me grow to be a better person.  


Mark Overstreet has left an In Memory comment for Steve Minium.
Jan 08, 2021 at 7:44 PM

I have much to say about my old friend Steve. The times we spent working at the Tastee Freeze was more pleasure than work. He had a wonderful way of making us laugh. The Tastee was the place to hang out at and to find out where the parties were happening. There was a whole group of classmates (and a few from Pius X) who hung around together at times.  He bought a "ham radio" for his car and what fun time we had with that.  His handle "radio name" was Onion Ring because he worked at the Tastee Freeze and we served onion rings.   I had to take his Friday night shifts because he and Randy Roberts were on the football team, and Steve Wysong had seniority over me.  Then, Saturdays I'd listen to Steve tell us about the game the night before.  He was very proud to have been on the team two years. As a junior, he was the back-up center for Gary Shepard who was all CIF( a fantastic honor).  Steve said that he couldn't believe how neurvous he got running out onto the field at the start of the game (just make sure you get the ball into the hands of quarterback Steve Bell and then block some 250 pound tackle!).  

For those of you who were on teams, clubs, groups with Steve, I've included group photos and hope that they will bring back memories of your times together.  He was a well rounded person with many talents and prided himself on doing his best. 

Steve invited me over for dinner a few times and his parents were very gracious people. They let some of "boys" play cards at the house until the early morning.  Then there was the double dating with Steve and Renee in Steve's Chevy (I forgot what year). We took a day drive along Hwy 101. Then there was church. Steve dressed up to impress Renee (and it all worked as they were married for 49 years). He bought us some cigars one night but I just never caught the hang of them (made me nauseated). Renee and Steve took me the Chris and Pitts after church (I still got there). I remember that he liked Buffalo Springfield and bought the tape and played it over and over (I liked them too, so that was fine with me).  He wore suit jackets when many of us thought that it was only for grown men (maybe he was ahead of us on that). After he married Renee they would invite me and others over and we'd have a glass of wine, talk and play board  games.  He got a job at one of the televison studios and was a "runner" for the news media. He rode a motor cycle and would pick up the film from a sene and take it to the studio for editing (not like today with wireless). He took me to the studio one day and got me in as a guest. Steve was the type of guy that people would have thought that he was the news anchor.  We'll if you know his professional history, he was the man in charge years later.  

When I got back from my militay service much had changed. Most old friends were busy with work and families and many had moved away.  We were out of touch for years, but reconnected and had some very nice communications over the years.  I read through them last night. I'd like to write him one more time...

 Most of all, Steve was a friend. We talked about life and what we wanted to do in the future.  He had  good value, good judgement, was trustworthy and honest.  Characteristics that influenced me and helped me grow to be a better person.  


Mark Overstreet has left an In Memory comment for Steve Minium.
Jan 08, 2021 at 7:44 PM

I have much to say about my old friend Steve. The times we spent working at the Tastee Freeze was more pleasure than work. He had a wonderful way of making us laugh. The Tastee was the place to hang out at and to find out where the parties were happening. There was a whole group of classmates (and a few from Pius X) who hung around together at times.  He bought a "ham radio" for his car and what fun time we had with that.  His handle "radio name" was Onion Ring because he worked at the Tastee Freeze and we served onion rings.   I had to take his Friday night shifts because he and Randy Roberts were on the football team, and Steve Wysong had seniority over me.  Then, Saturdays I'd listen to Steve tell us about the game the night before.  He was very proud to have been on the team two years. As a junior, he was the back-up center for Gary Shepard who was all CIF( a fantastic honor).  Steve said that he couldn't believe how nervous he got running out onto the field at the start of the game and then to  make sure that he  got the ball into the hands of quarterback Steve Bell and then block some 255 pound tackle!  

For those of you who were on teams, clubs, groups with Steve, I've included group photos and hope that they will bring back memories of your times together.  He was a well rounded person with many talents and prided himself on doing his best. 

Steve invited me over for dinner a few times and his parents were very gracious people. They let some of "boys" play cards at the house until the early morning.  Then there was the double dating with Steve and Renee in Steve's Chevy (I forgot what year). We took a day drive along Hwy 101. Then there was church. Steve dressed up to impress Renee (and it all worked as they were married for 49 years). He bought us some cigars one night but I just never caught the hang of them (made me nauseated). Renee and Steve took me the Chris and Pitts after church (I still got there). I remember that he liked Buffalo Springfield and bought the tape and played it over and over (I liked them too, so that was fine with me).  He wore suit jackets when many of us thought that it was only for grown men (maybe he was ahead of us on that). After he married Renee they would invite me and others over and we'd have a glass of wine, talk and play board  games.  He got a job at one of the televison studios and was a "runner" for the news media. He rode a motor cycle and would pick up the film from a news scene and take it to the studio for editing (not like today with wireless). He took me to the studio one day and got me in as a guest. Steve was the type of guy that people would have thought that he was the news anchor.  We'll if you know his professional history, he was the man in charge years later.  

When I got back from my militay service much had changed. Most old friends were busy with work and families and many had moved away.  We were out of touch for years, but reconnected and had some very nice communications over the years.  I read through them last night. I'd like to write him one more time...

 Most of all, Steve was a friend. We talked about life and what we wanted to do in the future.  He had  good value, good judgement, was trustworthy and honest.  Characteristics that influenced me and helped me grow to be a better person.  


Dec 30, 2020 at 3:21 PM

Hi Mark
Just wondering if you have heard from Gary Buice? Also wanted to give you my email. Have a Happy New Year! Lynne

Mark Overstreet added a photo to profile gallery.
Sep 19, 2020 at 3:19 PM
Mark Overstreet added a photo to profile gallery.
Sep 19, 2020 at 3:18 PM
Mark Overstreet added a photo to profile gallery.
Sep 19, 2020 at 3:17 PM
Mark Overstreet added a photo to profile gallery.
Sep 19, 2020 at 3:17 PM
Mark Overstreet added a photo to profile gallery.
Sep 19, 2020 at 3:16 PM
Mark Overstreet added a photo to profile gallery.
Sep 19, 2020 at 3:15 PM
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Posted: Sep 19, 2020 at 3:19 PM
Posted: Sep 19, 2020 at 3:18 PM
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Posted: Sep 19, 2020 at 3:24 PM
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Posted: Sep 19, 2020 at 3:15 PM
Posted: Sep 19, 2020 at 3:14 PM
Posted: Sep 19, 2020 at 3:14 PM
Posted: Sep 19, 2020 at 3:13 PM
Posted: Sep 19, 2020 at 3:12 PM