Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 320
     Profile contains photos: 76
     In Memory: 161
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 92
     Military Service: 95
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John A Adams   
John Randolph Adams
Marion Vernell Adams
William James Adams Jr   
Vincent Cassel Adamson Jr   
Linda Berkley Adkins
Sally Cary Adkins (Parrish)   
Jane Willard Allen (Hall)   
Nancy Lee Allen (Waldrop)   
Nellie Vivian Allen   
William Leonidas Alley   
Sue Cathell Alsop
Charlotte Marie Alston
Peter Timothy Alten
Gloria Jean Ambrose (Edelin)   
Joan Alice Andersen
Linda Lee Anderson
Melanie Camille Anderson (B…)    
Betty Kay Andrews (Payne)    
Mary Angelo
Lester R Angevine   
Jo Ann Appler
John Arnold (Arnold)    
Elizabeth Engle Askew   
Sue Laughon August (Bridenstine)   
James Edmund Ayres
John Wise Ayres II    
Joan Meryl Backer (Paxton)   
Richard Howard Backer    
Hebert Jacob Baer    
Charles Franklin Bahen    
Jeanette Gay Baker (Brannan)    
Newton Leeroy Baldwin (Baldwin)   
Barry Ramond Banks
Frances Ann Barchet    
Brenda Fay Barden (Bary)   
Glenwood Whitfield Barker    
Richard Harrison Barnes
Michael Eugene Baskett   
John Nicholas Baughan   
Jebbie Ann Beach (Payne)  
Eleanor Elizabeth Beasley
Eleanor Gordon Beck (Gosse)   
Margaret Emily Bell (Gracey)   
Sidney Lawrence Bell
Bernard Edmond Beloff
Leslie Katherine Belvin
John Wilson Bendall Jr   
Walter Taylor Benson   
Henry S. Berger   
Martha Stewart Bergeron (Strain)   
Gene Natalie Bernstein (Stahl)    
Joyce Harriet Bernstein (Ezrine)   
Marilyn Patricia (Pat) Be…    
Judith Ann Berry (Fouche)   
Doddridge (Dodge) Bia…     
Jo Anne Binford   
Harry Binswanger    
Lillian Rhea Black   
Carol Jean Blackshare (Deskins)   
Eugene Berlyn Blanton   
Beverly Ann Blevins (Niemann)   
Roberta Clark Blevins (Jones)   
Betsy Jane Bliley (Temple)   
Herman Baer Bloom    
Howard Morris Bloom    
Beverly Wingfield Blount
Thomas Blue    
Clemens Ewalt (Ted) Boelt Jr    
John Edgar Bogan   
Sandra Campbell Bond
Carolyn Estill Bouterse
Melvin Lewis Bowles    
Norton Mason (Skeeter) Bo…    
Pamela Havens Bowry
Carol Ann Boyd    
Melvin Douglas Brannan   
Charlene Annette Brewster
Charles Crawford Bright   
Averett Mathews Britton
Wilson Edward Brooking    
Carolyn Ruth Brooks (Daly)    
Cynthia Gale Brooks  
Cynthia Gale Brooks
Judith Faye Brooks (Boyd)   
William Barr Brooks    
Sheila Irene Brown
Suzanne Marshall Brown
Virginia Sims Brown   
Don Alston Bryant
Pierce Anthony Bucher   
Bryce Avery Bugg    
George Irving Burkhardt     
Mildred May Burnett
Aubrey Horace Burrow Jr    
Ann Douglas Burton (Pinchbeck)   
John Bernhardt Busse Jr
Elizabeth Harris Cahoon (Seward)   
William Davidson Call     
Libby Elaine Campanellas
Thomas Corner Campbell   
Paul Leonard Cantor
Wallas Jack Caraher   
Joyce Marie Cardoza
Elaine Kathleen Cardwell (M…)    
Dick Carlton   
