On this page you will find the following:
This site is a place for Program 431 staff to reconnect. It is also the place where Reunion Happy Hours are announced. So whether you are a P431 alumnus or currently supporting the program, please join and enjoy this site.
All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) that you enter into this website will be kept confidential. The host of this web site (classcreator.com) has a strict policy of never selling, sharing, or distributing your information to third parties.
Co-workers with a valid login ID and password can see your profile. By default, however, co-workers cannot see your contact information unless you specifically grant access to it.
By default, your profile cannot be seen by the public. Each co-worker has the ability to make his or her profile visible to the public by clicking on the appropriate answer in the Profile Visibility section under "Edit Profile".
Emails may be sent within this site using the 'send a private message' link on a co-worker's profile page. This way you will be able to contact co-workers without sharing your private email address, unless you choose to do so.
If you have spam blocking or email filtering capabilities, please add noreply@classcreator.net to your email account as a safe sender in order to ensure you receive email communications via the website.
Please note that if you do not want your name and picture on this site, they can be removed by clicking on Contact Us and letting me know. This will end all communications to you from the Program 431 Reunion Website.
Please note: The public can see only very limited information on this site. For example, anyone can see the list of co-worker names. However, the public cannot see co-worker profiles or any other information that could be considered private, including the Reunion Happy Hour photos.
In order to access the pages that are password protected on this site, you must set up a profile by providing a minimum of your email address, and a password.
To set up your profile: click on the "Co-worker Profiles" link and locate your name and click on it. Follow the prompts to create your profile.
Private information like your email address, home address, and phone numbers will not be visible to fellow co-workers unless you check the box that gives your permission. Your information will never be given to other co-workers without your permission.
We encourage you to add a current picture to your profile as a master photo. This photo will be displayed in various areas around the site. It's also helpful to upload an additional "Now" photo, and a "Then" photo. Co-workers will enjoy seeing how you've changed!
If your name is not already on the site, but you are/were part of Program 431, Contact Us and your name will be added.
Updates: If you change your email address, snail mail address, or phone number, please update your Contact Info so we have up-to-date information. That way you'll always be in the know about what your co-workers are up to!
Choosing a password: Choose something simple that you are certain you will remember. Clicking "Remember Me" will allow you to bypass entering the password each time you visit, but eventually the "remember me" will fail (for instance when you get a new computer). Please make note of your password!
If you forget your password simply click on "forgot password". If you have several email accounts, and you don't remember the one you used to set-up your account, click on Contact Us and we'll figure it out..
Anyone for whom we do not have a current email address is considering "missing". Please help us contact "missing" co-workers by visiting the Missing Co-Workers page and sending a note to anyone for whom you have contact information.
If you know of someone whose name is missing from the site altogether, please click on Contact Us and their name(s) - and email address(es) if you have it - will be added.
To contact a fellow co-worker, you may simply use the 'send a private message' option on the Co-worker's Profile page. This feature will allow open communication between Co-workers while protecting your personal information. If you wish to share your email address or other personal information within a message written on our site, the site will not block you from doing so.
Adding current pictures is not a requirement to participate on the site, but it certainly is a nice way to get to know people again.
To add pictures: