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09/07/08 03:56 PM #1    

Tori Elliott (Barber)

Welcome to the Presque Isle High School Class Of 1988 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

03/14/09 09:12 AM #2    

Michelle Ferland (Warguleski)

Its kindda sad that more people are not taking advantage of this site. Tori you did a great job with it.. or whoever else had a hand in it.. thumbs up! Im sure as the reunion gets closer more will begin to participate... hopefully it wont be just 6 month prior to it... anyhoo.. I will check back in a few days to see if I have missed anything... Friendship to all


04/03/09 01:57 PM #3    

Michelle Ferland (Warguleski)

heeelllllooooooooo anyone out there??? Its getting lonely in here

04/25/09 09:44 PM #4    

Anne Higgins (Francois)

Tori, You are doing a great job, THANK YOU. Anne

Well, Michelle and anyone else reading,
My second daughter was born on March 8, 2009. Her big sister, who is 2 1/2 yrs old loves kissing her and "helping" me take care of her. I'm wondering how everyone else is doing. I am in Presque Isle for a few days to visit my Mom and sister. Take care, Anne

05/13/09 01:06 PM #5    

Michelle Ferland (Warguleski)

CONGRATS Anne!!!! WOW.. you just had one and Im getting ready for my oldest to graduate then in another 2 years her sister will follow - Wanna trade - I would give anything to have the infant and toddler days back (tear)

Take care

08/12/09 03:05 PM #6    

Anne Higgins (Francois)

Thanks, Michelle, I will remember that when Christa is in the middle of a tantrum. I am on my way to deliver a cake to preschool to celebrate her third birthday. And Jayla has started her teething process. So, I will treasure this time as much as possible, I do know it goes very quickly! Take care, Anne

02/11/10 09:08 AM #7    

Richard Churchill

how has everyone been over the yrs.

04/22/10 03:35 PM #8    

Susan McCausland (Wheaton)

Hello Everyone,

I haven't been to a reunion because no one has contacted me!  I do plan on coming in 2013!  I really would love to see everyone again!


05/12/10 10:16 AM #9    

Nancy Watson

HI Anne, Michelle, Richard and Susan!!  I have finally entered the website.  Glad to see you are on and looking forward to the 25th!  Hope all is well in your world!  I wish I had more time to socialize.  A child of my own and another 100 at school daily doesn't leave time for much else and retirement is a looonnnnnngggggg way off (thank goodness)!  Take care, Everyone!



04/09/13 10:11 AM #10    

Eric Patterson

Great website Tori,  your efforts are truly appreciated!  Sorry to say, but I won't be able to make the reunion in July, it seems I'm going to be there about 1 week to early.  Got plans with my sister and brothers this summer, and everybody knows family comes first with me.  I will miss seeing everyone after all these years, and hope everyone is doing great.  Maybe I'll see some of you on Facebook or something.    I will be in Presque Isle from July 14th - July 21st so it would be great to see any of my 1988 classmates.  Although through my limited visits back to the big city, if I run into any of you, it will most likely be at the PI gathering place (Wal-Mart)  Any way,  great job on the website Tori, and whoever else helped out with it, and I hope the reunion is a huge success.


Good Luck everyone,

Eric Patterson

05/19/13 01:07 PM #11    

Jason Kelley

Well, the decision has come down and I will not be able to attend - I was thinking of making this one, visit family and Maine also, but I will have to wait for a 30th or 35th...  So, to everyone, have a ball, and enjoy.  I've been lucky enough to keep up with Andrew, Jason, and John, so I will continue to follow Wildcat blue!  Hope to catch up in the future!

03/03/16 01:39 AM #12    

Jason Kelley

Hoping 2018 brings a 30th... be in Cape Cod in June for honeymoon...

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