Patricia Ann Carver    
Bob Cary    
Laney White Caston     
Ellen Barnard Chadick    
Diana Thompson Chalkley    
Allan Scott Chappell   
Emery John Chase Jr    
Eleanor Lee Chew (Winnard)   
Wayne Douglas Chiles   
Charles Wayne (Onion) C…    
James Stanley Clarke    
Herbert Joseph Clayman   
Nancy Eileen Clayton
Nancy DeWitt Click (Topping)   
Howard McDonald Cloke III   
Sheldon Allan Cohen
Patricia Hemming Coleman
Ann Beverley Collins (Smith)   
Connie Mae Collins
James Stephen Collins    
Jane Catharine Collins (Listander)   
Robert Carrol Collins    
William Francis Collins    
Judith Ann Conway (Morrison)   
Russell Franklin Coover   
Patricia Bigger Copeland
Walter Lundin Covington    
Carol Elizabeth Cox (Kirchner)    
Carol Elizabeth Cox
Dorothy Howard Cox
Gwendolyn Lee Cox
Judith Marie Cox   
Ernest Dyson Crack   
Jeanette Diane Crawley
John Barrett Crittenden    
Loretta Elaine Critzer   
Mary Joan Crumpler   
Thomas Lauchlin Currie   
Henry Lee Curry    
Barbara Ellen Cutchin (Mace)   
Rita Ann D'Amico   
Lawrence Sheldon (Larry) …    
Robert Houston Davidson    
Sally Estelle Davidson
Arthur Owen Davidson Jr
Hugh "Buck" Davis   
John Robert Day III   
Brian Clayton Deane    
Eugene Terry Dennis    
Mason Selz Dismukes
Eleanor Charlotte Dixon
Abigail Donald (Cutter)   
Rosemary Donald (Whaley)   
Martin Bernard Dorfman
William Birch Douglass III    
Hugh Coleman Dowdy Jr    
Evelyn Josephine Drexler
Cameron Ann Duffer
Brenda Lee Duke
Robert Marvin Duke Jr    
Stephen Hunter East    
Amanda T Eddington
Elizabeth Folkes Edgar    
Vivian Lee Eisenberg
Elizabeth Page Eldridge (Jones)   
John William Ellis III    
Carol Anne Emory    
Judith Lynn Engel (Ferris)   
Jeanne English (Bedell)   
Mellwood Floyd Ergen…     
Margaret Lucia Essid    
Anne Charlotte Everett (He…)    
Jefferson Davis Ewell…     
David Mark Farley   
Margaret Ann Farrar (Getz)  
John Robert Farrell     
Carolyn Marie Federoff   
Carolyn Ann Field
Judith Ann Fisher (Smith)   
Russell Henry Fiske Jr    
Gary Louise Flake   
Elaine Violet Fleming
John Daniel Fleming    
Tom Flounders    
Cloyd Deal Flowers Jr    
Isaac Fogel    
Margaret Louise Ford
Patricia Louise Ford (Ferguson)   
Gwendolyn Rose Foy (Riggs)   
Gwen Lynn Freedlander
Mary Anne Friend (Wince)   
Harriet Powell Fulp   
Jo Ellen Fyne
Ann Avery Galloway    
Victor Philip Ganderson   
Virginia Gladys Garabedian   
David Fitzpatrick Gardner    
Eubank Wilson Garnett   
Jacqueline Garrett (Matthews)   
Martha Sue Garrett
Susan Caywood Garrett (Jordan)   
Edward Mann Garrett Jr   
Barbara May Garrison (Pitts)   
Edward Vaughan Garthright   
Nancy Harriett Gary
Stephen Mactavish Gedney    
Marcia Gemmill (McEvoy)    
Elizabeth Jane George (Flowers)    
Vahan Ghazarian Jr
Mary Wilhelmina Gill (Koches)   
Rachel Ann Goldberg (Stern)   
Patricia Lee Goldman   
John Hite Gooch    
Claudia Annette Goodman (Sills)    
Anne Carter Gordon (Hueston-Mus…)   
