Rock Hill High School BEARCATS 1965

Old Rock Hill Photos
Old Photos and Postcards of Rock Hill
From the collection of Robert Ratterree (WTS 62). Please send any photo requests that you have (e.g Auto Drive In, Dutch Mill, Cherry Road, etc.) and we'll see if we can find something.
Rock Hill High School from a postcard
Main Street - Mid 60's ?
Bob In - Picture from 1953 Bearcat
Carolina Theater - The Sign says "On Stage CHECKERBOARD BAND In Person - the store to the right is Dunlap Market and Grocery - On Trade Street
Gas War - Check out the long hose on the pump
Main Street - Brooks Jewelers beside RHNB - Someone still working on the top floor of RHNB
Oakland Avenue
Park Inn Grill fire - A long vacation for the PIG
Railway Depot - Trade Street
Oct 12, 1962 - RHHS vs Lancaster - Attention Billy Yates, your fly is open.
Bearcat Band - 63? 64? - I count at least 3 RHHS65 ladies
Main Street looking West - Caldwell Street to right - Hampton Street to left
Saint Philip's Hospital
The Stevenson 1945 - The sign near the bottom right says "Germany Crumbles."
I think it might be lunch time
Varsity Grill - No clue what year, but it wasn't 65
Williams Gulf - Nothing illegal going on in the back room here
York County Hospital
Confederate Park pool - 1930's?
Our Fearless Leader - JJ Godbold - 1952
US 21 Truck Stop - Corner of Charlotte Highway and Red River Road
Porters Motel - The same sign is still there
Andrew Jackson Hotel - c. 1910
GAA girls - Coble Dairy across White Street - from 1956 Bearcat
Park-Inn Grill - c. 1950
I guess it was the only building in town
RHHS 1916 - I assume before additions in the 1920's and later
RHHS 1928
RHHS 1939
Rock Hill National Bank
Woolworth - 1949 - 143 East Main Street
Aragon Mill
Arcade Mill
Beaty Shopping Center
Celanese Plant
Central School
Cherry Road 1930
Christmas on Main 1960's
Central News Stand - c 1950
Dutch Mill 1956
Ebenezer Avenue School
Ebinport School
Efird's Department Store Sale - 1913
Goldtex/Cutter Mill
Friedheim's Department Store
Gold-Tex Mill
Highland Park Mill
Industrial Mill
Lesslie School
Main Street at railroad tracks - Trade Street at top of hill at traffic light
Melville's Department Store
Melville's Department Store - 1950
Northside School
Northside School Gym
Red River Mill
Rock Hill Printing & Finishing Company "The Bleachery"
Southern Railway Freight Station - Corner of Main and Trade
Trade Street 1960's - Between White Street and Main Street
Trade Street from depot - Looking toward White Street and Main Street
From Railway depot looking up tracks along Trade Street
Home Supply - early 70's - Remember the dog on top? Andrew Jackson is now Guardian Fidelity
Ft-Roc Drive-In
1957 SC Highway Patrol Car
Andrew Jackson Court - Charlotte Highway
Beaty Shopping Center - Cherry Road - 1962
Varsity Cafe - Oakland Avenue
Jacksons Lunch - Corner of Trade and White - Depot in background
Rock Hill Feed & Supply - 1940's - E White Street
Rock Hill Fire Department - 1939
RH Telephone Company Switchboard - 1939
Vernon Grant
This section has photos made in 1971 of the Trade Street and Main Street area before our illustrious city leaders tore the buildings down and made a dark cave of Main Street.
Snipes Army-Navy Store - In 1965 from L-R these would have been Buck's Grill, Griffin's 88¢ Store, Snook Bros. Appliance, and Mutual Finance & Thrift
ABC "Red Dot" Store - Corner of White and Trade
Back Door to Friendly Billiards - 134 N Trade
Back of Kimbrell's Furniture - 126-130 N Trade
Intersection of Black Street and Trade Street
Vacant Carolina Theater Building
Friendly Billiards - 134 N Trade Street
JC Penny - In 1965 from L-R, Lurtz Jones' Barber Shop, JC Penny, Stevenson Theater, and Tollison-Neal Drug
Melville's - 117 E Main - Friedheim Bldg. to left - Alley to right
Nivens - 101 E Main - Corner of E Main and N Trade
112-114 N Trade Street - OK Pawn Shop and OK Boys & Men Shop
Corner of E Main and S Trade
South Trade Street from Main to Black
Side view Friedheim Building
Tip's Restaurant - 118½ N Trade Street
Tollison & Neal Drugs - 111 E Main Street
Watkins Hot Dogs - 116 N Trade Street
1st Pres Postcard
Main Street Postcard
Winthrop Infirmary
Episcopal, 1st ARP, St Johns
Oakland Avenue Postcard
Main and Trade Postcard
PIX 1944 Postcard
1954 World Series Hero Dusty Rhodes in Rock Hill Chiefs uniform
Inside Watkins Hot Dogs - My info says that the building was 9' wide and 65' deep
Rock Hill High School Float - Rock Hill Centennial Parade - May 1952 - Taken from an upper floor of Efird's
Woolworth Lunch Counter Menu - 1960
The following 7 are of the Fairgrounds Race Track - Robert was able to get these from an 8mm film.
Temple Beth El - West Main Street
Bleachery Christmas Party
Central School
Confederate Park
East Main Street
East Main Street looking west from Reid Street
Episcopal Church - 144 Caldwell Street
Fennell Infirmary
First Baptist
First Federal - 109 Hampton Street
Evening Herald when located on Hampton Street
Main Street - Late 40's?
Oakland Avenue - Notice the Trolley
Rock Hill Drum and Bugle Corps - June 8, 1937
Rock Hill High School Class of 1908
Steam Plant at the Bleachery
Intersection of South Trade Street and East Black Street - Nice pothole
Sykes Guest House - Corner of Oakland and Sumter
Travelers Tourist Home - Corner of Saluda and Arch
The following pictures were taken between 1935 and 1950. They are from the SC Archives and were taken for State Insurance purposes.
Arcade-Victoria School
Central School
Ebenezer Avenue School
Highland Park School
Newport School
Northside School
Northside Gym
Public Library
Blackwell's "Dope" Stand - Arcade-Victoria area
Winthrop Blue Line - 1950
Dixie Laundry Fire - West Main Street - 1943
Elliott & Bridges - Cherry Road - 1947
Indian Ferry across Catawba River - South of Rock Hill - Mid 1950's
Trade Street Barber Shop and Joe Murphy's Shine Parlor - 1971
Laurelwood Cemetery - 1895
Rock Hill and Columbia city leaders meet on Main Street - 1915
Main Street - 1928
Main Street - Early 1900's
Main Street
Main, Black and Trade Streets - 1950 - Main (top center to bottom left), Black (top right to center), Trade (bottom right to top left)
Main Street - early 60's - Just before a Civil Rights parade came down Main Street
Market Day - 1915
Piedmont Tobacco Works - 1895
Park Inn Grill - Mid 50's
Rock Hill Electric Railway - 1903 - The mules were named "Elec" and "Tric"
Rock Hill Buggy Company
RHHS Fire Drill - 2 PM - October 7, 1957
The Good Shoppe - 1950
Williams Gulf
Winthrop "Blue Line" on Oakland at 1st Baptist - 1949
Winthrop Training School - Notice the horse and buggy going down Oakland Avenue
The Crazy 5½ - c 1960
Railroad Depot - Just before they it down c 1974
Dozier Brothers - White Street - c 1978
Main Street - Mid 1970's - "Mall" under construction
Marshall Oil Company - 1936
Mr. Nick - c 1960
Porters Drive-In demolition 1996
West Main Hardware when it was actually on West Main - 1960
RHHS 1961
Main Street Parade - Mid 60's? - I see Strom, Icky and Judge Hayes
Municipal Stadium Demolition - 1984
Rock Hill Hardware - 1952
Rock's Laundry & Dry Cleaning - 1939
Saint Phillips Hospital - 1939
Central School - 1920
Joslin Park
Main Street - Early to mid 40's
Rock Hill Fire Department - 1939
Rock Hill Police Department - 1939
Saluda Street - 1912
West Main Hardware - Early 60's
1947 Fighting Bearcats - Coach Boulware is 5th from left 2nd row
1949 Bearcats practicing at Central
Bleachery Strike 1956
Accident at Cherry Road & Mt. Gallant - Patrolman JC Jolley on the left
Lady Bird Special - Rock Hill - 1964
Lady Bird Special leaving town
Paving Main Street - 1898
Rock Hill Body Company - 1930's
Railroad Depot - 1922 - Notice the passenger cars
Railroad roundtable to the left of the Depot - 1930's
RHP&F - The Bleachery - Shift Change - 1950
The back of Davis' Meat Market - Corner of W Main and S Trade
Ebenezer Avenue School -1938
Haire's Service - Future home of the Barn - York Highway
Main Street - 1950
Marshall Hardware & Supply
Marshall Hardware & Supply
Neely Motor Company - Oakland Avenue - 1939
PIX - Entrance - 1940
Royal Crown Cola Bottling Company
RC Bottling Co. W Main Street
Rock Hill Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Sherer's Cleaners - N Trade Street
Stadium Grill - across York Avenue from Municipal Stadium
Steven's Sandwich Shop - N Trade Street - 1971
S Trade Street -1971
N Trade Street - 1971 - Jackson's Lunch (Bottom left)
Sherer's - 555 North Avenue 1952
Ad's from Centinneal Herald 1952
Family Bootery - 1952
April 1945
Our Hero
Goat Island
Nature Museum - 1952
c 1970
Off Highway 72
Bleachery Tour - 1961
Roddey Airport - Saluda Road in foreground
TV - 5/27/58
Western Auto - Main Street - 1952
West Main Street
Crristmas Parade -Mid-60's ?
Rock Hill Hardware
Johnny Porter as Porter's is being torn down
Stevens Sandwich Shop and the Trade Street entrance to Pennys
Trade Street - Watkins Hot Dogs and OK Pawn Shop
49 Star flags being printed at the Bleachery - 1959
Shift change at the Bleachery - c 1960
Main Street - early 50's
RC Cola Plant - West Main
Neely Motor Company - Oakland Avenue
Childrens Nature Museum - Mr Settelmeyer behind counter
RHHS Faculty 1932 - Miss Gill second row in polka dots
Roch Hill Drive In - I am told that it was located near E Wtite and the Chester Hwy
Home Supply Company - c 1952
OUR HERO - Fred Kirby - makes me want to sing the first verse of "Big Rock Candy Mountain"
Family Bootery - Caldwell Street - 1952 - Get your Easter Biddie here
Sherer's - North Avenue
West Main Street
The Good Shoppe - 1943
Western Auto - Main Street - 1952
Parking lot behind Caldwell Street stores - White Street to left
Goat Island - early 70's - taken from Island View Boat Landing
Municipal Stadium - c 1950 - football stands in foreground - baseball stands in rear
The Original Barn - mid 70's