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John Muir High School
Class Of 1989

Hello Class of 1989 Mustangs! It is time to start planning our 35 Year Class Reunion in 2024!


Hello our fellow '89 Mustangs! Our 35 Year Class Reunion is only 2 years away and it is time to start planning and also finding our missing classmates.

Within the last year, most, if not all of us have turned 50, and many were not able to celebrate this occasion the ways we would like due to the current state of our world. We have also lost more precious classmates in the process. This is first a virtual hug to each and every one of you because Mustangs are not just classmates but family. We have something special that cannot be duplicated.

That being said, what do you want to do for our reunion? A few have suggested that we get together and have micro-reunions every year from here on out, before we lose anymore of us. Others, want to stick to our regular every 5-year schedule. What do you want to do? Let us know by answering the survey.

Additionally, we need to find our missing classmates. It is sad that at the 30 Year reunion in 2019 we found out that several classmates had passed on that we did not know about. We want to know where everyone is so we can love on each and every one. Please visit to see if you can help us to find any of our missing classmates. Again, we would love to see more and more of you at the reunions! We are not getting any younger.

Thank you again!

Your JMHS Class of 1989 Reunion Committee

You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   * Would you like to take a 3-4 day cruise for our 35 Year Reunion in 2024?

Yes No
2)   * If we do a cruise, would you like to also do something Turkey Tussle Weekend?

Yes No
3)   * Would you like to have a reunion party Turkey Tussle Weekend in 2024?

Yes No
4)   * Would you prefer micro-reunions annually or just one event every 5 years, or both?

5)   * What event would you like to do for our 35 Year reunion in 2024? Please provide answers

6)   * Would you be interested in being a part of the Reunion Committee either in person, or via Zoom? If yes, please make sure that all of your contact information is up-to-date.

Yes No

Welcome to the John Muir High Class Of 1989 web site.

If this is your FIRST visit to the site please click on the page "FIRST WEBSITE VISIT". It will help you around the site.

Please update your profile so we can keep you up-to-date on the 30 year reunion. Please also visit the missing classmates page to see if there may be someone whom you have an email address for. If you do, please click on their name and enter their email address so that an invitation may be sent to them to visit our site.

Also, please stop by the "IN MEMORY" page and leave comments for our classmates who have passed on before us.



Several years ago a non-profit organization was started with the the sole purpose to support John Muir High School. This organization is the John Muir High School Alumni Association and was founded by fellow alumni and Friends of the Mustang. For tax deductible donation of $25 per year, you are a member of this organization.

For further information or to complete a membership application, please visit the Alumni Association website at:

For any of you who were not aware, there are two groups that you should sign up at to keep in touch with Mustangs from other classes. Those groups are: 
Class Group Page on facebook 

Please make sure you visit these sites and set up profiles there.


Donald E Fowler  7/26
Chandra D Taylor  7/28
Donnel D Watson  7/28
Ernest C Lee  7/30
Angelique V Giron  8/3
Carlo E Thompson  8/3
Timothy M O'Brien  8/20
Michael R Hayes  8/25