Joseph Willard Goswick    
Faye Margaret Gowen
Martha Dini Graham (Howell)    
Elizabeth Clark Gray
Rosann Gray   
Pamela Ina Green (Gladstone)   
Jane Greenberg
Myra Ann Greenspoon (Kovey)   
Pamela Virginia Greentree (Norman)   
Patricia Elizabeth Greer
Dianne Orlene Griffin (Lackovitch)   
Roxanne Catherine Griffin (Hicks)   
Lindsay Calvin Grigsby     
Bryan Elliott Grunwald     
Susan Braemore Gunn (Quisenberry)   
William Flint Gunter
Ellen Shepherd Gwynn
Tom H (Howell)    
Marilyn Jane Haddock (Ferguson …)   
LLoyd Davidson Hall   
Ronald Bruce Hall    
Charles Edward Hall III   
Bobbie Hamblet (Wilkinson)    
Carol Hamblet (Adams)    
Frederick Chancellor Hamilton   
Evelyn Sue Hamlet
Conway Gray Hancock
Rose Elaine Hancock (Blue)    
Barbara Ann Hansen   
Martha Frances Hardwicke
James Everett Hargroves Jr    
Alexander (Buddy ) Harris   
Carolyn Lee Harris (Ayres)   
Irene Vernon(Jackie) Harris (CO…)   
Linda Day Harrison (Lavalliere)   
Barbara Linda Harton (German)   
Katherine Kincaid Hartt   
Mary Ellen Harvey
William Weldon Harvey   
William Edwin Harvie     
Elizabeth Marie Hassell    
James William Hatfield    
Will Hazell   
Ellen Newbill Heflin (Ramsey)    
Mary Joyner Henry
Brenda Lee Higgins
Tucker Herrin Hill    
Gabriella Yvonne Hirsh (Heller)    
Virginia Ann Hladys
Rosemary Hoffman    
Janet Gayle Hollenbeck (Walthall)   
Philip P Hoppe
Barbara Dian Hopson (Witter)   
Jasper Person Horne III    
Susan Hosier (Owen)   
Marlene Joyce Howell   
George Vincent Hudgins    
Carolyn Watkins Hudson (Marrs)   
Marguerite Joyce Hudson (Wa…)    
Nancy Jean Hughes (Gifford)   
William Terrance Hughes
William Turall Hughes   
Mary Frances Humrickhouse    
Suzanne Macon Hungate
Grayle Carlton Hunley
Melvin Leonard Hurowitz
Ann Waller Jackson (Slonaker)   
Hunter Lewis Jacobs    
Sharon Thorn James
Thomas Wilson Jenkins    
William Alan Jenkins
Julius Joseph Jepson
Irving Curtis Jernigan Jr    
Donna Lee Johnson
James Hutcheon Johnson
Thomas O'Conner Johnson
Christopher Peter Joh…     
John Paul Jones Jr   
Suzanne Jordan (Toler)   
William Thomas Journey    
Eleanor Sue Judd (Tucker)   
Joanne Celeste Kanick (Young)   
Leonard Morris Katz
Marvin Sydney Katz   
Ruth Diane Kay
Sidney Arnold Kedy
James Robert Kelly     
Anna Jean Kennedy
Mary Ann Kerneklian
Carey Stuart "Kess" Kessler    
Paul Mitchell Kessler   
Carole Elizabeth Kevorkian   
Michael Sean Kilpatrick    
James Lee King
Ronna Merle King
Wilbur Lavern King
Charles T Kirk   
James Edgar Kirk Jr   
Nancy Witcher Klise
Sandra Jane Kolebas
Sandra Jane Kolebas (Mason)   
Maria Sergeivna Konovaloff
Sylvan Sheldon Kushman     
Virginia Dorset Lacy
Melvin Laymon Lacy Jr   
Virginia Belle Lambert    
Mrs Susan Rowe Lambert S…    
Cauley Landers   
Roger Woody Landers    
Mary Elizabeth Lang
Carol Elizabeth Lanier    
Roslyn Leah Laster
Thomas Bagley Lawrence
Mary Kinlaw Lee (McDonald)    
Wilbert Lee Jr
