Classmate Profiles (1962)

     Contains profile information: 3
     Profile contains photos: 1
     In Memory: 16
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 8
     Military Service: 4
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Richard Amason
Bob Blalock   
Martha Busby (Carpenter)
Robert "Bob" Cain   
Joe Dan Cameron
Edward Cates  
Larry Paul Clanton  
Barbara Colley (Locke)
Jimmy Courtney
Bobby Dobbs   
Betty Dyer (Holman)
Cherie Edwards (Wyatt)
Ginger Farrington (Patrick)
Sue Folmar (Lee)   
Johnny Gilbreath   
Mary Helen Gilbreath (Stemler)
Linda Goolsby (Berry)
Gerald Hare
Charles Harris
Seaborn Grady Hartsfi…     
Larry Horton   
Wayne House
Jane Jackson (Reed)
Oma Sue Layton (Dance)
Joan Lee (Hartsfield)
Terry Mansell  
Dorothy Janne Mason
Steve Matthew  
Richard McFarlin   
Dewayne Mead  
Fran Neal (Price)
Thelma Newsome (Anders)
Yvonne Newsome (Cain)
Sammy Noe  
Wanda Sue Pinson (Rushing)
Patricia Rappe (Toon)
Joan Reid (Wallace)   
Jerry Richards
Bobby Shamburger
Gary Simpkins   
Donnie Jo Sims (Tarrant)  
Eddie Spacek
Marion Stanberry
Preston Taylor   
David Wansley
Leverette Webb    

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