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•   Ken Francisco  3/13
•   Brian Lord  3/25
•   Pam Dewalt (Kelly)  9/25
•   Chris Anderson  5/4
•   John Hattrick  3/28
•   Bruce Lund  3/26
•   Greg Lassich  12/22
•   Greg Wright  9/5
•   Mike Monell  7/13
•   Scott Drummond  6/22
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
2 live in California
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Hawaii
2 live in Idaho
2 live in Oregon
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Utah
48 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
217 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Help fund our reunion.   If you would like to provide finanical support please click the Donate button below. Donations can be made by PayPal, or with a regular credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.

Money will go towards the cost of putting on the reunion, with any excess funds being donated to the local charity. 

We have identified North Kitsap Fishline as our prime charity - a donation will be made on behalf of the NK Class of 1980.

Fishline serves the North Kitsap Community by providing food, emergency services and resources to transform lives. Our vision is a community where a safety net exists for all people, which includes adequate food, shelter, healthcare and employment.




Hello 1980 classmates,   

We have great news as we have secured our NK site venue for our 45th Class Reunion.  So now is the time for you to book your reservation for the event for a great weekend of meeting classmates and getting caught up.

The reunion is being held at the White Horse Golf on Saturday October 18th 2025 from 6pm to 10pm. Address: 22795 Three Lions Pl NE, Kingston, WA 98346

There will be food but not a sit down dinner and a no host bar will be set up for those who want to partake. The cost will be $75 per person.  Those of you who paid for the 40th please consider yourselves paid for the 45th.  For those who have not purchased tickets or want to check to see if they had paid for the 40th please contact our treasurer Dede Ulvila ( letting her know if you would to like to attend or to check on your paid status. For those of you purchasing an event ticket, it will be $75pp.

We have tentatively planned a no host Friday night mixer on October 17th. There will be no cost for this event. At this time, it is planned to be held at the Western Red Brewery in Poulsbo. If there is a change to that, we will let you know.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message a reunion committee member.

If you have not joined our Facebook site “NK Class of 1980 Reunion site, please do so at your earliest convenience to get additional information.

Please reach out to our former classmates and spread the information so we can make this event be successful.
Respectively submitted by your Reunion Committee,  
Anna Smith (Frazier)
Cassie O’Hara
DeDe Ulvila
Jay Holmstrom
Kathy Barlow  

Hello Classmates

As we’re sure you’re already aware, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has meant that it’s now vital to limit social contact and avoid gathering. For that reason, we’ve made the difficult decision to postpone the 40th Class Reunion scheduled for August 8th, 2020. While we know this is disappointing, we hope you can understand the steps we’re taking to help keep our families and attendees safe.

What happens next?
We will begin rescheduling for our Class Reunion to be held next year.  We will welcome the additional time for things to settle down and allow us to get more input to make this the best reunion yet.

We very much appreciate the classmates that have already purchased tickets.  Your purchases and donations have allowed us to reserve our venue and coordinate with catering services.

For those that can, we would like to reserve your money in our reunion bank account and apply it to tickets for next year's reunion events.  We will keep our Reunion Website up and active so we get your input and communicate updates.

For those that would rather have a refund we can do that too. At anytime, please send email to the committee treasurer, Dede Ulvila ( letting us know if you would like a refund.

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us via

Thank you for your interest in our High School Class reunion and for your understanding during these unprecedented times. Please plan on attending next year (it would be wonderful to see everyone again before we get too old).  For now, Stay Safe until we can all party together.  Go Vikings!

As always suggestions are welcomed.  If you have ideas for the committee to consider please contact us.