Kelly Benjamin Lemmon
William Gould Lesemann    
Robert Taylor Lewis
Burnett Lewis III    
Ellen Claire Lieberg (Brothers)   
Elaine Ross Lingamfelter (J…)    
Judith Ann Liniado   
Beverley Lee Lipscomb (Walker)   
Betty Jo Littell (Mitchell)   
Joyce Elaine Littleton (Gregory)   
Helen Ray Livesay (Robinson)   
Powell McCourt Livesay   
Ann Carole Luck
Carol Lee Lumpkin
Marcia Eve Lutwick (Moosnick)    
John Douglas Lyle    
Susan M Mountcastle (M Moun…)    
Stuart Elaine Macdonald (Rabino…)   
Ann Elizabeth Mace (Carlton)   
William Thomas Mace    
Robert Edward Magill    
Janet Lynn Mangus
August Melvin Marchant III    
Kenneth Stone Marcuson Jr
James Edwin Markham     
Sheldon Michael Mark…     
Katherine Woods Marks
Margaret Hopkins Marks
Howard S. Marley    
John Neblett Marriott
Dorothy Burnette Marshall (Carp…)   
Doris Mae Martin
James Russell Martin    
Jeanne Spottswood Martin
William Conn Martin
John Freeland Mason
Arlyn Sally Matwetsky   
Herbert Brown Mayo   
David Alan McBride   
Robert Lee McClenny     
William Alexander McClung    
Irwin McCumber     
Nancy Elizabeth McDaniel    
William James McDowell Jr   
James Bruce McGarry   
Regina Katherine McGee (Ford)   
Malcolm Chester McIver III    
John Demille McKendrick     
Joseph "Stuart" McLauchlan    
Phyllis Dale McMahon   
Claudia Winston Meade (Salmon)    
Herman Leonard Mensing Jr   
Carol Paxton Miley (Clarke)    
Gloria Iris Miller    
Margaret Elizabeth Miller
Patricia Anne Miller   
Joseph MacAuthur Mitchell
Kathleen Ann Mitchell (Gross)    
Diane Mollen (Boltz)   
James Ashby Moncure   
Beryl Armistead Monroe
John Warren Montague Jr    
Arthur M Moore   
Harold Eugene Moore
Helen Fensom Moore (Hartt)   
Margaret Tyler Moore
Norman M Morgan    
Richard Payne Moring    
Harold Lee Morris
James Malcolm Morris   
Alfred Conrad Moses
John Wyndham Mountcastle     
Richard Peers Mudd     
Edward Philip Murray Jr    
John Powell Myers    
Sally Inez Neblett (Sparks)   
Charles Fletcher Nelson   
Mary Gathright Newell   
John Wesley Newman Jr   
Susan C Noble    
Douglas Wayne Noel   
Mary Blair Nolde (Nelson)   
Linda Lee Nystrom (Shiner)    
James Clifford Oates   
Patricia Ann O'Connell
Robert Ellis Odor Jr   
Anne Allen Oglesby (Carr)   
Philip Okun    
Linda Louise Ondrovich
Eugene Willis Overton    
Sandra Pace (Brown)   
Susan Diane Packer (Farris)   
Mary Beth Palmer
Garnett Bonner Parker (Tho…)    
Richard Ellis Parker     
Francis Byron Parker Jr    
Robert Lee Parker Jr     
Oscar Howard Parrish   
Susan Nunnally Parrish (Coakley)   
Leslie Andrea Paskow
Bette Rose Passamaneck (Webne)   
Camilla Norton Patrick   
Michael Lewis Patterson    
Richard Henry Patterson   
Peggy Lou Paxton (Bogan)   
Robert Edward Payne    
Samuel Peck    
Albert Noblett Pembroke    
Stephen Gustave Peple    
Judith Randolph Perrow (Johnson)   
Wayne Arnold Peters
Anne Callis Phillips (Ritter)   
Judith Ann Plante (Burke-Hauck)    
