In Memory

William Cawley

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08/09/18 05:24 PM #1    

Bill Arcarese

Bill was an amazing person and my best friend. Not only a very talented musician but the most generous spirit I have known. Still miss him!




08/10/18 09:08 AM #2    

Louie Natale

To bill Arcese . Sorry to hear of the loss of your best friend, Bill Cawley. I remember his musicianship very well. Was always jealous in fact. It's good to hear he went on to continue in music. As did I. If you'd care to share any details I'd be happy to hear. You could leave them here, or email me at
I hope you are doing well....Lou Natale, Toronto

08/11/18 08:56 AM #3    

Alex Bilyk

I remember his ability to hear a piece and just play it while I had to rely on seeing the notes. Sorry for your loss Bill. 

08/12/18 01:27 PM #4    

Tom Herlehy

I so amired Bill and his musical ability. I loved being in dramatics with him at McQuaid. He played a mean piano. As Alex Bilyk notes, Bill had a natural ear for music. Bill and I both went to BC. One day at BC, I was trying to play the Rascals "How Can I Be Sure?" hit song on the piano in one of the lounges near the lunch room. Bill heard me playing, stopped in and listened and asked where I had learnt the song? I said I had memorized it from the sheet music. Bill said, "But, Tom. it is missing some of the piano harmonies, you know that right?" And I said, "Yes, sure, but I am playing the song like the lead main lines, without harmonies." Bill said, "No, come on, you can do better. Let me show you." So, I slid off the bench, he sat down and said "Does the song go like this?' And he played it, piano harmonies and all on his very first try. He had a gift - playing by ear while I had to read and memorize sheet music. He later taught me a lot about improvising while we were both at BC. I cried when I saw his death notice in a long ago edition of the McQuaid Alumni magazine. I wrote a note to his family and his Mom was so touched by what I wrote about Bill that she send me a CD with some of Bill's original songs, him playing jazz piano. It was great! I recently heard from his younger brother, too, who still remembers my letter to the family when Bill died. Bill Arcarese is right - he was a gentle, kind, considerate man. Plus he was a lot of fun to be around.

08/13/18 01:30 PM #5    

Steve Guilfoyle

Bill really was quite amazing.  I remember going up to U of R in senior year to watch Bill play.  Bill could muster up a crowd while playing the piano in McElroy Commons at BC.  A great loss.

08/14/18 08:28 AM #6    

Richard Keeley (Keeley)

Another musical memory of Bill.  In our freshman year at BC, Bill went for three straight nights to the (now defunct) Jazz Workshop to hear one of his heroes The Incredible Jimmy Smith (I think Bill, and others, referred to him as TIJS).  He sat close every night and was wildly enthusiastic. On the final night, Smith, who had taken notice of him, tossed Bill one of the towels he used to mop up when sweat was rolling down his face. Bill was one happy guy that night!

08/15/18 06:17 PM #7    

Bill Arcarese

Great memory Dick!  I went with Bill to the Jazz Workshop that night. Jimmy Smith sat with us for an entire break. Very memorable! Bill and I went on to pursue music careers and played hundreds of gigs together in Boston and on the road. I have a million stories to tell. If anyone is interested feel free to reach out to me at my email :


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