Not a member?
Find and click on your name.


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 61.3%

A:   293   Joined
B:   185   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)





To The Official

Thomas Jefferson High School

Class of 1961




64 Years and counting.....


Hello Fellow '61ers,

The TJ Class of 1961 official website is a place for you to reunite with classmates, share your family profile and photos, send messages and more.  It's a place for us to stay connected with one another on an on-going basis.  It's meant to be fun and informative. And, it's a free and secure site.


So...what are you waiting for?


If you haven't done so, please join us!!!!


We are at 61.4% and still have

185 missing/inactive members to find.

Can you help us find them?



Once you register and have been confirmed, check out the site.  See who's signed up and find out what they are doing these days.    

To register, go to "Classmate Profiles" or "Missing Classmates", find your name and click on it, then follow the few easy steps. 

Should you have problems or questions, send a message through the "Contact Us" link.



Spread The Word!!!