Mary Jane Plante (Conkling)    
Susan Gale Plotnick   
Henry Robinson Pollard IV   
Allen Polon (Polon)   
Leah Popper (Strulson)   
Gretchen Ann Powell
Meade Gregory Pratali III
Thomas Forrest Probst   
Russell Christian Proctor III
Amy Louise Pugh    
Gary Coleman Purcell   
Beatrice Eleanor Pusey (Jones)    
Robert Christian Ransom
Donald Newton Reamer
Kaathleen Reed (Goodman)   
Jacqueline Cruz Reynolds   
Joseph Allen Reynold…     
Phyllis Brooke Rhodes (TeSt…)    
Anne Carson Rice
Karen Frances Rice
Susan Lockard Rice (Barbour)   
Rita LaVerne Richardson (Mohler)   
Franklin Dunreath Ri…     
James Dare Richie
Brenda Scott Riggs
Judy Faye Robb (Brown)   
Lewis Shelton Roberts
Stuart Roberts   
Sandra Robertson (O'Neal)   
Barbara Joyce Robinson (Lewis)   
Margaret Ann Rochette
Daniel Eric Rogers II
Patterson Roop (Webster)   
James Carrington Rose   
Margaret Rockwell Rose
Patricia Lee Rothschild (Worley)   
Mary Evelyn Rowzie (Parker)   
Nancy Glenn Ruckman (Plunkett)   
Bernard Joel Rudman (Rudman)   
Peter Alan Saloman
Robert Martin Saloman
Beverly Jean Samford
Everett Marshall Samford   
Irwin Taylor Sanders III   
Stephen (Steve) Michael S…    
Allan Irwin Scher    
Barry Frederick Scher    
Rosalie Susan Schneider (Penn)   
Todd Joseph Schneider
Gordon Dalton Schreck    
William Frederick Schutt    
Cecelia Schwartz
Nancy Marie Schwartz
Edward Moffat Seal    
Judith Elaine Sealey
Gay Gilliam Seibert (Kistler)   
Sharon James Shanes
Esther Lee Shank (Carneal)   
Sanford Ronald Shapiro
Sally Jo Shattuck
Roxanne Steinberg Shear
Cynthia Lee Shelhorse    
Twonette Corine Shelton (Ha…)    
Eugene Bowie Shepherd Jr   
Duralene Sheridan (Jordan)   
Stuart Charles Siegel   
Leona Ruth Silver (Aiken)   
Nancy Charlton Sisson (Langford)   
William French Cochran S…    
William Kenneth Slate II    
Betty Ann Slater
Martin Lee Slavin     
James Matthew Slay
James Edward Small III   
Alfred Douglas Smith    
Barbara Susan Smith
Caroline Smith (Parkinson)    
Donald Hutson Smith   
Ellen Boyce Smith
Jennie Ruth Smith
Patricia Ann Smith
Patricia Louise Smith
Julious Perry Smith Jr   
Royall Beverley Smithey    
Mildred Irene Snoddy    
Paul Soble   
Jane Payne Spicer (Sullivan)   
Robert Wayne Spruill    
Joan Anne Stanford (Flournoy)   
Stephen Clifford Starbuck   
Michael Allen Starr    
Myra Linda Stein   
Robert Stern    
George Franklin Stertz
Beverley Taylor Stokes (Bogan)   
Martha Susan Stone (Courie)    
Phil Strause    
Betty Jane Sturman    
David Karl Stutzman    
Dick Styll   
Daniel Patrick Sullivan    
Lawrence Truman Sutton   
Judith Estelle Swingle (Zi…)    
Clyde Boswell Tatum
Claude Alvin Taylor
James Barnett Taylor
Mary B Taylor (Taylor)   
Thomas Bing (Tom) Teal     
Margaret Jane Thomas
Aubrey Currier Thomas Jr    
Jim Thompson (Thompson)   
Susan Custis Thompson (Timmons)   
Constance Louis Thoms (Wil…)    
Carol Jeanne Thornhill    
Stephen Robins Thruston
