In Memory


deceased January 5, 2017

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01/08/17 08:39 PM #1    

Jennifer Bowers (Castro)

So sorry to hear of your passing.  I remember in school that you had a great smile.  Hope that you have your smile back.  God be with you.

Jennifer Castro (Bowers)


01/09/17 08:54 AM #2    

Floyd Benfield

Donnie was a good friend in school, and a good man in Life! He was in the wedding Party when Carolyn and I were Married! Rest In Peace Old Friend!!



01/09/17 01:07 PM #3    

Anne Bagley (Elliott)

Donnie and I grew up in the Youth Group at Covenant Pres. church.

He was always the prankster. I know he is with Jesus.


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