Eric Patterson
Great website Tori, your efforts are truly appreciated! Sorry to say, but I won't be able to make the reunion in July, it seems I'm going to be there about 1 week to early. Got plans with my sister and brothers this summer, and everybody knows family comes first with me. I will miss seeing everyone after all these years, and hope everyone is doing great. Maybe I'll see some of you on Facebook or something. I will be in Presque Isle from July 14th - July 21st so it would be great to see any of my 1988 classmates. Although through my limited visits back to the big city, if I run into any of you, it will most likely be at the PI gathering place (Wal-Mart) Any way, great job on the website Tori, and whoever else helped out with it, and I hope the reunion is a huge success.
Good Luck everyone,
Eric Patterson