Susan Lee Todd (Webb)   
George Washington Todd Jr   
Nelson Trent   
Ann Wellford Trevillian    
David Edwin Trevvett    
Stran Lippincott Trout    
George Thomas Tucker     
Floyd Richard Tucker Jr   
James Eldridge Turner     
Joseph Vines Turner    
Katherine Page Tyler
James Earl Tyree
John Raymond Tyree    
Horace Neal Upshur    
Gary Lucille Vaden (Carter)   
Quinto Vallei   
William Charles Vassar    
Barbara Ellen Vaughan
James Elwood Vaughan   
Charlene Faye Vest (Dillard)   
Barbara Lee Vitsky (Anchell)    
Wesley Manning Vunck Jr    
William Philip Wade   
Mary Alice Wagner
John Allen Waldrop Jr    
Joyce Glen Walker (Chambers)    
Carole Rebecca Walters (Arm…)    
Lynda Marie Warner
Gillian Susan Warwick (Sayer)   
Robert Lee Waters Jr    
Carole Juanita Watkins
Margaret Faye Watkins
Benjamin Lee Watson III   
Patricia Lee Weatherington
Mary Jane Webster
Carol Ann Weinberg
Barbara Josephins Weinstein
Donald Howard Wells    
William Stanford Wells
Charles Horatio Wheeler IV    
Judith Ann Whitby   
Frederick Elbert White   
Grace Elizabeth White   
Van Gilbert White     
Mary Anne Whitehead (Eubank)   
Bernard Lloyd Whitlock
Ellen Carol Whitten
Donald Huntington Wickwire   
Blanche Armistead Wilkins
Anne Carolyn Williams (Vanvleck)   
Barbara Ivy Williams
Phyllis Ann Williams
Ennion Skelton Williams Jr    
George Allen Williams Jr
Brenda Lee Wilson (Murray)   
Eileen Dianne Wilson (Farley)    
Harriett Sydney Wilson
Mary Frances Wilson (Adair)    
Samuel Garner Wilson    
Bertram Charles Winer
James Robert Winfree    
Alan Francis Witter   
Marion Wood
Thomas Gardner Wood    
Mildred Louise Woodward (Olson)   
Richard Sterling Woolcott
Vera Rachel Wright
Susan Todd Wyland (Bendall)    
Barry Paul Yaffe    
Janet Oriel Yates (Berls)   
Thomas Chernault Yeaman Jr    
Christine Chapman Young    
Martha Lee Young (Godsey)   
Joyce Ann Youngblood

Guest Members

Judy (Markowitz)
Carol Adams (Morin Tj '63)   
Bernard Lawerence Baber (Tj '60)   
Liz Ballenger (JMHS 1969)   
John Randolph Blunt (Tj '58)
Suzanne Bowles (Angus)   
Anne Clarke (Tj '58) (Davenport)   
William V Collins   
Donald Cornell   
Mary Cosby (Tj '62)
William Crockett
R Heath Dabney II
John Davenport (Tj '58)
Robert W Fidler     
Russell Flammia (Tj '62)   
Mike Floyd (Tj '62)    
Spencer Franklin
Steven Frazier Tj '62    
Daniel Grinnan, Jr (Tj '62)
James Hales (Hales)    
Jimmy Haynes     
Gale Hutzler (Hargroves)    
Earl Ingram Tj '60   
Phyllis Keeton, Tj '46   
Thomas Nelson King, Jr.    
Frank Leonard (Freeman '60)
Thomas Michael Ligon    
Robert Miskimon    
Thomas O Mitchell    
Roger L Owens     
Marjorie Joan Rosen (Davids Tj '60)   
Cary Shade (Tj '62)
Anne-Ferrell Smith (Hatfield La…)   
Betsy Thompson (Lyon Tj '63)   
Virginia Dickey Tingley (Di…)    
John B Vellines   
Thomas Duval Watts, Jr. (…    
Donald Howard Williams, Jr (T…   

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