In Memory

John Marsh

John Marsh

 John passed away on Dec. 8th, 2008, from a heart attack. He and his wife, Susan, had moved to Holly Lake Ranch in east Texas after having lived in Richardson and Plano.  They had two daughters.

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05/28/11 06:47 PM #1    

John Buchanan

John was one of the most likeable fellows in our class.  He had an infectious laugh and a friendly smile.  A fierce competitor on the playing field and just an all around nice guy.




06/04/11 11:34 PM #2    

Mark Choate

John Marsh was my room mate our freshman year at The University of Texas.  A good guy. Serious about studying, quiet.

He came to Texas with his entire collection of Buddy Holly albums.  John taught me a real appreciation for the Buddy Holly sound, that I still value after all these years.

I lost track of John after college.  I hope his short journey was a good one.

08/03/11 02:14 PM #3    

James Keener

I don't remember seeing John without a smile on his face. He defined the phrase: "a good guy". Smart. Loved math. Easily moved by sentimental music, especially songs by Roy Orbison. I think John was among the group of us who went to hear Roy sing at the state fairgrounds.

I never heard John say anything unpleasant about anyone. Ever. I never knew him to do a mean or base thing. He had good posture. John was the only man I knew who owned a Corvair. John was easy to be with.

When I met his wife, Susan, I thought that she was the feminine reflection of John.

06/14/12 06:53 PM #4    

Douglas L. Hicks

I knew John very well during our Junior and Senior years at RHS.  Several of us would meet at John's house each week for several and on.  We would shoot pool for hours.  John had a large game room upstairs over his garage with a large pool table in the center.  Rarely did any of us beat John.  He always took time to teach any of the guys how to shoot trick shots, and his sweet Mom would always have something for us to snack on.  There were just the two of them, but they made a great family .  If he had a little brother or sister, John must have banned them from the Game Room since I never saw anyone else.

I only met John's wife once when I went over to their house after they were married.  I'm sorry to say " I think" I remember her name, but do not want to blurt out some girls name and get it wrong.  I can say that I remember her as a sweet and loving companion to John.. They were very gracious and loving together.  John was an asset to my life.  He was kind, fun to be around, and in spite of his quite mannerism on the surface he was a tough competitor and loved to win.  That was a trait I identified with.  However, he did help me learn to try to be a kinder person as well as one who could be gracious even in defeat. We who knew you, miss you John.      


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