Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 137
     Profile contains photos: 27
     In Memory: 3
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 2
     Military Service: 18
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Melanie Adams (Stewart)   
Margo Akeley (Dyer)   
Chris Allen   
Scott Allen   
Holly Archer (Grant)
Mike Archer   
Nancy Augustine
Kevin Barnes    
Tecia Barrett   
April Bartley   
Amie Bauer
Sherri Beaulieu (Guerrette)   
Tim Beaulieu
Kristi Bell
Frank Berenyi
Leila Binder   
Amanda Bishop (Becker)   
Dan Black
Robin Blackstone (Viola)   
Shana Blotner   
Rachel Bonenfant (Zehner)    
Richard (Ricky) Bouchard  
Lisa Boyce (Menard)    
Nathan Boyd
Laurie Bragdon (Christie)   
Kristi Brewer
John Brooker
Lora Brown (Levesque)
Robert Browning
Carrie Buck (Donnell)   
Sheila Burby (Blair)
Shannon Byrd (Cole)
Ronald Campbell
Randy Carney
Daron Carter
Kelly Chandler (Chandler-Olcott)   
Terry Chasse   
Ed Christie
Richard Churchill  
Sonia Churchill
Christi Clark   
Michelle Clark (Ellis)
Tara Clark   
Allison Cole   
Susie Collins (Mckenney)   
Jason Condon   
Jeannie Condon (Gilson)
Brian Copeland    
David Cray
Kim Cray
Chris Crinion   
Alan Crocker
Richard Cross
John Curtis
Jovita Curtis (Smith)
Mark Cyr
Sherry Cyr (Hubert)
Cheryl Dana (Lambiase)
Holly Dawson (McLean)    
Sarah Dempsey
Caroline Desjardins (Bryant)   
Valerie Desjardins (Dyer)   
Randy Dewitt
Angel Diaz
Timothy Drost     
Richard Drummond
Amy Dube   
Angela Dufour
Andrew Duprey   
Cheryl Dyer (Michaud)   
Michelle Dyer    
Trudy Easler (Kuykendall)   
Sarah Eaton (Pare)   
Tori Elliott (Barber)    
Adrien Ellis
Tiffany Ensey
Jason Ferland   
Michelle Ferland (Warguleski)    
Lisa Fields
Suzanne Finnemore   
Reid Frank    
Jeff Fuller
Sherri Gagnon (Tanguay)   
Candie Gamblin (Berube)
Roger Gamblin
Adam Gardiner
Nicole Gardiner (Pelletier)   
Sue Gardiner (Leavitt)   
Paige Garland (Allen)   
Maria Gatto   
Tammy Gerard (Cray)   
Linda Getchell (McKinney)
Doug Gilson
Stacey Glidden
John Good  
Cary Grant
Jason Grant
Pamela Grant
Tracy Grant (Rollins)
Stephanie Grass (Plourde)
Joy Green (Goda)    
Ricky Green    
Amy Hafford (Staton)    
Ken Hafford    
Heidi Hardgrove (Perkins)  
Phillip Harris
Randy Harris   
Karen Hart
Vicki Helstrom   
Greg Hemphill  
Anne Higgins (Francois)   
John Hobbs
Michelle Hudson (Carney)   
Amy Huntley (Miller)   
Greg Ireland   
Penny Jackson
Bruce Jacobs  
George Jaime
George Richard James   
Teresa Jellison
Stephanie Johnston (Stephenson)   
John Johnstone   
Steve Kasemeier
Corey Keiser    
Jason Kelley   
Debbie Kennedy (Pelkey)   
Rod Kimball    
Kendra Kinney (Hartzo)
Brenda Knight (Ward)   
Daren Knight
John Krass    
Scott LaCroix
Corinna Ladner (Willis)   
Cheryl Lafford    
Lynda Lamkin (Bustard)   
Darin Langille   
Wendy Langille (Copeland)    
Colleen Langley  
Toby Lapointe    
Tim Lavin    
Don Levesque    
Tarry Levesque (Pelkey)   
Danna Libby (Bouchard)
John Logan
Mark Lunney   
Kelley Lyons (Brown)   
Heather Madore (Curry)
Janna Martin   
Craig Martlock
Starla McCabe
Susan McCausland (Wheaton)  
Travis McDougal
Ray McEntee
Renae McHatten (Coen)   
Tammy McIntosh
Leroy McKenzie   
Alan McLean
Gary McLean
Kent McLean
Nancy McLennan (McLennan Smith)  
George McPherson   
Debbie Merrill (McPherson)   
Gail Michaud (Johnson)   
Mark Michaud
Peter Milewski
Lynn Mills (Lowe)   
Andy Monahan
Michelle Moreau (Andrews)   
Lisa Morrow (Simpson)   
Kim Mullen   
Lisa Mullen (Boone)
Debbie Murchison (Bird)    
Angela Murray (Kelley)   
Mike Nadeau   
Ted Namur  
John Nelson (Miles)
Sherry Nelson (Bradley)    
Shawna Page  
Nancy Paradis
Eric Patterson    
Troy Pelkey     
Shannon Perkins (Blake)   
Melissa Phillips (Zawistowski)   
Mike Phillips   
Robert Phillips III
Keri Plant (Reich)   
Todd Player
Ann Randall
Chris Randolph
Brian Reeves
Bill Reiman   
Kelly Reynolds
Keith Richards   
Terri Roberts   
Dorijean Robichaud (Amero)   
Jay Robinson
Vicki Roix (Townsend)
Philip Rowland    
Peter Roy   
Philip Royce
Johnson Sargent
Holly Savage (Schack)    
Cindy Scullion  
Cheryl Shaw (Curtis)
John Shaw   
Ron Shaw
Scott Shepard   
Arielle Silver
Leane Simpson (Sprague)   
Pam Sites (Willette)   
Allison Smith (Charette)    
Cathy Smith (Anderson)    
Jodi Smith (Bolduc)   
Geoff Somerville   
Allison Soucier
Andrew Soucier   
Holly Soucier
Arel Spaulding     
Deanna Stevens (Simpson)   
Veronica Stock (Collins)   
Heidi Street
Elizabeth Sutherland    
Dan Tabor
Nicole Tardy (Black)
Doug Taubin
Lester Theriault
Wayne Tompkins   
Craig Trombley    
Christina Urrutia
Steve Violette    
Tommy Voisine
Adam Wakefield    
Heidi Wasson (Chasse)   
Nancy Watson   
Heather Welch
Wayne Whitney
Rollie Wight
Beth Wilbur (Van Mierlo)   
Mike Willette    
Tracy Williams   
Steven Willis
Chris Woodworth
Brad Young   

Guest Members

Scott Daigle (Class Of 1989)   

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