Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Bridget Allen (Collins)
Becky M Anderson
Mike Anderson
John Ankeny
Ann Armstrong
Rebecca Ausmus
Deverl Austin
Dave Bailey
Guy Barbaro
Amy Barndt
Patty Barnhart
Denise Barrett
Steve Behal
Robert Bell
Wayne Bird
Becky Bland
Kevin Breuer
Larry Burdick
Richard Burton
Brenda Campbell
Kim Carlson
Bob Carpenter
Robert Cartwright
Molly Chamberlin
Glen Ciganik
Kimbel Clark
Michael Clarke
Mary Colombini (Morgan)
George Conroy
Eric Cookson
Adam Cowen
Tammy Cox
James Cramer
Keith Daniels
Kim Darby
Janet Debely
Larry DeGroen
Dohn Delarm
Jon Delong
Wayne Dipple
Rebecca Divelbiss
Ed Domer
Chris Dupee
Andrew Ejde
Hans Eldrige
Wade Erickson
Jerome Etchey
Ray Etheridge
Roy Etheridge
Tracy Everett
Albert Foster
Glen Freiboth
Michael Frieboes
Dan Gailey
Marcia Garman
Patrick Garrity
Janell Geiger
Mari Graham
Bill Green
Mark Gregg
Barry Hackworth
Gary Hackworth
Robert (Bob) Halverson
Glen Hamling
Burque Hansen
John Harkleroad
Janet Hart
Chris Harvey (Anderson)
Daphne Hatlem
Sarah Hedlund
Molly Heins
Bill Henry
Leslie Higgins
Mark Hillary
Gary Holden
Lyle Horiuchi
Tim Hulse
Zorica Ivanovic
Elliot Jacobs
Sandra Jacovine
Todd Jarvi
Jordi Jauma Bru
Sandy Jirak
Leon Jones
Lisa Jones (Walker)
Melanie Jones
David Jose
Anthony Karkainen
Tracy Karkainen
Marilyn (Mimi) Keifert (Evans)
Keith Kelly
Susan Kleemann
Patricia Krall (Olson)
George Krouse
Susan Kulsa
Dede Lauer
Jerome Laun
Greg Lavalsit
Tami Lehman
Lorre Lewis
Jeffrey Lindgren
Robert Lowe
Alan Mace
Sheila Mackie (Kramer)
Vinh Mai
Penny Manker (McDonald)
Nick McKibben
Carol McRae
Tate Merrill
Cathy Meyers
Gregg Middaugh
Tom Mikels
Gregory Miller
Larry Miller
Judy Mills
George Minder
Richard Mittelstadt
Arnold Moore
Jerry Moore
Santhan Moore (Giarratano)
Mike Morey
Jonna Moss
Danella Mourer
Kevin Mourer
Michael Murray
Tina Murray
Robert Myers
Penny Myrvang
Sue (Suzie) Neff (Gates)
Clarence Newman
Scott Newman
Harold Paul Noot
Jim Norberg
Pat Oliphant
Terri Olivo
Dan Parker
Daniela Parmley
Deborah Partyke
Kelley Patterson (Duncan)
Wanda Patterson
Cole Pattillo
Vonda Patton
Linda Pawson
Justin Piecuch
John Powell
Jeff Pryde
Brad Pugh
Laurie Purbaugh
Jackie Purslow
Roxanne Radtke (Smith)
Tammy Rae
Annette Rasmussen
Ann Rauschenberger
Scott Reese
Rose Regan
Copie Reihl
Julie Reitan (Marks)
Teressa Rich (Lange)
Scott Ridge
Vicki Ridley
Gail Rodarmel
Pete Rohring
Brent Romick
Rick Rudnick
Kathy Ruth
Scott Ruth
Colleen Ryan (Crabtree)
Ronald Sandahl
Aubrey Schroth
Kurt Serwold
Julie Sheets
Janet Shotwell
Dave Simms
Deeann Simms
Elaine Siverson
Tony Smallbeck
Janice Smith
Shelly Snedicor
John Snyder
David Sorensen
Keith Spindler
Sue Springer
Melody St. Peters
Catherine Stigler
Mitch Stoddard
Bob Strum
Scott Sullenger
Michael Svardh
Christine Symotsky
Adul Tantiprasongchai
Kelly Taylor
Elizabeth Thompson
Elizabeth Thorp
Chris Timma
Bob Tobin
Jeff Todd
Helen Tollefson
Gerald Treischel
Mark Triebenbach
Ken Tuomi
Arne Urdahl
Teresa Veregge
Doug Ward
Bryan Watland
Anthony Webb
Randy Wellman
Billy West
Ray West
Tanya Wheeler
Gregory Williams
Deanna Wilson
James Wilson
Scott Wistrand
Mike Wogoman
Robert Wright
Vicky Xenos
Bruce Young
Ramona Zimmer
